Measurement Studio Visual C++ Support Known Issues


This document contains all known issues for Measurement Studio Visual C++ support. Known issues are performance issues or technical bugs that NI has acknowledged exist within this version of the product.


Not every issue known to NI appears on this list; it is intended to show the most severe and common issues that you may encounter and provide workarounds when possible. Other technical issues that you may encounter could occur through normal product use or system compatibility issues. You may find more information on these issues in NI’s Product Documentation, Knowledgebase, or Community.


Each known issue includes these fields:

  • Issue ID
  • Legacy ID - The issue's legacy ID from NI's deprecated bug reporting database (if applicable)
  • Issue Title
  • Problem Description
  • Workaround
  • Reported Version - the earliest version of LabWindows/CVI the issue was reported in
  • Resolved Version - version the issue was resolved or was no longer applicable
  • Date Added - the date the issue was added to the document (not the reported date)

Document Organization

The Known Issues Document is divided into two separate tables appearing in two separate Developer Zone documents. The known issues in this document are organized by the category of issue, and sorted by the date the issue was added to the document. To view the issues organized by date, visit the document linked below:

Known Issues by Date

Contacting NI

You can contact us through any of the normal support channels including phone, email, or the discussion forums. Visit the NI Website to contact us. If you are contacting NI in regards to a specific issue, be sure to reference the ID number given in the document to the NI representative.

Known Issues by Category

The following items are known issues in Measurement Studio Visual C++ Support sorted by Category.

133415The Analysis library calls the LoadLibrary function.
134358Disconnecting a Visual C++ Datasocket object sometimes results in a crash.
Hardware Libraries
33154 483FFE00The Parameter Assistant does not always show NI-VISA resources or NI-488.2 boards.
133318Measurement Studio controls might exhibit evaluation behavior.
257172If you have Measurement Studio 2010 and an earlier version installed on the same machine, Visual C++ code generation wizards might show a licensing dialog in the earlier version.
Product Documentation
119969The Document/View Architecture in Visual C++ Test and Measurement Applications topic link is broken.
133222 451EGFBKWindows Vista does not support use of help files with a .hlp file extension, including What's This? help.
133327In Visual C++, Measurement Studio user interface and 3D graph controls have What's This? help available, unless you are running Windows Vista.
133328In Visual C++, the What's This? help question mark is not always displayed.
133331Accessing the Help button in Visual C++ does not always show Measurement Studio help.
133386Measurement Studio Visual C++ properties that are defined by get and set methods do not show help in the Object Browser.
User Interface
116253Programmatically changing the background color of a CWNumEdit control that has hidden increment/decrement buttons does not change the background for the entire control until you redraw it.
116288Resizing the font of the CWNumEdit control causes the text to flicker before it updates.
133392In Visual C++, if you have Measurement Studio windowless controls and any windowed controls together on an MFC dialog box, tabbing through the dialog box skips all windowless controls.
133421Measurement Studio Visual C++ controls do not support being hosted in HTML dialogs.
133422The wrappers that Visual C++ generates for the Measurement Studio ActiveX controls are incomplete.
132143CNiNumEdit and CNiAxis error messages and documentation do not indicate that they support only absolute time and not time spans.
130937Dotted lines in ActiveX controls are printed as solid lines in some cases.
136196The gridlines (ticks) do not invert when the Inverted checkbox is selected on the Range tab of the CWGraph3D Properties dialog box.
129864ControlImage and ControlImageEx may not fill multiple annotations on the CWGraph correctly.
138093Changing the axis range on a CWGraph with few points causes skewed plot lines.
143046The clipping region of the CWGraph changed between Measurement Studio versions 8.1.2 and 8.5 to use the plot bounds instead of the graph bounds.
151406Setting the annotation style of a CWGraph to Range or Half Space causes the numbering to disappear for the X and Y axes.
247775Measurement Studio .NET controls do not work in the MFC CWinFormsControl control.
256349Zooming in multiple times on the ActiveX CWGraph can result in a hang in the application.
282772Plotting many data points that contain NaN values may result in broken plot lines on the CWGraph.
Utility Classes
182150The Visual C++ VectorMatrix streaming example displays errors when the "Save to Binary File" button is pressed.
182154The Visual C++ RegistryExplorer example may cause an access violation exception when trying to delete a registry key.
Visual Studio Integration
127067Measurement Studio Support for Visual Studio 2005 Visual C++ examples do not compile when upgraded to Visual Studio 2008.
133416If you have created a Visual C++ Console Application and are linking statically to MFC, you may encounter LNK2005 and LNK1169 errors.
156506The Microsoft C++ Add Variable wizard throws a script error when Internet Explorer 8 is installed.

IDKnown Issue

The Analysis library calls the LoadLibrary function.
Under most circumstances, it is unsafe to call LoadLibrary inside DllMain. Therefore, avoid calling any analysis functions inside DllMain.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 8  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 11/17/2008

Disconnecting a Visual C++ Datasocket object sometimes results in a crash.
This can happen if the Datasocket objects are wrapped in a class that exposes connect and disconnect methods. If multiple instances of these classes are instantiated, and then one of the objects is deleted before disconnecting all the Datasocket connections, the final call to Disconnect will crash.

Workaround: Disconnect all instances before deleting any of the objects

Reported Version: 8.5  Resolved Version: 8.6.1  Added: 03/10/2009
Hardware Libraries

The Parameter Assistant does not always show NI-VISA resources or NI-488.2 boards.
The Parameter Assistant does not show NI-VISA resources or NI-488.2 boards if only Measurement Studio Visual C++ support is installed.

Workaround: Install Measurement Studio .NET language support.

Reported Version: 8.1.1  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 11/17/2008

Measurement Studio controls might exhibit evaluation behavior.
If you have installed Measurement Studio 8.5 on a machine that has earlier versions of the Measurement Studio user interface and 3D graph controls and then uninstall Measurement Studio 8.5, the controls might exhibit evaluation software behavior for 30 days. Note: Applications that install earlier versions of the Measurement Studio user interface and 3D graph controls include ComponentWorks 2.0, Measurement Studio 1.0 and later, and LabVIEW 6i and later.

Workaround: Use the Measurement Studio ActiveX License Fixer Utility located on your CD in the ActiveX License Fixer Utility folder to fix this problem.

Reported Version: 6  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 11/17/2008

If you have Measurement Studio 2010 and an earlier version installed on the same machine, Visual C++ code generation wizards might show a licensing dialog in the earlier version.
Although the licensing dialog is shown, the code will still be generated if you contiue to evaluate Measurement Studio 2010.

Workaround: Activate Measurement Studio 2010.

Reported Version: 2010  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 12/03/2010
Product Documentation

The Document/View Architecture in Visual C++ Test and Measurement Applications topic link is broken.
Selecting the Document/View Architecture in Visual C++ Test and Measurement Applications topic in the Measurement Studio Help Table of Contents returns a page requesting a new info code.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 8.6  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 11/17/2008

Windows Vista does not support use of help files with a .hlp file extension, including What's This? help.

Workaround: If you want to view .hlp files, you must download and install the WinHlp.exe program from the Microsoft Download Center.

Reported Version: 8.1.1  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 11/17/2008

In Visual C++, Measurement Studio user interface and 3D graph controls have What's This? help available, unless you are running Windows Vista.
All code samples in the What's This? help are in Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 syntax.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 8.1.1  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 11/17/2008

In Visual C++, the What's This? help question mark is not always displayed.

Workaround: In Visual C++, the What's This? help question mark that usually appears at the top right corner of a property page is not displayed until you right click an item in the property pages for a Measurement Studio control and choose to view What's This? help.

Reported Version: 7  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 11/17/2008

Accessing the Help button in Visual C++ does not always show Measurement Studio help.
Measurement Studio Visual C++ user interface and 3D graph control property pages include a Help button. However, you cannot use the button to access the NI Measurement Studio Help.

Workaround: To access the NI Measurement Studio Help, click Start?All Programs?National Instruments?Measurement Studio?Measurement Studio Documentation, or from Visual Studio, select Help?Contents to view the Visual Studio table of contents, in which the NI Measurement Studio Help is listed.

Reported Version: 8.1.2  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 11/17/2008

Measurement Studio Visual C++ properties that are defined by get and set methods do not show help in the Object Browser.

Workaround: Refer to the NI Measurement Studio Help to view the help for these properties.

Reported Version: 7  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 11/17/2008
User Interface

Programmatically changing the background color of a CWNumEdit control that has hidden increment/decrement buttons does not change the background for the entire control until you redraw it.

Workaround: You can redraw the control by programmatically toggling the Enabled property of the CWNumEdit control after the background color has been updated.

Reported Version: 7  Resolved Version: 8.6.1  Added: 11/17/2008

Resizing the font of the CWNumEdit control causes the text to flicker before it updates.
When resizing the font of the CWNumEdit ActiveX control, the text flickers back to the default size momentarily and then updates. This behavior occurs in Visual C++ and Visual Basic 6 but does not occur in .NET.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 7  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 11/17/2008

In Visual C++, if you have Measurement Studio windowless controls and any windowed controls together on an MFC dialog box, tabbing through the dialog box skips all windowless controls.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 8  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 11/17/2008

Measurement Studio Visual C++ controls do not support being hosted in HTML dialogs.
HTML dialogs use the CDHtmlDialog base class.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 6.0 for VC.NET  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 11/17/2008

The wrappers that Visual C++ generates for the Measurement Studio ActiveX controls are incomplete.
Visual C++ generates wrappers only for the top-level objects in the controls. This causes some Visual C++ generated wrappers to produce compile errors.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 6  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 11/17/2008

CNiNumEdit and CNiAxis error messages and documentation do not indicate that they support only absolute time and not time spans.
CNiNumEdit and CNiAxis do not support time span values. Consequently, time values greater than "23:59:59"(hh:nn:ss) are invalid. Documentation and error messages do not describe this limitation.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 1  Resolved Version: 8.6.1  Added: 12/31/2008

Dotted lines in ActiveX controls are printed as solid lines in some cases.
GDI draws the dotted lines as solid if the width of the line is greater than 1. While printing a control, a metafile is created which normally involves scaling of the control and consequently scaling of the width of the line. This makes the width of the line greater than 1 and the print will have a solid line instead of a dotted line.

Workaround: There are two workaround options:
  • Set the line width to zero. When the line width is set to zero, the width of the line is 1 on screen and in metafiles.
  • Alternatively, you can create the metafile without scaling. To do this, provide the screen DPI as the parameter to the ControlImageEx method. Then, print without scaling by setting the print area to exactly or less than the size of the control.

Reported Version: 1  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 01/05/2009

The gridlines (ticks) do not invert when the Inverted checkbox is selected on the Range tab of the CWGraph3D Properties dialog box.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 8.6  Resolved Version: 8.6.1  Added: 03/06/2009

ControlImage and ControlImageEx may not fill multiple annotations on the CWGraph correctly.
The annontations will not be filled correctly if the fill color or line color does not change.

Workaround: Increase the line width to fill the annotation

Reported Version: 8  Resolved Version: 8.6.1  Added: 03/09/2009

Changing the axis range on a CWGraph with few points causes skewed plot lines.
Due to rounding errors, as points move further off screen, the plot lines become less accurate.

Workaround: Provide more points for your plot, or constrain the range of the graph in question.

Reported Version: 8.6  Resolved Version: 8.6.1  Added: 03/09/2009

The clipping region of the CWGraph changed between Measurement Studio versions 8.1.2 and 8.5 to use the plot bounds instead of the graph bounds.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 8.5  Resolved Version: 8.6.1  Added: 03/09/2009

Setting the annotation style of a CWGraph to Range or Half Space causes the numbering to disappear for the X and Y axes.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 8.5  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 03/09/2009

Measurement Studio .NET controls do not work in the MFC CWinFormsControl control.

Workaround: Host Measurement Studio .NET controls in a .NET UserControl, and then use the UserControl in the CWinFormsControl MFC control.

Reported Version: 2009  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 12/03/2010

Zooming in multiple times on the ActiveX CWGraph can result in a hang in the application.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 7.1  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 12/03/2010

Plotting many data points that contain NaN values may result in broken plot lines on the CWGraph.
The decimation algorithms in the CWGraph do not correctly account for NaN values. Decimation does not happen until there are more than approximately five times as many points as there are pixels in the width of the plot area.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 7.1  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 03/22/2011
Utility Classes

The Visual C++ VectorMatrix streaming example displays errors when the "Save to Binary File" button is pressed.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: Unknown  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 12/01/2009

The Visual C++ RegistryExplorer example may cause an access violation exception when trying to delete a registry key.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: Unknown  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 12/01/2009
Visual Studio Integration

Measurement Studio Support for Visual Studio 2005 Visual C++ examples do not compile when upgraded to Visual Studio 2008.
If you upgrade a Visual Studio 2005 VCNET example or to Visual Studio 2008 by opening the Visual Studio 2005 solution in Visual Studio 2008, the upgraded application will not compile. The application will not compile because National Instruments defines the minimum system requirement through the symbol _WIN32_WINNT, which is set to 0x0400 (WINNT). This value conflicts with the SDK 6.0 default value of _WIN32_IE, which is used by Visual Studio 2008 Visual C++.

Workaround: You should make the values of _WIN32_WINNT and _WIN32_IE compatible for usage with SDK 6.0. To do this, either increase the value of _WIN32_WINNT to 0x0500 (Win2k) or decrease the value of _WIN32_IE to a value <0x0601.

Reported Version: 8.6  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 11/17/2008

If you have created a Visual C++ Console Application and are linking statically to MFC, you may encounter LNK2005 and LNK1169 errors.
This problem happens when MFC static libraries and CRT static libraries link in the wrong order. To correct this problem, ensure that the #include <afx.h> statement is the first include statement in the generated stdafx.h header file. For more information, refer to Microsoft Knowledge Base Article 148652.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 7  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 11/17/2008

The Microsoft C++ Add Variable wizard throws a script error when Internet Explorer 8 is installed.
This is a bug that has been reported to Microsoft.

Workaround: Microsoft has now released a security update that fixes this issue. Information about the security update can be found here.

Reported Version: 8.0.1  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 04/01/2009

Document last updated on 8/25/2011

Glossary of Terms


  • Bug ID - When an issue is reported to NI, you may be given this ID or find it on  You may also find IDs posted by NI on the discussion forums or in KnowledgeBase articles.
  • Legacy ID – An older issue ID that refers to the same issue.  You may instead find this issue ID in older known issues documents.
  • Description - A few sentences which describe the problem. The brief description given does not necessarily describe the problem in full detail.
  • Workaround - Possible ways to work around the problem.
  • Reported Version - The earliest version in which the issue was reported.
  • Resolved Version - Version in which the issue was resolved or was no longer applicable. "N/A" indicates that the issue has not been resolved.
  • Date Added - The date the issue was added to the document (not the reported date).