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96-Channel, 5 V, TTL/CMOS, 24 mA, USB Digital I/O Device

The USB-6509 is an industrial, bus-powered USB device that can directly drive external digital devices such as solid-state relays (SSRs). You can configure each port for input or output, and no external power supply is required for outputs. Using programmable power-up states, you can configure the initial output states in software to ensure glitch-free, safe operations when connected to industrial actuators. If a computer or application fault occurs, the USB-6509 can use digital I/O watchdogs to switch to a configurable safe output state to ensure detection and safe recovery from fault conditions. Programmable input filters eliminate glitches/spikes and provide debouncing for digital switches/relays through a software-selectable digital filter.

Part Number(s): 780308-11 | 780308-12 | 779975-01 |

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