The following items are known issues in Switch Executive 2017 sorted by Severity.
ID | Known Issue | |||||
529703 Return | Windows sleep/standby/hibernate can interrupt operations These modes terminate any NI Switch Executive operation in progress. Notice that in Windows 7/Vista or on a laptop computer, the default power management settings are likely to enable sleep mode. Workaround: NI recommends that you disable Windows power management modes, such as sleep, standby, and hibernate, when using this product.
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529701 Return | Installing in silent mode from the command line When you run setup.exe to install the software, you are prompted to choose whether you want to always trust software from National Instruments. If you do not select this option, your installation may be interrupted by one or more Microsoft Windows security dialog boxes. However, if you run the installer in silent mode from the command line, you will not receive this prompt, and the installer will automatically install NI's Software Publisher Certificate to your Windows Trusted Publisher Store. Workaround: If you do not want to make this change to your Windows Trusted Publisher Store, do not install in silent mode from the command line.
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529700 Return | Hardwiring excluded channels/excluding hardwired channels NI Switch Executive uses channel exclusions to prevent connections between certain channels. If you associate excluded channels with the same hardwire or if you create an exclusion between two already hardwired channels, NI Switch Executive will not report an exclusion conflict. If your system is indeed wired in this manner, you have created an innate exclusion conflict electrically that NI Switch Executive cannot resolve. Workaround: To prevent innate exclusion conflicts, never wire excluded channels together.
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529699 Return | Making changes to NI Switch Executive virtual devices via the configuration API NI Switch Executive provides support for programmatic editing of NI Switch Executive virtual devices. However, if another process, such as Measurement & Automation Explorer (MAX), has opened the same NI Switch Executive virtual device configuration, the changes you make with the configuration API may not propagate to the other applications accessing the same virtual device. Workaround: To avoid any data inconsistency issues, do not access the virtual device while it is being modified in another process.
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529696 Return | Changing IVI configurations after creating an NI Switch Executive virtual device The IVI configuration of an IVI switch is read at the time that the switch is added to the NI Switch Executive virtual device. If changes are made to the IVI configuration, such as creating virtual channels, changing default setup to make some channels come up as source or configuration channels, or changing the topology, those changes are not automatically reflected in NI Switch Executive. Workaround: For NI Switch Executive to recognize the change, you must remove the IVI switch from the NI Switch Executive virtual device and then add it again. The preferred manner for modifying source and configuration channel attributes is by using the Channels/Exclusions tab of NI Switch Executive in Measurement & Automation Explorer (MAX). Using the Channels/Exclusions tab instead of altering the IVI configuration helps you avoid removing and adding an IVI switch to reflect your changes.
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529695 Return | NI Switch Executive & NI SCXI-1127 If you are using the NI SCXI-1127 in multiplexer mode configured under Traditional NI-DAQ Devices in MAX, there are a few anomalies exposed by NI Switch Executive. NOTE: These anomalies do not exist with the NI SCXI-1127 configured under NI-DAQmx Devices in MAX. If the NI SCXI-1127 is using a multiplexer topology, NI recommends configuring it under NI-DAQmx Devices in MAX. First, the NI SCXI-1127 supports different wire modes (1-, 2-, or 4-wire mode). Through NI Switch Executive, however, you may only use it with 2-wire channels. Second, the list of channels retrieved from the instrument driver includes all of the channel names as though it was configured as a 1-wire switch. As a result, half of the channels may appear valid in NI Switch Executive but actually are not. Consult the NI Switches Help for a list of valid 2-wire channels. Workaround: Use only 2-wire mode and refer to the NI Switches Help for appropriate channel names.
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529694 Return |
"DLL Not Found" - Microsoft Visual Basic Workaround 1: Close any other processes that are using nise.dll. This is most commonly MAX.
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529692 Return | Reverting to NI Switch Executive 1.0 after installing NI Switch Executive 2015 This downgrade is not recommended. Dependencies on subcomponents, such as the IVI Compliance Package (ICP), fail if you downgrade to 1.0. Workaround: If the downgrade to 1.0 is unavoidable, you must uninstall NI Switch Executive 2015 first and then uninstall the ICP. Refer to Uninstalling/Modifying NI Switch Executive in the NI Switch Executive Readme to uninstall NI Switch Executive 2015, and then complete the following steps to remove the ICP: 1. Select Start»Settings»Control Panel»Add/Remove Programs. 2. Select National Instruments Software and click Change. 3. Select IVI Compliance Package and click Uninstall. 4. Visit to download the IVI Foundation IVI Shared Component Cleanup Utility. 5. Run the IVI Foundation IVI Shared Component Cleanup Utility. NOTE: After uninstalling the ICP, IVI Shared Components remain on the system. To remove the remaining components, you must run the IVI Foundation IVI Shared Component Cleanup Utility mentioned in the steps above. These components are not uninstalled by Windows. NOTE: If the ICP was installed as a requirement for a distribution other than NI Switch Executive 2015, you cannot uninstall the ICP without uninstalling the dependent product. Once NI Switch Executive 2015 and the ICP have been removed, you can run the NI Switch Executive 1.0 installer. Be aware that 1.0 may not work properly with other NI products.