The following items are Bug Fixes in LabVIEW 2016 SoftMotion Module.
ID | Fixed Issue | Issue Details |
571557 | Ethernet Steppers Home Reference Move does not work | Commanding a Home Reference Move with Ethernet Stepper resources will not result in a move. The Express VI, function block, or method will complete without error, but the drive will not move the motor. |
572896 | Ethernet Steppers Axis Timeout is at least 20 seconds when drive is disconnected | If an Ethernet Stepper resource is offline or disconnected when a SoftMotion Express VI, function block, or property or method is called, the timeout is at least 20 seconds depending on operating system. The reference must be closed and reopened in order to reestablish connection to the resource once the timeout has occurred. |
579212 | Error -52007 can be generated when using multiple Ethernet Stepper resources with high CPU usage | When using multiple Ethernet Stepper resources combined with high CPU usage, SoftMotion may have lengthy delays in reading data from the axis or generate Error -52007 if a function call times out. |
584065 | Ethernet Steppers do not show accurate Velocity Feedback during Velocity moves | The velocity feedback data when using Ethernet Steppers does not show the correct velocity during velocity moves. During acceleration or deceleration, the velocity feedback shows the commanded value rather than the actual velocity. |
583650 | Error -70233 after RT target is booted to Configuration Mode | Booting an RT target into Configuration Mode can generate error -70233 when deploying LabVIEW projects containing SoftMotion axes bound to SoftMotion Drive Interface (SDI) Plug-in axes (third party EtherCAT drives). Certain parameters are set during the transition to Active Mode that must be present before loading certain SDI plug-ins. |
583435 | SoftMotion Drive Interface (SDI) Clear Faults is not compliant with DS402 | The Fault Reset bit in the control word of DS402 should be asserted until the fault has been cleared by the drive. The SDI framework asserted the Fault Reset bit after a Clear Faults command for one scan cycle. |
582377 | SDI Axes cannot perform Find Center Reference Move | Find Center reference moves are available in SoftMotion but not defined in DS402 for SDI plugin axes. Previous SoftMotion releases would not generate an error if this unsupported feature was commanded to an SDI plugin axis. |
581530 | SDI Axis supported Reference Move types are not Documented | SoftMotion References Moves support a subset of the homing moves defined by DS402. The supported moves were not listed in the SoftMotion Drive Interface Plug-in Template Documentation.html document. |
589639 | SoftMotion help documentation does not include Ethernet Steppers | Each SoftMotion axis type is described in the help documentation except for Ethernet Steppers. These documents can be found in the help file at SoftMotion Module > SoftMotion Module Concepts > Motion Resources > Using Axes in a Motion Project. |
561033 | Example Finder results for 951x Modules are misleading | The NI 951x Drive Interface Modules are primarily designed to be used in Scan Interface mode on CompactRIO. The LabVIEW Example Finder contained projects for using these modules in FPGA mode, which could mislead users. These projects have been removed from the Example Finder. |