Archived: LabVIEW 2010 SP1 f4 Patch Details

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The 2010 SP1 f4 patch includes the fixes in the previous LabVIEW 2010 SP1 patches as well as the following three fixes. It is not recommended for all users. This is recommended for people running into an issue that these patches address.

276759Code in Statechart transition node causes error 1502 during VxWorks RTEXE build
281725TestStand utility VIs slow down the refreshing of controls.
312257Building certain applications can cause LabVIEW to hang.

Issues resolved by the LabVIEW 2010 SP1 f3 Patch:

303345Configuring the Limit Test Express VI may cause LabVIEW to hang when rescripting. This bug was reported by an internal product. It has not been reported by a customer.

For Information about LabVIEW 2010 SP1 f1 and f2 please see this document. 

Modified Files 

The LabVIEW 2010 SP1 f4 Patch will modify the following files or components:

  • <NI DIR>\LabVIEW 2010\LabVIEW.exe
  • LabVIEW Run-time Engine
  • <NI DIR>\LabVIEW 2010\resource\lvstring.rsc (only installs if on Japanese LabVIEW)

The LabVIEW 2010 SP1 f4 Patch will modify the timestamp of the following files.  It doesn't change anything else about the file. 

  • <NI DIR>\LabVIEW 2010\resource\errors\English\LabVIEW-errors.txt
  • <NI DIR>\LabVIEW 2010\resource\mesa.dll
  • <NI DIR>\LabVIEW 2010\resource\ni_nwstreams.dll
  • <NI DIR>\LabVIEW 2010\vi.lib\AppBuilder\AB_Classes\RESTful\
  • <NI DIR>\LabVIEW 2010\vi.lib\AppBuilder\Engine\
  • <NI DIR>\LabVIEW 2010\vi.lib\AppBuilder\Engine\RESTful INI Generator\RESTful Build INI