Automotive HIL Course Overview

The Automotive HIL course will teach you to build, configure, and maintain HIL systems for component (subsystem) level HIL, and how to transition from this setup into system-level HIL. The course covers the major components of the HIL workflow, including system set-up, model and Custom Device integration, vehicle bus protocol fault insertion, residual bus simulation, use of Automotive toolkits, automated testing, debugging, and system management.

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Automotive HIL Course Outline


Introduction to HIL Test

Explore what HIL Systems are, how they are used in the industry and what NI can offer for HIL systems.

  • Product Development and Product Testing
  • What Is a Hardware-in-the-Loop Test?
  • NI Hardware and Software for HIL Testing
  • Exploring an Automotive Test System

How to Create a HIL System Based on Requirements

Explore how to put together a HIL system based on given / known requirements

  • Design Considerations and NI System HIL Overview
  • Grouping Signal Types​
  • Wiring​

Configuring System Setup in NI VeriStand​

Explore how to set up a HIL setup in NI VeriStand, as well as how to use the System Explorer and other NI VeriStand features.​

  • What Is NI VeriStand?​
  • Adding Your Hardware into System Explorer​
  • Configuring NI VeriStand for Acquisition/Generation​
  • Using xMove Configurator for NI VeriStand​

Models and Custom Devices in HIL​

Explore how to create models and custom devices in HIL and add them into VeriStand.

  • Exploring Models in HIL
  • Incorporating Models in NI VeriStand​
  • What Are VeriStand Custom Devices?​
  • Creating and Installing Custom Devices into VeriStand​

Communication Protocols in VeriStand​

Explore supported vehicle bus protocols in VeriStand, fault insertion of these vehicle bus protocols, and residual bus simulation.

  • Communication Protocols in Default VeriStand​
  • Residual Bus Simulation​
  • Load and Fault Insertion during Communication​

Communicating with Test Objects​

Explore NI's automotive toolkits and the functionality they provide, as well as dive into the methods of interacting with and protecting a DUT.

  • Automotive Toolkits​
  • Mapping Communication with a DUT​
  • Protecting Your DUT Using Alarms and Procedures​

System-Level HIL​

Explore how to move from component level/sub-system HIL to system-level HIL.​

  • Why the Need of System-Level HIL?​
  • Sub-system HIL vs. System-Level HIL on Hardware Level​
  • Sub-system HIL vs. System-Level HIL on Software Level​
  • Tips and Tricks​

Performing Autonomous Real Time Testing

Explore the available options for automating real-time sequences in the VeriStand and Python environments.

  • Performing Manual Tests​
  • Autonomous Testing in VeriStand​
  • Controlling VeriStand Sequences Using Python

Test Executives and Data Analysis

Explore the available options for automated testing using an NI HIL platform and how to automatically format and report data outputted from a test.

  • Interfacing with VeriStand through APIs​
  • Performing Automatic Data Analysis​
  • Generating Reports for Automatic Tests​

Debugging and Troubleshooting

Explore various debugging techniques in NI VeriStand.​

  • System Diagnostic Tools in NI VeriStand​
  • Benchmarking and Optimizing an HIL System​
  • Troubleshooting​
  • Various Debugging Techniques Commonly Used in NI VeriStand​

System Management Using SystemLink​

Explore NI SystemLink and why we use it to manage Automotive HIL systems.​

  • What Must We Manage in a HIL System?​
  • What Is NI SystemLink?​
  • Managing Systems Using SystemLink​
  • Running Tests with a HIL System in SystemLink​

Continue your learning path

Engineer learns LabVIEW on his computer. 


SLSC Fundamentals


This course prepares you to extend the configuration of your HIL system by exploring additional configurations such as bus simulation, custom devices and test automation.

NI instructor demos VeriStand


HIL Fundamentals Using VeriStand


This course reviews common automotive communication protocols and teaches students basic communication with Restbus using LabVIEW, C, and the custom device in VeriStand.

Engineer sets up tests in a lab.


Software Engineering for Test Applications


Build upon foundation by focusing on LabVIEW tools and industry practices that aid in the definition, management, design, development, validation, and deployment of a quality solution.

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