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Incorrect Permissions for Shared SystemLink Elixir based Services


Incorrect permissions in the installation directories for shared SystemLink Elixir based services may allow an authenticated user to potentially enable escalation of privilege via local access.  These vulnerabilities affect SystemLink Server 2023 Q3 and prior versions as well as other NI products that install one or more of these services.  Refer to the Affected Products section for a complete list.     


These vulnerabilities are identified as CVE-2024-1155 and CVE-2024-1156.


Mitigation Guidance

NI strongly recommends upgrading the affected software to mitigate this vulnerability. Refer to the Affected Products section to download the update. If upgrading is not possible, this issue may be mitigated using the following methods.  

Note: Some affected products do not install every service. 

Using the command line: 

  1. Copy the attached systemlink-restrict-file-access.bat script to a directory on the affected machine. 
  2. Run cmd.exe as an Administrator 
  3. Change to the directory containing systemlink-restrict-file-access.bat
  4. Run the command:  
    systemlink-restrict-file-access.bat <directory>  
    for each of the following directories, if present: 
    •  <Program Files>\National Instruments\Shared\Skyline\DocumentManager\elixir 
    • <Program Files>\National Instruments\Shared\Skyline\Message\elixir 
    • <Program Files>\National Instruments\Shared\Skyline\RabbitMQ\erl-<version> 
    • <Program Files>\National Instruments\Shared\Skyline\Security\elixir 
    • <Program Files>\National Instruments\Shared\Skyline\ServiceRegistry\elixir 
    • <Program Files>\National Instruments\Shared\Skyline\TagHistorian\elixir 
    • <ProgramData>\National Instruments\Skyline\RabbitMQ 

  Using Windows Explorer 

  1. Navigate to <Program Files>\National Instruments\Shared\Skyline\DocumentManager 
  2. Right-click on the folder "elixir” and select Properties.  
  3. In the Properties window, go to the Security tab 
  4. Click Advanced 
  5. Click Change Permissions.  
  6. Click Disable inheritance
  7. When prompted, choose Convert inherited permissions into explicit permissions on this object
  8. In the “Permission entries” list, select all instances of Users and Authenticated Users and click Remove on each. 
  9. Click the OK button 
  10. Repeat Steps 2-9 for each of the following folders, if present: 
    • <Program Files>\National Instruments\Shared\Skyline\Message\elixir 
    • <Program Files>\National Instruments\Shared\Skyline\RabbitMQ\erl-<version> 
    • <Program Files>\National Instruments\Shared\Skyline\Security\elixir 
    • <Program Files>\National Instruments\Shared\Skyline\ServiceRegistry\elixir 
    • <Program Files>\National Instruments\Shared\Skyline\TagHistorian\elixir 
    • <ProgramData>\National Instruments\Skyline\RabbitMQ 
  11. Reboot the server. 

Affected Products


CVSS Score

CVE-2024-1155– 7.8 - CVSS:3.1 AV:L/AC:L/PR:L/UI:N/S:U/C:H/I:H/A:H

CVE-2024-1156– 7.8 - CVSS:3.1 AV:L/AC:L/PR:L/UI:N/S:U/C:H/I:H/A:H

Further Information

At NI, we view the security of our products as an important part of our commitment to our customers.  Go to to stay informed and act upon security alerts and issues.


NI would like to thank 06fe5fd2bc53027c4a3b7e395af0b850e7b8a044 working with Trend Micro Zero Day Initiative for reporting this issue and working with us on coordinated disclosure.

Additional Resources

Product VersionMitigation
SystemLink Server 2023 Q3 and prior versions Upgrade to SystemLink Server version 2024 Q1 or later in NI Package Manager or from Software Downloads  
FlexLogger 2022 Q3 and priorIf SystemLink Server is installed:

Upgrade to SystemLink Server version 2024 Q1 or later in NI Package Manager or from Software Downloads  


If SystemLink Server is not installed:

Apply mitigations

G Web Development Software (All Editions) 2022 Q3 and prior
Static Test Software Suite 1.2 and prior
LabVIEW NXG 5.1 Web Module
LabVIEW NXG 5.1 Real-Time Module
LabVIEW NXG 5.1 Community Edition 
Data Record AD 2.0.1 and prior
STS Software Bundle 21.0 and prior 
Specification Compliance Manager 2023 Q4 and prior


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