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32 AI (16-Bit, 1.25 MS/s), 4 AO (2.86 MS/s), 48 DIO USB Multifunction I/O Device—The USB‑6229 offers analog I/O, digital I/O, two 32‑bit counters/timers, and digital triggering. The device delivers low-cost, reliable DAQ capabilities in a wide range of applications from simple applications in laboratory automation, research, design verification/test, and manufacturing test. You can add sensor and high-voltage measurement capability to your device with SCC or SCXI signal conditioning modules. The included NI‑DAQmx driver and configuration utility simplifies configuration and measurements.
No longer available. Suggested replacement:
20-bit, 1MS/s/ch (32 AI, 4 AO, 16 DIO) mioDAQ, USB Multifunction I/O Device