An optimum excitation voltage is best determined by an experimental procedure. With no load applied, you should examine the zero point of the channel while excitation level is progressively raised. Once instability in the zero reading is observed, you should lower the excitation until stability returns. It is best to perform this experiment at the highest temperature over which you are taking measurements. Also, using larger gauges and higher resistance gauges -- 350 instead of 120 ohms -- decreases the power per unit area dissipated, and higher excitation voltage is possible.
Theoretical Strain Gauge Excitation Values
A good starting point for determine the optimal excitation voltage is to determine a rough theoretical limit. Calculations can be made according to the following formulas for recommended power-densite levels:
Power Dissipated in Grids (watts)
Power Density in Grids (watts per unit area)
= Gauge Resistance in ohms
= Grid Area (active gauge length x grid width)
= Bridge Voltage in volts for an equal-arm bridge arrangement, where the voltage across the active arm is half the bridge voltage.
When the grid area, gauge resistance, and grid power density are known, the bridge excitation is:
This value represents a general recommendation or starting point for determining optimum excitations levels for grid areas having constant power-density levels.
Instruments with Fixed Bridge Excitation
When the bridge voltage of an instrument is fixed at a value that is higher than recommended, several alternatives are available:
- Select a higher resistance gauge.
- Select a gauge with a larger grid area.
- Reduce the bridge voltage with an inactive series resistor.
The inactive resistor ( ) required to reduce the power density to the desired range can be determined from the following relationship:
Select the nearest precision resistor value ( ) higher than the calculated value ( ).
For actual strain values ( ), accounting for the actual value of the inserted inactive resistor ( ), all indicated strain readings ( ) must be multiplied by an attenuation factor, , where:
Stacked Rosette Gauges
These represent a special case, because the thermal path length is much greater from the upper grid to the substrate, and because the temperature rise of the lower grids adds directly to those above. For a three-element stacked rosette in which the three grids are completely superimposed, the top grid will have six times the temperature rise of a similar single gauge, if all grids receive the same input power. To keep the temperature rise of the top grid equal to that of a similar single gauge, the three rosette sections should each receive 1/6 of the power applied to the single gauge. This corresponds to a reduction factor of 2.5 for bridge excitation voltage, since power varies as the square of the applied voltage. For two-element stacked rosettes, the comparable de-rating factor is 3 for power, and 1.7 for bridge voltage.
Note: This discussion is based on rosettes of square grid geometry, where each grid covers essentially all of the grid(s) in the assembly. When substantial areas of the grids are not superimposed, the derating factors mentioned above will be somewhat conservative.