The following items are known issues in LabVIEW NXG 1.0.0 sorted by Category.
ID | Known Issue | |||||
Controls and Indicators | ||||||
482816 Return | Selection in Array of Clusters of Arrays constant loses focus. Selecting an array inside a cluster inside another array loses focus when hovering over another element of the top array. This makes it difficult to edit the items in the inner-most array. Workaround: N/A
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563564 Return | Graphs do not have a fixed x-axis format. The minimum value of the x-axis on a graph will correspond with the earliest t0 among the plots of that graph. If the earliest t0 among plots is changed, then the minimum value of the x-axis will change as well. The first point of this plot will always start on the y-axis.This behavior affects both relative and absolute time formats, but is more apparent for relative time. Workaround: N/A
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609923 Return | It is possible to add a Data Grid to an array or a cluster, but this is not a supported configuration. Using type definitions it is possible to add a Data Grid to an array or a cluster, but this is not a supported configuration and may cause the environment to crash. Workaround: N/A
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619009 Return | In some cases, clusters may appear differently sized at runtime as they do at edit time. Clusters with dimensions of 10 will appear to change size at runtime as compared with the size at edit time. Workaround: Change the size of the cluster to be greater than 10.
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620589 Return | Timestamp control doesn't apply changes to the year value if you don't also choose a month. When setting the value for a timestamp control, you can specify the month and year. Changing the year will not take effect unless the month is also changed. Workaround: Always choose a month when setting the date of a Timestamp control.
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625929 Return | Choosing "Not a Path" as the default for a path control/indicator displays "Enter a Path" inside the Default field. Choosing "Not a Path" as the default for a path control/indicator displays "Enter a Path" instead of "Not a Path" inside the Default field. The path will still use the "Not a Path" value as its default value when this setting is chosen. Workaround: N/A
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629514 Return | Complex numbers do not allow some valid inputs. In some cases, especially when using exponential notation, valid inputs for complex numbers (i.e, "1E+50 + 1E+60i") will be rejected and the control/constant will revert to the original value. Workaround: Use the Real and Imaginary to Complex primitive to create your complex representation in an indicator. Then, right click the indicator and change it to a control/constant.
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630075 Return | IO constants cannot be resized when contained within a cluster connected to a G Type. IO constants can be resized manually when contained within a cluster constant. However, IO constants cannot be resized once the containing cluster is connected to a G Type. The IO control in the G Type can be resized but this change is not reflected in any connected constants. Workaround: Disconnect the cluster from the G Type, resize the IO constant, and then reconnect to the G Type.
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632908 Return | The configuration rail is unresponsive to user input while the drop down menu is open for a DAQmx Task Control. Configuration options in the rail will not respond to mouse clicks while the drop down menu is opened for a DAQmx Task Control on the Panel. Instead these clicks will register on the panel causing it to scroll horizontally. Workaround: Close the drop down menu before configuring the DAQmx Task Control.
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634781 Return | Graph controls and indicators do not always display their data when viewed through remote desktop. When viewing a Panel from a remote desktop, the data on a graph control or indicator may not be visible. The graph or indicator will appear as thought it contains no data, although the data is still present. Workaround: Disable hardware graphics acceleration under Filer >> Preferences >> Editor Tab. The graph data should now be visible.
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643076 Return | Graph data may not render accurately on computers with custom display scaling. You can change the size of text and other items on the screen by changing the scaling settings. When scaling is greater than 100%, graph data is not always rendered correctly relative to the graph's scale. Workaround: Set the display scaling to 100% or lower. This issue is also fixed in the 1.0.1 patch.
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643331 Return | The environment may crash when switching between Panel and Diagram while running a VI with a Strip Chart. While running a VI that plots data to a Strip Chart indicator, switching between the Panel and Diagram views may crash the environment. Workaround: This issue is fixed in the 1.0.1 patch.
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Functions, VIs, and Express VIs | ||||||
632182 Return | If you create an array constant from a VI input, you can't immediately increase the number of rows or columns. When you create an array constant from a VI input, the newly constant is automatically selected. The Items tab includes settings for the number of rows and columns. However these values will not update to user input and the array will not resize. Workaround: Click anywhere else on the Diagram to remove focus from the array constant and then reselect the array constant. You can now change the number of rows and columns in the Items tab.
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Installation and Activation | ||||||
647800 Return | The environment will crash when attempting to reboot after installing a driver. You can install device drivers from NI Package Manager through the hardware viewer. The environment will remain open during installation. Afterwards, the installer will prompt you to reboot the system. The environment will then crash before the reboot occurs. You can save changes to your files before the crash, however you will have to reboot the computer yourself after the crash occurs. Workaround: N/A
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Menus | ||||||
643176 Return | The environment may crash when minimizing and maximizing the editor window while a workbook window is maximized. With a workbook open and maximized, you can minimize the editor window. Then attempting to restore the editor window will crash the environment. Workaround: This issue is fixed in the 1.0.1 patch.
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644397 Return | Workbooks do not restore maximized after minimizing the environment window with a maximized workbook open. A maximized workbook window will minimize when the environment window is minimized. Restoring the environment window will also restore the workbook window but not in the maximized view. Workaround: Maximize the workbook window manually after restoring the environment window.
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644635 Return | Clicking away from the text field when renaming a PCI device in the hardware explorer will crash the environment. You can rename a device in the hardware explorer. Clicking outside the text filed while renaming a PCI device will crash the environment. This is specific to PCI devices only. Workaround: Press Enter to confirm the change and prevent the crash. This issue is also fixed in the 1.0.1 patch.
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Miscellaneous | ||||||
584767 Return | Some UI elements in the environment may not display correctly using custom DPI settings. Some UI elements may display incompletely if using a custom Windows DPI setting of 125%, or similar. Workaround: Use default DPI settings.
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596295 Return | Measurement Panel created for an array of task constants does not propagate name. When a Measurement Panel is created from an empty task constant inside of an array, a new task will be generated for it and a name will be assigned. However, this name will not be automatically updated on the original task constant inside the array. Workaround: Manually rename the task constant.
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Upgrade - Migration | ||||||
584478 Return | Comparison mode setting is not preserved when converting LabVIEW comparison nodes with waveforms as inputs. When converting VIs which compare waveforms using the following nodes: IsGreater, IsGreaterOrEqual, IsLess and IsLessOrEqual, the Comparison Mode setting is not preserved. It will be set to the default value of "Compare Elements". If the original VI has "Compare Aggregates" set, the converted VI will have a broken wire output from the comparison node. This is because the data type of the output is not the same for the two modes. Workaround: Visit each comparison node with a broken wire and set the "Comparison Mode" to "Compare Aggregates".
Document last updated on 5/22/2017