This document contains the TestStand known issues that were discovered before and since the release of TestStand 2014. Not every issue known to NI will appear on this list; it is intended to only show the severe and more common issues that can be encountered.
The Known Issues Document is divided into two separate tables appearing in two separate Developer Zone documents. The following document displays the issues by date.
For those who wish to locate issues by their category, we have also published another version of the known issues table organized by the category of issue, and sorted by the date the issue was added to the document (not necessarily the date the issue was reported to NI). This table is recommended for use in helping determine if an issue has been reported to us, and is also recommended for users wanting to skim the document to learn of potential issues they may face with TestStand 2013 during development. If an issue has multiple categories, it will appear multiple times in this document.
TestStand 2014 Known Issues by Category
Feel free to contact NI regarding this document or issues in the document. If you are contacting NI in regards to a specific issue, be sure to reference the ID number given in the document to the NI representative. The ID number contains the current issue ID number as well as the legacy ID number (use the current ID number when contacting National Instruments). You can contact us through any of the normal support channels including phone, email, or the discussion forums. Also consider contacting us if you find a workaround for an issue that is not listed in the document so that we can add the workaround to the document.
The following items are known issues in TestStand 2014 sorted by Date.
ID | Known Issue | |||||
100053 Return | Enumerations with the same name as a constant show as an error The Edit VI Call dialog box highlights expressions as an error for variables that have the same name as an enumeration value. Workaround: Ignore error.
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100723 Return | Loading a type with a reference to itself causes a crash TestStand crashes when loading a file if TestStand resolves a type conflict in such a way that the type contains an instance of itself. Workaround: N/A
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102490 Return | Break on First Step incorrectly causes Step Into The Break on First Step debugging option in the Execute menu incorrectly performs a Step Into operation on the module that the first step in a hidden execution calls. Workaround: N/A
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104628 Return | Some dynamically defined toolbar items disappear on refresh If you drag a dynamically created submenu item to the TestStand toolbar, the item you added might disappear from the toolbar when you refresh the menu by pressing the <Ctrl> key. Workaround: N/A
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109366 Return | Calling a .NET module as an OnNewStep custom substep can error TestStand returns an error when calling an OnNewStep custom substep that calls a .NET WinForm that requires an STA thread. Workaround: N/A
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124968 Return | Error when running two instances of the Java example step type asynchronously Running the Java example step type in two executions can generate an error if the first execution that uses the step type completes after the second execution that uses the step type. Workaround: N/A
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127509 Return | Application Manager control might hang if TestStand is not licensed If you do not activate TestStand properly, the Application Manager control can hang after you call the Start method. Workaround: N/A
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127991 Return | Receiving UI events in a .NET class that is not created in the UI thread might cause errors Registering a .NET class to receive UI events from a TestStand UI Control, such as the Application Manager control, can cause unexpected re-entrancy issues when the .NET class is not created in the UI thread. Workaround: N/A
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35247 46REB4YL Return | Error when checking out a project file When you check out a project file, TestStand incorrectly attempts to check out files under the project file in the workspace that are not under source code control (SCC). TestStand returns an error if you do not exclude these files from the check out operation. Workaround: N/A
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41350 4D6GIVRA Return | Cannot edit Visual Basic .NET projects when a function contains an array parameter The .NET Adapter Edit Code option does not work for functions with array parameters in Visual Basic projects. Workaround: N/A
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42416 4ETBRHYL Return | Step Type Menu Editor dialog box displays an error and closes when dragging groups quickly with the mouse The Step Type Menu Editor dialog box returns an error and closes when you drag groups quickly with the mouse. The dialog box works correctly when you open it again. Workaround: N/A
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48357 3RFG3UM0 Return | Cannot browse to a VI if the VI filename includes multibyte characters The LabVIEW Adapter cannot browse to a VI in a LabVIEW library if the VI filename includes multibyte characters. Workaround: N/A
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49503 3ZCDRG77 Return | Cannot use LabVIEW RTE to load a VI without saving the library You cannot use the LabVIEW RTE to load a VI when you add the VI to the LabVIEW library without saving the library. Workaround: You must save the library first.
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50418 44CB5HGH Return | SequenceView and ListBar controls can leak memory The SequenceView and ListBar controls can leak memory when you quickly launch and dismiss the context menu multiple times. Workaround: N/A
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50421 44BDJQRA Return | VariablesView control can leak a Windows USER object The VariablesView control can leak a Windows USER object when you use the keyboard to change a Boolean value. Workaround: N/A
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50593 45KK5S00 Return | File dialog box can leak a USER object The TestStand File dialog box can leak a Windows USER object. Workaround: N/A
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50897 46PA3DMF Return | Help Topic menu item is disabled If a TestStand UI Control loses focus, the Help?Help Topic menu item is disabled in the TestStand LabVIEW User Interface. Workaround: If the Help?Help Topic menu item is disabled, click a TestStand UI Control to re-enable the menu item.
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50996 46Q8EUIA Return | IVI Fgen step might not store waveform data
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51040 4759DCB8 Return | Incorrect execution arrow position when interactively executing steps The execution arrow can appear in the wrong location after interactively executing steps if you previously suspended an execution on a step because of a watch breakpoint, post action breakpoint, or run-time error breakpoint. In addition, a run-time error can occur if you also set the next step to another step in a different step group and the step index of the step at which you originally suspended exceeds the number of steps in the new step group. Workaround: When this error occurs, you must restart TestStand.
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51176 478CHKRA Return | Error when selecting a Button image Visual Studio 2005 generates the error message "Parameter is not valid" when you attempt to select an icon file as the image for a TestStand User Interface Button control and the icon file contains only a 16-bit color image. Workaround: Set the icon image programmatically at run time or load an icon file that contains a 256-color image.
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51295 47891JJ6 Return | Property Object leak occurs when calling a remote sequence that errors When you enable the Report Object Leaks options in the Debug Options dialog box that you access from the Preferences tab of the Station Options dialog box, TestStand property objects leak if you call a remote sequence and a run-time error occurred because you passed extra parameters to the sequence. Workaround: N/A
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51301 47DDCJ77 Return | Variables pane incorrectly highlights an expression property in red The Variables pane incorrectly highlights an expression property in red when you select multiple steps and the expression contains references to variables in locals, parameters, or file globals. Workaround: Select each step individually.
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51321 47JBHTIA Return | MFC-based TestStand User Interfaces can crash when used with the Microsoft Team Foundation Server SCC provider TestStand User Interfaces based on the Microsoft Foundation Class (MFC) might crash when you use the Workspace Browser dialog box with the Microsoft Team Foundation Server SCC provider. Workaround: Programmatically install a different message filter. Contact NI Support for more information.
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51427 47TD3KB8 Return | Incorrect suspension point when stepping out of a client sequence file TestStand suspends an execution in a process model callback instead of suspending in the model entry point sequence when you step out of a client sequence file. Workaround: N/A
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51491 480JGC00 Return | LabVIEW user interface appears hung when Property Leak Report dialog box displays behind application The Debug Warnings dialog box is not modal and launches behind the LabVIEW Simple User Interface front panel when you exit the application and the process does not correctly release TestStand objects. Workaround: N/A
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52829 4CGDKAB8 Return | .NET user interfaces shut down without prompting to save The C# and Visual Basic .NET user interfaces shut down without prompting to save when Windows shuts down. Workaround: N/A
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96016 Return | Legend in the Sequence Hierarchy window is cut off TestStand might truncate the legend in the Sequence Hierarchy window when you save the hierarchy to disk. Workaround: N/A
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98173 Return | Using Step Out within Visual Studio might cause a warning When you perform a step over or step out operation from within Visual Studio for the first execution of a .NET debug session, Visual Studio launches a warning that no source code is available for the current location. Workaround: Click the Continue button.
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131253 Return | You cannot use variables with the same name as an expression constant in an expression If you use a variable with the same name as an expression constant in an expression, TestStand returns a syntax error when evaluating the expression. The following constants are reserved names:
Workaround: Use the GetVal API functions in an expression to interact with objects that have the same name as expression constants, such as in the function Locals.PIValue = ThisContext.AsPropertyObject.GetValNumber("Step.Result.PI",0).
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131559 Return | When a runtime error occurs in a step, the module is not unloaded from memory when you select the "Unload after step executes" option A runtime error in a step causes TestStand to skip the unloading of a module if you select the "Unload after step executes" unload option on the Run Options tab of the Step Properties dialog box, Run Options panel of the Properties panel on the Step Settings pane, or the General tab of the Sequence File Properties dialog box. Workaround: Use another unload option, such as "Unload after sequence executes", if you expect a step to return a runtime error.
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132872 Return | Property Loader step does not resize arrays when loading properties The Property Loader step can load arrays but does not resize the PropertyObject when doing so. If the array in the file is larger than the TestStand array PropertyObject, an error occurs. This issue affects the legacy Property Loader step type included in TestStand 2014 SP1 and earlier. It has been resolved in the redesigned Property Loader included with TestStand 2016. Workaround: Ensure that the TestStand PropertyObject into which the array is being loaded is large enough to accept the array in the file. You can resize the array in a pre-expression of the Property Loader step if necessary.
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135202 Return | TestStand returns the error "The TestStand service did not start up promptly" when you launch the sequence editor or a user interface When the TestStand Engine is created, the engine checks with the National Instruments TestStand Service to ensure that external environments such as LabVIEW, LabWindows/CVI, and Microsoft Visual Studio are properly updated. If the service is not available, TestStand returns the error "The TestStand service did not start up promptly." The TestStand Service is required for this external environment setup to allow non-administrator users to properly configure these environments. The TestStand Service can sometimes be delayed while launching because a previous service hangs when starting. For example, the Windows Workstation service might hang for a few minutes on startup when trying to reconnect to mapped network drives if the drives are not immediately available. This can cause the TestStand Service to be unable to start, and if a TestStand User Interface is launched before the service starts, TestStand returns this error. Workaround: Generally, you dismiss the error dialog box and continue to use TestStand normally, as long as you do not require the external environments to be configured. To remove the error, try to determine the offending service that is delaying the TestStand Service from starting, and see if you can correct the source of the slow start. You can also delay the launching of the offending service by marking the service as manual startup, and adding a command to the startup group to start the service after other services have been started.
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136507 Return | You cannot toggle the Show VI Front Panel When Called option when the Run VI on Remote Computer option is enabled When you enable the Run VI on Remote Computer option in the LabVIEW Advanced Settings window in the sequence editor or in the Advanced Settings dialog box in a user interface for a LabVIEW step, you cannot enable or disable the Show VI Front Panel When Called option on the LabVIEW Module tab in the sequence editor or in the Edit LabVIEW VI Call dialog box in a user interface, even though the Show VI Front Panel When Called option retains the value that was set previously. However, regardless of the display, the front panel of a VI never displays on the remote computer. Workaround: You can ignore the setting of the Show VI Front Panel When Called option because the front panel never displays on the remote computer.
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137446 Return | Double-clicking a Sequence Call step that calls a sequence in a new file does not scroll the Sequences pane if the new sequence file is not already open Double-clicking a correctly specified Sequence Call step opens the sequence being called and highlights the sequence on the Sequences pane. However, if the sequence file being called is not already open, the sequence is highlighted on the Sequences pane, but the Sequences pane does not scroll so that the selected sequence is visible. Workaround: Scroll the Sequences pane to view the selected sequence.
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139737 Return | Cannot create or edit code of a struct using the .NET Adapter You can use the .NET Adapter to call methods and properties of structs and classes. However, although you can use the .NET Adapter to create or edit code for a class, attempting to complete these operations for a struct results in an error. Workaround: N/A
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139956 Return | TestStand User Interfaces do not reload a process model if it is modified on disk while loaded into memory If the sequence editor or a user interface loads a process model into memory and the process model then changes on disk, the sequence editor or user interface does not automatically reload the process model. This issue occurs because loading a sequence file automatically loads the associated process model, and the process model can be modified on disk by a Source Code Control (SCC) system or by another TestStand process. Workaround: Select File?Unload All Modules or manually open the process model file from disk to force a reload of the process model.
ID | Known Issue | |||||
141627 Return | HTML, XML, and ATML reports do not preserve formatting when displaying string values that contain LF('\n'), CRLF('\r\n'), or whitespace characters Reports based on the HTML and XML stylesheet are transformed into HTML when displayed in the Report pane or in a browser. Whitespace characters, such as multiple spaces, and line breaks do not display in the report because XML parsers strip them out when displaying them displaying HTML. Workaround: You can manually convert line break characters to the string <br/> if you intend to generate an HTML report. You can similarly convert multiple whitespace characters into characters.
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141889 Return | LabVIEW User Interface in Editor Mode ignores the <Alt+Enter> shortcut to launch Step Properties dialog box The LabVIEW User Interface in Editor Mode lists the shortcut to launch the Step Properties dialog box as <Alt+Enter>. However, pressing this key combination does not launch the dialog box. Workaround: Use the <Ctrl+Shift+P> is the correct shortcut for launching the Step Properties dialog box in the LabVIEW User Interface in Editor Mode. Alternatively, you can double-click the step or right-click the step and select Step Properties from the context menu.
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141991 Return | TestStand Deployment Utility does not adequately document error codes -40 and -30 Error codes -40 and -30 can occur in the TestStand Deployment Utility when building additional NI installers into an installer. Refer to the National Instruments Web site at to contact National Instruments Support for more information after attempting the workarounds documented below. Workaround: If you receive the error "Error: Internal error. (Error code -40)" try removing or renaming the <National Instruments>\Shared\MDF\Manifests directory and repairing all installed NI software. If you receive the error "Error: Improper function call or command line argument. (Error code -30)" try deleting all cached installers in the <All Users>\Application Data\National Instruments\MDF\ProductCache directory.
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143996 Return | Ignoring unique step IDs with the TestStand Differ application does not ignore unique IDs in expressions The TestStand Differ application flags the differences of unique step IDs in expressions, such as post actions or pre-expressions, even if you enabled the Ignore Unique Step IDs option in the Differ window. Workaround: N/A
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144062 Return | Calling the Module.CreateCode or Step.CreateCode methods on a .NET step or module returns an error if the methods are called from a non-STA thread The Module.CreateCode and Step.CreateCode methods must be called from a Single Threaded Apartment (STA) thread if you are trying to create .NET code. If you do not call these methods from an STA thread, TestStand returns the following error: "Error -18500: An error occurred during Visual Studio automation: The message filter indicated that the application is busy." Workaround: Most development environments initialize a UI thread to be an STA thread, so calling these methods from the UI thread is usually safe. Otherwise, you must manually initialize a thread to be STA, and the procedure differs with each environment.
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148181 Return | Variables pane can become hidden or partially covered when you auto-hide it and then remove the auto-hide When you use the Large Screen Example sequence editor configuration and you have two Sequence File window tabs tiled and you auto-hide the Variables pane in one Sequence File window and then remove the auto-hide, the second Sequence File window cuts off part of the Variables pane. Workaround: Close the Sequence File window and reopen it to fix the display of the Variables pane. You can also reset the layout using Sequence Editor Options dialog box.
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149883 Return | Importing a property from a .xls file using a Property Loader step does not import the full property value if the cell contains a comma If a text cell in a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet has a value with a comma in it, the Property Loader step imports only the text after the last comma and not the full text of the cell. For example, if a cell contains the value 10,11,12,13, the Property Loader step imports only 13. This behavior occurs because the Property Loader step uses expressions to assign values, such as in Locals.myLocal = (10,11,12,13). However, the TestStand expression language uses commas to separate expressions within an expression, so numbers within the parentheses are considered a set of expressions separated by commas. When a series of expressions separated by commas exists within an expression, the result of evaluating the expression is the result obtained from evaluating the last expression. For example, if the last expression is the number 13, the value assigned to the property is 13. This issue affects the legacy Property Loader step type included in TestStand 2014 SP1 and earlier. It has been resolved in the redesigned Property Loader included with TestStand 2016. Workaround: Add quotes around the string to force the Property Loader step to consider the text as a string instead of a series of expressions. When you use the Property Loader step to import text properties, the step imports the text as a string automatically.
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152924 Return | Deploying files after moving a .tsd file and unchecking files for deployment might change the deployment destination directories or truncate filenames If you change the directory in which a deployment .tsd file resides and you unchecked files from being deployed after saving the .tsd file, the TestStand Deployment Utility might display truncated filenames after analyzing the files. When building, the TestStand Deployment Utility might also change the structure of the destination files, so that the structure is different compared to the structure that existed before you moved the .tsd file. Workaround: Keep the .tsd file in the same directory in which it was created or leave at least one file checked in the topmost directory to prevent the algorithm that determines the destination directory structure from returning a different result.
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153853 Return | Create VI button on the LabVIEW Module tab or the Edit LabVIEW VI Call dialog box does not create a VI in an LLB When specifying a LabVIEW code module, you can create a VI by clicking the Create VI button on the LabVIEW Module tab or the Edit LabVIEW VI Call dialog box. However, you cannot create a VI directly in an LLB, and attempting to do so returns the error '"newfilename" File not found in LLB, Please verify the correct file name was given.' Workaround: Create the VI outside of the LLB, resave the VI in the LLB using LabVIEW, and update the path to the VI in TestStand.
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155319 Return | PropertyObject leaks or hangs occur on a TestStand remote sequence execution server if a sequence file has a SequenceFileUnload callback Shutting down a TestStand User Interface that called sequences on a remote computer can cause PropertyObject leaks or hangs of the remote engine if a sequence file called remotely contains a SequenceFileUnload callback sequence. If the SequenceFileUnload callback sequence contains a dialog box and you do not dismiss the dialog box, neither the remote engine nor the client user interface exit. Workaround: N/A
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157130 Return | Verify Prototype option for the LabWindows/CVI and C/C++ DLL Adapters incorrectly includes the expression value in an array parameter prototype You can use the Verify Prototype option on the LabWindows/CVI and C/C++ DLL Module tabs to modify the prototype of a LabWindows/CVI or C/C++ function to match the parameter list you have specified. However, when creating an array parameter, the Verify Prototype option includes the size of the array, which is not necessary for a C/C++ parameter definition. This can lead to compile errors if you specify a non-constant array parameter size, such as using the GetNumElements() function. Workaround: Delete the incorrectly added text in the generated prototype.
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157583 Return | Undoing changes from the Update Automation Identifiers tool makes all steps in the selected sequence disappear If you undo changes from the Update Automation Identifiers tool, all steps in the selected sequence disappear from the Sequences pane. Workaround: Click on a different sequence and then return to the original sequence to make the steps reappear. You can also close and reload the file to workaround this issue.
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158838 Return | Microsoft Visual Studio always uses the help for the latest version of TestStand if more than one version of TestStand is installed If you install more than one version of TestStand on a computer that also has Microsoft Visual Studio installed, Visual Studio always uses the most recent version of the TestStand help, regardless of which version of TestStand is active. Workaround: N/A
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158938 Return | Cannot pass struct containing an array of structs into a DLL built with LabVIEW You can call a DLL built with LabVIEW using the C/C++ DLL Adapter in TestStand. However, for parameters that are structs containing an array of structs, TestStand does not allocate the memory properly, resulting in a TestStand Error: -17502 System Level Exception error. Workaround: You can pass arrays of numbers, arrays of strings, or individual clusters as parameters to a DLL built with LabVIEW.
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159453 Return | Loading a TestStand 2.0 sequence file that contains ActiveX Adapter steps results in an error after running a user interface in LabVIEW more than once Loading a TestStand 2.0 sequence file that contains steps configured to use the ActiveX Adapter can generate an "Unknown type name 'AutomationStep' " error after running a user interface in the LabVIEW development environment more than once. The error occurs because the TestStand Engine does not properly reregister required types to open the older sequence file. Workaround: Shut down LabVIEW before running the user interface and opening the older file.
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159809 Return | Import/Export Properties dialog box does not persist some settings When you close and then relaunch the Import/Export Properties dialog box, most settings are saved so you can easily export a limits file again. However, the Sequence option on the Properties tab does not persist correctly, which might cause an existing limits file to become invalid after exporting again. This issue affects the legacy Property Loader step type included in TestStand 2014 SP1 and earlier. It has been resolved in the redesigned Property Loader included with TestStand 2016. Workaround: Verify that the Sequence option on the Properties tab is correct every time you launch the Import/Export Properties dialog box before you export the settings.
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160210 Return | TestStand Deployment Utility might appear to hang when building if the LabVIEW Build Specifications dialog box is open As part of the build process, the TestStand Deployment Utility uses the LabVIEW application builder to create a source distribution of all VIs included in the distribution. If any build specification dialog box is open in the LabVIEW development environment, the Deployment Utility might appear to hang while the Build Status is "Processing VIs..." Workaround: Close the open build specification dialog box to allow the TestStand Deployment Utility to continue the build process.
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161523 Return | Arrays passed from LabVIEW to TestStand are transposed When a VI connector pane passes an array from LabVIEW to TestStand, the array is transposed. For example, a 2D array of four columns and five rows from a LabVIEW VI appears as an array of five rows and four columns when stored in a TestStand PropertyObject. Workaround: Pass the array back to LabVIEW, and the opposite transformation occurs to restore the original position of the elements.
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44060 4GQ7M6JO Return | Cannot specify an underlying data type when passing a variant parameter using the ActiveX/COM Adapter or API in expressions TestStand can call methods of an ActiveX Automation server with variant input parameters. However, some methods can fail if the underlying data type is not correct. The ActiveX/COM Adapter and API in expressions do not support specifying the underlying data type of variant parameters. When you use the ActiveX/COM Adapter to call a COM server method and pass a TestStand numeric value to an optional variant parameter, TestStand passes a variant of the VT_R8 data type to the COM server method. If the method expects a VT_I4 data type and the COM server does not handle the case of a different variant data type being passed in, you receive an error. Workaround: Create a wrapper VI or DLL that converts the variant data type appropriately and call the COM server method directly.
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167667 Return | Clicking Yes in the "Do you want to close all opened document windows?" dialog box after you close a workspace file prevents any open sequence files from reloading when you reopen the workspace The Reload Documents When Opening Workspace option on the Station Options Preferences tab loads the documents you had open when you last closed the workspace file. When you enable this option and you close the workspace file while sequence files are currently loaded, a dialog box prompts you to close all opened document windows. If you click Yes in this dialog box, all loaded sequence files close along with the workspace file. When you reopen the workspace file, the previously loaded sequence files do not reload. If you click No in the dialog box or if you exit TestStand, the previously loaded sequence files reload when you reopen the workspace file. Workaround: N/A
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172792 Return | Uninstalling a TestStand deployment leaves the TestStand Engine and other additional components on the system When you run a TestStand Deployment Utility installer that includes the TestStand Engine and other additional components, the installer adds two items to the Add/Remove Programs dialog box. The first item is the name of the TestStand system you defined when you configured the TestStand Deployment Utility. The second item is "National Instruments Software", which provides the functionality to modify, repair, or remove any installed National Instruments software, such as the TestStand Engine or other additional components that the TestStand Deployment Utility installer includes. Uninstalling the first item has no effect on the second item, thus leaving the TestStand Engine and other additional components installed on the computer. Workaround: After you uninstall the TestStand system using the Add/Remove Programs dialog box, select the "National Instruments Software" item and manually uninstall the TestStand Engine and additional components.
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182127 Return | The TestStand Deployment Utility assigns the same default destination directory for two files with the same filename and file hierarchy but located on different drives If a workspace contains two files with the same filename and file hierarchy on two separate drives (for example, C:\ and D:\), by default the TestStand Deployment Utility assigns the same destination directory for both files, which results in an "Error: The following files have conflicting destinations:" build error. Workaround: Manually modify the destination directory for one of the files.
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184366 Return | Clicking the Create Custom Data Type button on the LabVIEW Module tab for a cluster that contains unknown types results in an error When you click the Create Custom Data Type button on the LabVIEW Module tab to create a custom data type for a cluster that contains unknown types, such as 64-bit integers, TestStand returns the following error: "Bad object type passed Error Code: -17001, Program Error." Workaround: N/A
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185097 Return | Configuring a SequenceCall step to launch a new execution from within the SequenceFileLoad Engine Callback hangs the SequenceFileLoad execution when you load the sequence file If the SequenceFileLoad Engine Callback contains a SequenceCall step configured to launch a new execution, when you load the sequence file and the SequenceCall step executes, the SequenceFileLoad execution hangs until you manually terminate it. This behavior exists only when you load the sequence file. Running the SequenceFileLoad sequence manually executes properly. Workaround: Configure the SequenceCall step to launch a new thread instead of a new execution or use the TestStand API Engine.NewExecution method to programmatically launch a new execution.
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188059 Return | The LabVIEWModule.ExpressVIName property does not update to match the Express VI title when a different configuration changes the title When you browse to and select an Express VI to load, TestStand launches the Express VI configuration dialog box. Some Express VIs modify the title of the VI based on the current configuration settings. TestStand does not update the LabVIEWModule.ExpressVIName property to match the modified Express VI title once you configure the Express VI. Workaround: N/A
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188160 Return | Setting the HTBasic Working Directory option to "Subroutine file directory" on the HTBasic Module tab or in the HTBasic Adapter Configuration dialog box does not properly set the HTBasic working directory Selecting "Subroutine file directory" for the HTBasic Working Directory option on the HTBasic Module tab or in the HTBasic Adapter Configuration dialog box does not properly set the HTBasic working directory to the directory where the subroutine file of the step resides. Workaround: Select "Use specified directory" for the HTBasic Working Directory option and browse to the directory that contains the subroutine file of the step or use the MSI function in an HTBasic subroutine to change the HTBasic working directory from within the subroutine file.
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191976 Return | TestStand Deployment Utility does not properly update TestStand Deployment (TSD) file paths that contain user names when you move the files and a different user loads the TSD file If file paths of a TestStand Deployment (TSD) file, such as the Workspace File Path, contain a user name (User A's Desktop) and you move the files to a path that does not contain the user name (C:\), when a different user loads the TSD file, the TestStand Deployment Utility incorrectly updates the file paths to point to the previous path using the new user name (User B's Desktop) instead of pointing to the correct path (C:\). Workaround: Do not store the files in paths that contain user names, such as Desktop or My Documents. Alternatively, when you move the files from a path that contains user names to a path that does not contain user names, load the TSD file with the same user to correctly update the paths.
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192247 Return | When you enable On-The-Fly reporting and TestStand records a result after the MainSequence completes, the report shows the UUTStatus as "Running" When you enable On-The-Fly reporting, if the process model executes steps that are configured to record results, if the sequence calling the steps does not enable the Disable Result Recording for All Steps option, and if the steps execute after MainSequence completes executing, the report shows the final UUT Status as "Running". Workaround: Enable the Disable Result Recording for All Steps option of the Sequence Properties dialog box for any sequence or subsequence in a client sequence file that MainSequence does not call.
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192254 Return | Destination directories for files you do not select in the TestStand Deployment Utility may appear distorted when you convert TestStand Deployment files from an older version of TestStand to a newer version When you load a TestStand Deployment file that was saved in a previous version of TestStand into the TestStand Deployment Utility, the destination directories on the Distributed Files tab may appear distorted for files that you have not selected. Workaround: Select and then revert the selection for the file to update the Distributed Files tab with the correct destination directory but leave the file excluded from the deployment.
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198622 Return | TestStand shows the Report Tab after an execution completes for ASCII and HTML report formats even when you disable report generation If you select ASCII Text File or HTML Document as the Report Format in the Report Options dialog box and you enable the Disable Report Generation option, when you select Test UUTs or Single Pass from the menu bar, the Report tab becomes active at the end of the execution and includes the text "Report generation is disabled." This behavior does not exist for the XML Document or ATML Report Document report formats. Workaround: If you do not want to generate a report for an execution and do not want the Report tab to display at the completion of the execution, modify the Report Options dialog box to disable the Disable Report Generation option, change the Report Format to XML Document or ATML Report Document, and then enable the Disable Report Generation option again.
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199119 Return | Clicking a step icon deselects all other selected steps If you select multiple steps to move within a sequence or to move from one sequence to another sequence, clicking a step icon deselects all the other selected steps. This behavior does not occur if you click anywhere else in the highlighted region. Workaround: Hold or key when clicking, or click any part of the highlighted region other than a step icon to drag and drop a collection of steps.
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51939 49O5JI9Q Return | TestStand Sequence Editor seems to hang when launching the Customize Toolbar dialog box after changing the number of monitors in the system The Customize Toolbar dialog box is a modal dialog box. If you configured a system to use multiple monitors, opened the Customize Toolbar dialog box, then moved the dialog box to a secondary monitor screen before closing the dialog box, when you remove the additional monitor(s) from the system, the TestStand Sequence Editor appears to hang the next time the Customize Toolbar dialog box launches. This occurs because the Customize Toolbar dialog box tries to display on a monitor that no longer exists in the system. Workaround: If you experience this apparent hang, press the <Enter> key to close the modal Customize Toolbar dialog box. Configure the system to use multiple monitors, launch the Customize Toolbar dialog box, move the dialog box to the primary monitor, and then close the dialog box. If you remove the additional monitor(s) from the system, subsequent launches of the Customize Toolbar dialog box display the dialog box on the primary monitor.
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205554 Return | Microsoft Windows 7 Most Recently Used (MRU) list for pinned TestStand application includes all files opened with the Open File dialog box When you pin a TestStand application, such as the sequence editor or a user interface, to the Taskbar in Windows 7, the MRU list includes any files you opened with the Open File dialog box in the application. Workaround: N/A
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207535 Return | Using the RunEntryPoint command-line argument returns an error when the entry point you specify is defined in the process model associated with the sequence file but not in the station model Using the RunEntryPoint command-line argument returns an error when the entry point you specify is defined in the process model associated with the sequence file but not in the station model. Workaround: Change the station model to the process model that defines the entry point you want to use.
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216539 Return | Using the Property Loader step to import two or more step properties with the same name but different type or representation results in a type mistmatch error If a sequence contains 2 or more steps that contain a property with the same name but different type or representation and you use the Property Loader step to import the property, TestStand returns a type mismatch error because TestStand sets the expected type and representation of the property to the type and representation of the property found in the first step in the sequence. Note: This issue affects the legacy Property Loader step type included in TestStand 2014 SP1 and earlier. It has been resolved in the redesigned Property Loader included with TestStand 2016. Workaround: N/A
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232693 Return | Batch synchronization behaves incorrectly when you set a SequenceCall step and the steps within the subsequence to serial batch synchronization When you configure a SequenceCall step for serial batch synchronization and also configure the steps of the subsequence for serial batch synchronization, the execution behaves unexpectedly when the steps the subsequence calls include a For Loop. Workaround: Configure batch synchronization only for the SequenceCall step or only for the steps the subsequence calls. Do not configure batch synchronization for both.
ID | Known Issue | |||||
245655 Return | Cannot call VIs from LabVIEW packed project libraries when the full path of the VI is longer than the maximum path length When you configure TestStand to call a VI from a LabVIEW packed project library and the full path of the VI is longer than the maximum path length, TestStand does not find the file or reports that the VI is an unexpected type. Workaround: Ensure that the full path of the VI you call is shorter than the maximum path length.
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248968 Return | Watch View pane returns an error when you drag an object held by a reference onto the pane For an Object Reference called Ref that references a TestStand property called Foo, when you drag Foo to the Watch View pane, TestStand populates the watch expression with Ref.Foo and returns an error. Workaround: Drag the Object Reference into the Watch View pane and expand it to get to the property you want.
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250286 Return | devenv.exe process continues to run after you close Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 using the close (X) button Devenv.exe process continues to run after you close Visual Studio 2010 using the close (X) button if TestStand launched the application when you clicked the Step Into button on the Debug toolbar in the sequence editor. Workaround: Stop debugging before you close Visual Studio, select File>Exit to close Visual Studio, manually attach Visual Studio to TestStand before you perform the Step Into operation, or manually close the devenv.exe process using the Microsoft Windows Task Manager.
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250674 Return | Expression checking reports an error when you assign the return value of the PropertyObject.GetValVariant method to a 64-bit integer The TestStand Sequence Analyzer reports an error when you assign the return value of the PropertyObject.GetValVariant method to a 64-bit integer. However, the sequence executes successfully. Workaround: You can ignore this error.
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250700 Return | Message Popup step leaks memory when you enable Display Image or Web Page option The Message Popup step leaks memory when you enable the Display Image or Web Page option and the file is not a .ico or .bmp file. Workaround: N/A
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252650 Return | TestStand Deployment Utility does not update the workspace path if you save the deployment and workspace files to the desktop then move the files When you save workspace and deployment files on the desktop, move the files to a new location, and then load the deployment file in the TestStand Deployment Utility, the Workspace Path control expects the workspace file to be located in the Desktop directory. Workaround: Browse to the new workspace file location.
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254553 Return | TestStand might become unresponsive while LabVIEW launches a prompt to save a VI If you attempt to create or edit a VI from TestStand while the LabVIEW Development Environment launches a prompt to save a VI, TestStand might become unresponsive. Workaround: Close the LabVIEW dialog box to make TestStand responsive again.
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255602 Return | C/C++ DLL Adapter Create and Edit Code features return errors for functions that specify an array parameter The C/C++ DLL Adapter Create and Edit Code features return errors for functions that specify an array parameter. In the Create Code case, Visual Studio correctly launches and creates the new function, but TestStand is unable to find the function and returns an error. In the Edit Code case, TestStand returns an error. Workaround: You can ignore the error. In the Edit Code case, navigate to the function manually.
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255848 Return | You cannot paste additional results in user interfaces other than the TestStand Sequence Editor In the sequence editor, you can cut or copy an additional result and paste the result in the same step or in a different step. In a user interface, the AdditionalResults cut, copy, and delete context menu options work, but the paste option does not. Workaround: Manually create the additional result you were trying to paste.
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256758 Return | Using the keyboard to select multiple variables in the Variables View control does not work in the MFC, LabWindows/CVI, or LabVIEW UIs In the Microsoft Foundation Classes (MFC), LabWindows/CVI, or LabVIEW Editor UIs, you cannot select multiple variables by holding down the <Shift> key and using the up or down arrow keys on the keyboard. This issue does not exist in the .NET Editor UIs. Workaround: Use the mouse along with the <Shift> key to select multiple variables in the Variables View of the MFC, LabWindows/CVI, or LabVIEW Editor UIs.
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276342 Return | TestStand Deployment Utility fails when you build a Packed Project Library with source if a project with the same path is already in memory. The TestStand Deployment Utility incorrectly returns the following error: "Internal error code 1357 Processing VIs... Could not process LabVIEW VIs. Fix any broken VIs before rebuilding." when you build a Packed Project Library and include the source files when a project with the same path is already in memory. Workaround: Close LabVIEW to remove all projects from memory and build the deployment again.
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279822 Return | TestStand appears to hang when LabVIEW search dialog box does not come to front when browsing for a VI that is missing subVIs The LabVIEW search dialog box is not modal to a TestStand User Interface, so When you browse for a VI that is missing one or more subVIs, a maximized TestStand User Interface hides the LabVIEW search dialog box, and it appears that TestStand has hung and become unresponsive. Workaround: Minimize the TestStand User Interface window or make LabVIEW active to bring the LabVIEW search dialog box or open file dialog box to the front.
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298496 Return | Expression Browser dialog box elements do not display correctly if the font size is set to 150% DPI. If the font size of Windows 7 is set to 150% DPI, the Replace and Insert buttons, descriptions, and variable names on all tabs of the Expression Browser dialog box do not display correctly. Workaround: You can prevent this issue from occurring by using a non-Aero theme for Windows 7. If you are creating a custom user interface, you can also resolve this issue by making your user interface application DPI-Aware. You can learn more about making applications DPI-Aware on the Microsoft Developer Network site.
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301259 Return | TestStand 2010 SP1 Migration Utility does not support redirecting paths that exist within a string when the string is not a valid path The TestStand 2010 SP1 Migration Utility does not support redirecting paths that exist within a string when the string is not a full or valid path. For example, the migration utility does not redirect the path "C:\Program Files\National Instruments\TestStand 2010" in Connection String Expression of the Database Options dialog box. Workaround: N/A
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303631 Return | Attempting to build a TestStand User Interface in Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 might result in an error when you target the .NET Framework 2.0–3.5 Refer to the National Instruments KnowledgeBase article 5NK6NKXU, Why do I Receive an Error when Using Visual Studio 2010 to Build a TestStand User Interface?, located at, for more information about this issue. Workaround: Refer to the National Instruments KnowledgeBase article 5NK6NKXU, Why do I Receive an Error when Using Visual Studio 2010 to Build a TestStand User Interface?, located at, for information about workarounds for this issue.
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306233 Return | Disabling the Edit Module Prototype option for a step type might not restrict changes to the module of a step instance Disabling the Edit Module Prototype option on the Disable Properties tab of the Type Properties dialog box for a step type does not restrict you from making changes to the module of a step instance if you configured the step to use the LabVIEW, .NET, or ActiveX/COM Adapter. Workaround: N/A
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358354 Return | The offline results processing utility can crash if launched while another instance of the utility is closing If you launch the offline results processing utility while another instance of the utility is closing, the new instance of the utility might crash. Workaround: Launch the offline results processing utility again.
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360746 Return | A type conflict can occur when you save a sequence file after you change the station model A type conflict can occur when you save a sequence file after you complete the following steps.
In this case, TestStand returns an error similar to the following error: Failed to save sequence file '<sequenceFilePath>'. Type '<typeName>' is invalid because it conflicts with the existing type of that name. To avoid this error message, you should open the files with conflicting types in the Sequence Editor, resolve the conflicts and resave the updated files. Workaround: To prevent this behavior, save any new sequence files before changing the station model.
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361039 Return | Terminating a remote Call Executable step might cause a system-level error When you configure a Call Executable step to run the executable on a remote computer, terminating the step might cause the -17502; System Level Exception error. TestStand reports this error only when you configure the standard input, standard output, or standard error to non-default settings. Workaround: You can safely ignore this error, or you can prevent the error from displaying by configuring the Call Executable step to ignore run-time errors. To handle other errors encountered in the Call Executable step, add a step after the call to handle the error information if the execution is not terminating.
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206892 Return | Enabling the Log option in the VI Parameter Table does not function correctly for some LabVIEW data types If a LabVIEW code module specifies a parameter of data type digital waveform, digital data, or dynamic data, enabling the Log option in the VI Parameter Table does not log the parameter if you do not provide an argument in the Value column of the VI Parameter Table. Workaround: Ensure that any parameters for which you enable the Log option also specify an argument in the Value column.
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354252 Return | An error can occur when you simultaneously modify the invocations of multiple .NET code modules If you select two or more .NET steps that use the same assembly and class and you then modify the calls within the .NET Invocation control on the .NET Module tab, an error similar to the following error can occur: Array offset 2 is out of range; range is 0..1 Error Code: -17324, Array index out of bounds This error is more likely to occur if the invocations of the two selected steps specify a different number of calls. Workaround: Modify the invocations of .NET steps individually.
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354474 Return | Cannot drag and drop array elements when sorting is enabled on any column on the Variables pane Refer to the National Instruments KnowledgeBase article,, for more information about this issue. Workaround: N/A
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358127 Return | An error can occur when generating an On-The-Fly report when a sequence call uses a new thread and executes a post action The Error -17500: Operation Failed error can occur when you run a sequence in which all of the following conditions are true:
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224640 Return | A terminated subsequence called in a new execution has a Passed status. If you call a sequence and select the "Use New Execution" option on the Sequence Call Module tab, you can obtain the results of the called sequence by using a Wait step. However, if the called sequence execution is terminated, the Wait step reports the sequence result as Passed instead of Terminated. Workaround: Complete the following steps to collect the status of a sequence launched as a new execution:
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249171 Return | A warning can occur when you build a deployment that includes VIs that contain unsupported Microsoft Windows characters If a deployment contains VIs that use characters that are not valid for Microsoft Windows files, such as the slash (/) or question mark (?) character, and you enable the Output VIs to Packed Project Library option in the LabVIEW VI Options dialog box, the TestStand Deployment Utility returns a warning similar to the following warning when building the deployment: Warning: Cannot update VI Path: Step '<stepName>', sequence '<sequenceName>', sequence file '<sequenceFilePath>' If you install the deployment on a target computer, the step the warning references does not not execute. This issue occurs because the paths for VIs contained within a packed project library must use only valid Windows filename characters, which is not the case for VIs within LLBs or LabVIEW libraries. Workaround: Use only valid Windows filename characters when naming VIs and virtual folders.
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303452 Return | Logging reference parameters in a LabVIEW step can cause an error If you call a LabVIEW code module that meets all of the following conditions, TestStand returns the Type of argument expression is incompatible with parameter. Expected Number, found Object Reference. [Error Code: -17313, Could not accept the parameter passed in.] error when the step executes:
Workaround: Specify a value or disable logging for the parameters.
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312695 Return | The Tcl example step might return error -14004 when executed from TestStand Refer to the National Instruments KnowledgeBase article,, for more information about this error. Workaround: N/A
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314004 Return | You can cannot edit the struct and cluster passing setting after you set the data type as hidden If you set a container data type to be hidden using the PropFlags_Hidden or PropFlags_HiddenInTypes flags, you cannot edit the struct and cluster passing setting. This behavior only occurs if the struct and cluster passing setting is disabled before you set the data type as hidden. If the struct and cluster passing setting is enabled, you can continue to edit the setting even after you set the data type as hidden. Workaround: To change the struct and cluster passing setting of a hidden data type, unhide the data type, change the struct and cluster passing setting, and then rehide the data type.
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317729 Return | Changes to enumeration values in LabWindows/CVI code modules are not reflected in steps that call the code modules If you call a LabWindows/CVI code module that has an enumeration as an input parameter, TestStand displays the enumeration constant names in the Parameters Table. The step data stores the value this constant represents. If you make a change to the value associated with an enumeration constant in the code module, steps that use the enumeration do not reflect this change and continue to use the previous value for the enumeration constant. Workaround: Recreate any steps that use the enumeration after you make any changes to the values of enumeration constants you have already defined.
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345032 Return | TestStand cannot save a TestStand Sequence Analyzer project file if the file specifies the Hidden attribute in the Windows file system If you attempt to save an existing sequence analyzer project file, TestStand displays a access denied error if the file specifies the Hidden attribute in the Windows file system. Workaround: Ensure that the sequence analyzer project file does not specify the Hidden attribute in the Windows file system when you save the project file.
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347220 Return | Modifying properties within an ExpressionEdit control on the Module tab of the Step Settings pane for a LabVIEW Edit substep can cause TestStand to hang TestStand and LabVIEW hang when all of the following conditions are true:
Changing the value or creating a property by right-clicking the expression do not cause the hang. Workaround: If you encounter this hang, you must end the TestStand process and restart it to recover. To prevent the hang from occurring, ensure that the Module tab is not active on the Step Settings pane when you launch the Edit substep code module that contains an ExpressionEdit control by using the Substeps tab of the Step Type Properties dialog box to launch the substep.
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347941 Return | The offline results processing utility does not reload modified result processing plug-in files If you make changes to a result processing plug-in while the offline results processing utility is open and the utility loaded the plug-in before you made the change, the utility does not reload the new version of the file. Workaround: Close and reopen the offline results processing utility to load the most recent version of the plug-in.
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348612 Return | A warning can appear when you first launch TestStand after you use the TestStand Migration Utility After using the migration utility to migrate settings to a newer version of TestStand, TestStand might display the Toolbar data out of date in file: C:\Users\Username\AppData\Local\National Instruments\TestStand 2012\layout_current.bin error when you first launch TestStand. After you dismiss the warning, TestStand launches with the correct imported layout despite the warning. Workaround: To avoid this warning, deselect layout_current.bin when you use the migration utility. If you do encounter the warning, you can safely ignore it.
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348820 Return | The offline results processing utility can hang when you use a result processing plug-in that causes a run-time error If you use a result processing plug-in that causes a run-time error in the PreBatch callback with the offline results processing utility, the utility appears to hang with no indication that an error has occurred. Workaround: Process the TestStand result file (.tsr) directly from the TestStand Sequence Editor. TestStand displays the standard run-time error dialog box to help you debug the plug-in.
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51052 473EH1YL Return | You receive an error when you attempt to directly pass TestStand API objects to a sequence you call on a remote computer When you use a Sequence Call step to call a sequence on a remote computer and you specify an expression that contains TestStand API calls for the value of an object reference parameter, TestStand might display the -17308: Specified value does not have the expected type. error. Workaround: Create a local variable or other property to assign the TestStand API property you want to pass to the remote sequence and use this property in the Parameter Table of the remote Sequence Call step.
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202206 Return | Error -17500 occurs when you execute .NET code modules that deserialize types Workaround: N/A
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214265 Return | Launching the Resource Usage Profiler causes TestStand to crash if search directories reference another TestStand version If you configure the TestStand search directories such that the installation directory for another version of TestStand precedes the installation directory for the current TestStand version, selecting Tools»Profile Resource Usage causes TestStand to crash. Workaround: Avoid adding paths to other TestStand versions to the search directories.
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276637 Return | TestStand Deployment Utility returns a non-descriptive error when the LabVIEW Application Builder in unlicensed If you attempt to build a deployment with the Output VIs to a Packed Project Library option enabled in the LabVIEW Options dialog box, TestStand returns a non-descriptive error similar to the following: Internal error code 1327 Processing VIs... Could not process LabVIEW VIs. Fix any broken VIs before rebuilding. LabVIEW error: The LabVIEW Application Builder must be licensed to successfully build a deployment. Workaround: N/A
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327928 Return | TestStand does not update to display changes to MAX switch configuration TestStand does not automatically refresh the switch configuration when it is saved in another process, such as Measurement & Automation Explorer (MAX). The Switch Executive Virtual Device drop-down menu does not update unless you restart TestStand. Workaround: You can force the step to reload the configuration information by disabling and then re-enabling the Enable Switching option on the Switching panel of the Properties tab of the Step Settings pane.
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334946 Return | TestStand can hang when you use modal dialog boxes in a LabWindows/CVI or LabVIEW out-of-process code module Workaround: N/A
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366317 Return | Property Loader step incorrectly imports strings that contain commas when you use a comma delimiter If you attempt to import a string property using a Property Loader step or the Import/Export Properties dialog box in TestStand 2014 SP1 and earlier and the string contains a comma, the Property Loader step or Import/Export Properties dialog box incorrectly interprets the comma as the end of the string. This behavior occurs despite the comma being enclosed in quotes, and causes an evaluation error similar to the following: Error evaluating expression:RunState.InitialSelection.SelectedFile.Data.Seq["MainSequence"].Locals.Local = ("test") Unexpected token: test This error occurs only when you configure the Property Loader step to use a comma delimiter. This issue affects the legacy Property Loader step type included in TestStand 2014 SP1 and previous. It has been resolved in the redesigned Property Loader included with TestStand 2016. Workaround: Use the default tab delimiter.
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381096 Return | Additional results logging setting for parameters in LabWindows/CVI or C/C++ DLL steps update incorrectly when you change how the parameter is passed If you configure a parameter in a LabWindows/CVI or C/C++ DLL step to be passed by reference and then you enable the Log option in the Parameters Table, TestStand logs both the In and Out values of the parameter. You can configure the logging of the In and Out data independently on the Additional Results panel of the Properties tab of the Step Settings pane. If you later change the parameter settings such that it is passed by value, then execute the sequence, you will encounter an error similar to the following: Details: The following error occurred while logging additional result 'x [Out]': Array offset -1 is out of range; range is 0..0.. Error in parameter 1, 'x'. Error Code: -17324; Array index out of bounds. This error occurs because the the log setting for the "Out" value is still enabled, despite the fact that it is no longer a valid option. Workaround: To disable logging for the Out value and prevent the error, you must configure the parameter so it is passed by reference so that the Out logging option is available. After disabling the option, set the parameter back to being passed by value.
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413424 Return | On-the-fly HTML and ASCII reports generated with a result filtering expression contain unexpected duplicates of certain results. Unexpected duplicate results can appear in reports if all the following conditions are true:
In this case, TestStand replaces a result that you expect TestStand to filter with a duplicate entry of the previous unfiltered result. Workaround: Set the Select a Report Generator for Producing the Report Body option on the Contents tab of the Report Options dialog box to DLL.
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361491 Return | TestStand User Interface developed with LabVIEW Actor Framework hangs When creating a TestStand User Interface using the LabVIEW Actor Framework, LabVIEW 2012 and earlier might hang if actors that contain TestStand UI Control references are initialized while other actors are initializing. This issue does not occur with LabVIEW 2013 and later. Workaround: This issue has been resolved in LabVIEW 2013 and later. If it is not possible to upgrade, use synchronization to ensure that actors that contain TestStand UI Controls are not initialized while other actors are initializing.
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381042 Return | Processing Offline Result files on a separate machine can cause a "Drive Not Ready Error" error when generating reports configured to use client sequence file location The default results processing configuration the TestStand Offline Results Processing Utility uses specifies the client sequence file location as the report location. If an instance of the offline results processing utility on a different computer uses configuration, the sequence file path is likely no longer valid, and the Drive Not Ready Error error might occur. Workaround: Change the offline results processing configuration to use a valid directory to store report files.
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390139 Return | VIs in a LabVIEW project saved in the instr.lib directory fail to load when you configure the LabVIEW Adapter to use the LabVIEW Run-Time Engine Calling a VI code module returns a File Not Found error when all of the following conditions are true:
This error occurs because TestStand incorrectly generates the VI file path by replacing LabVIEW\ with TestStand\bin\. This issue does not occur on a deployment target computer because the TestStand Deployment Utility moves the dependencies to a different location that does not experience this issue. Workaround: Call the VI directly and do not specify a project path.
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390817 Return | Filtering results fails for certain steps when using on-the-fly database logging If you specify a result filtering expression that includes only Passed and Done results, Wait and Sequence Call steps with a Failed result are not filtered. This behavior occurs only when using on-the-fly database logging. Workaround: N/A
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397556 Return | Keyboard entry is ignored when editing a code module from User Interface run in LabVIEW When you use a TestStand User Interface run in LabVIEW and you click the Edit VI button on the Module tab to edit a VI code module, you cannot use the keyboard when editing the code module. You can successfully initiate the operation to Edit Vi when running the TestStand User Interface as an executable. Workaround: Open and edit the VI directly in LabVIEW. Do not use the Edit VI button to open the VI.
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400978 Return | Errors in a result processing plug-in can cause the TestStand Offline Results Processing Utility to hang When the TestStand Offline Results Processing Utility processes files, a hang can occur if a run-time error occurs in a result processing plug-in. Workaround: Use the TestStand Offline Results Processing Utility results configuration in the TestStand Sequence Editor to troubleshoot and fix the run-time error in the plug-in.
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402410 Return | Loading the module of a sequence call step using the API results in an error in certain cases If you configure a Sequence Call step to create a new execution and specify a model file, and you try to load the code module for the step using the Step.LoadModule, Sequence.LoadModules, or SequenceFile.LoadModules method with the LoadModule_LoadModulesInSubsequences option, TestStand attempts to load the specified entry point from the client sequence file instead of the process model, which results in an error. Workaround: You can prevent the error by creating a sequence in the client sequence file with the name of the entry point you want to call. You can obtain the correct sequence to load by giving this sequence a Sequence Call step that calls into the correct entry point.
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402888 Return | When you access a .NET property in a child class that overrides set or get, only the override is available If you use a .NET Adapter step to access a property that overrides the set or get definition of the property in a base class, only the overridden method is available. For example, if you are overriding the set method of a virtual int defined in a parent class, the get method will not be available in TestStand if the child class is specified. Workaround: Specify the parent class instead of the child class in the Root Class control on the .NET Module tab to access the object. The .NET Adapter still uses the override in this case.
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406396 Return | Additional Results setting is not respected for elements of arrays within a .NET adapter step If you enable the option in the Log column of the Parameters Table for one or more individual elements of an array, the Log option for the array itself does not update accordingly. As a result, the array elements do not appear in the Additional Results panel and TestStand does not log them. Workaround: Enable the option in the Log column for the array itself instead of the individual elements.
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408196 Return | Installing a TestStand deployment does not report an error in some cases when importing an unsupported IVI configuration If you attempt to install a deployment importing an IVI configuration that requires the NI-DAQmx or NI Switch Executive drivers, TestStand does not return an error even though the import will not succeed. TestStand does return an error when other required drivers are missing. Workaround: N/A
ID | Known Issue | |||||
409938 Return | ATML reports that use tr5_horizontal.xsl and tr6_horizontal stylesheet do not display icons correctly when report path contains Japanese characters When you execute a sequence file on a Japanese operating system and the report path contains Japanese characters, the ATML report stylesheet tr5_horizontal.xsl and tr6_horizontal cannot load the images for the expand/collapse button and the error icon. TestStand 2013 fixes this issue for all other stylesheets. Workaround: Click on expand/collapse button twice.
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410806 Return | Deployment does not include unused packed project libraries within a library when you enable the Include All Files in LabVIEW Project option. If you create a TestStand deployment that includes a LabVIEW library and the library contains a packed project library that is not a dependency of any files included in the deployment, the TestStand Deployment Utility does not include the packed project library even if you enable the Include All Files in LabVIEW Project option on the Distributed Files tab. Workaround: Add the packed project library to the workspace from which you are deploying.
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413438 Return | LabWindows/CVI Adapter does not recognize object array or void* parameter types with fixed array size If you load a LabWindows/CVI 2013 or later built DLL code module that uses object array or void* parameter types with fixed array size, TestStand returns a warning to indicate that the prototype of the function cannot be read. Workaround: Manually configure the prototype on the Module tab or change the prototype in the code module to avoid object array or void* parameter types with fixed array size to work around this issue.
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194456 Return | Attempting to debug .NET steps from a TestStand UI built with only native debugging results in vague error message If you are attempting to debug .NET code modules using the TestStand debugging features and you are using a TestStand User Interface built with native-only debugging (managed debugging disabled), TestStand returns the following vague error: The Step Into operation failed for the following reason: 'Win32 error: 0x8971001e' In this case, the code module executes correctly, but you cannot debug the code. Note: This is expected behavior. The error does not correctly indicate what is causing debugging to fail. Workaround: Ensure that mixed-mode debugging is enabled for any TestStand User Interface in which you need to debug .NET steps to work around this issue.
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414373 Return | ActiveX objects passed within a LabVIEW class are invalid after passing through TestStand If you store an ActiveX object reference in a LabVIEW class, then pass the class reference through TestStand to another code module, the ActiveX reference becomes invalid. The behavior does not occur if you use a cluster instead of a class or if you call the same VIs in a series in LabVIEW. Using accessors instead of directly accessing the reference does not affect the behavior. Workaround: Use a cluster to contain the ActiveX data instead of a LabVIEW class to work around this issue.
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425398 Return | "TestStand is currently configured to use LabVIEW Development Environment" error message will appear when configuring settings for a Property Node Call while multiple versions of LabVIEW are open Attempting to configure settings for a LabVIEW Property Node Call step will generate the error "TestStand is currently configured to use LabVIEW Development Environment version x.x", where x.x is a version other than the active version. This error occurs when another version of LabVIEW is open in addition to active LabVIEW version. Workaround: Close all versions of LabVIEW other than active LabVIEW version before configuring LabVIEW Property Node Call steps.
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444028 Return | LabVIEW code modules that use an identical name for a control and an indicator may cause unexpected behavior when used in a LabVIEW step If you create a LabVIEW VI where a control and an indicator use the same name (for example, a control and an indicator both named "Numeric"), unexpected behavior may occur when you use that VI in a LabVIEW step. This behavior could include errors in the parameter list or a message stating that the parameter list does not match the VI prototype. In some cases, the behavior may change when you save and re-open the sequence file. Workaround: National Instruments recommends that you rename controls and indicators in the VI so that no duplicate names exist.
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445032 Return | Report generation errors may occur if Sequence Call steps are filtered out of an ATML Report with on-the-fly logging enabled When generating ATML reports with On-The-Fly logging enabled, specifying a result filtering expression that excludes Sequence Call steps will return an "Index Out of Range" error and prevent the report from generating properly. Workaround: Change the result filtering expression to include either all Sequence Call steps or all steps with a "Running" status. The following example shows this modification for the "Exclude Passed/Done" result filtering setting: Result.Status == "Passed" || Result.Status == "Done" || Result.Status == "Running"
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425989 Return | File Diff/Merge Utility may report conflicts when subproperties are edited in one file and deleted in another If you use the File Diff/Merge Utility to compare two files, modify a subproperty in File 1, and delete the subproperty's parent property in File 2, the Merged File will display the parent property as deleted and report a conflict for the modified subproperty from File 1. You cannot directly right-click on the subproperty to resolve the conflict. Workaround: Use the right-click context menu options for the parent property to resolve the conflict.
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443554 Return | TestStand user interface control scrollbars may appear narrow or not display properly when font size is set to greater than 100% TestStand Sequence Editor and user interface control scrollbars may appear narrow or not display properly when when font size is set to greater than 100% on a high-DPI monitor. Workaround: Set font size to 100% or a value where scrollbar display is acceptable.
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460419 Return | Running Sequence Analyzer may result in prototype mismatch errors for string arguments in C/C++ DLL code modules Analyzing a sequence file with the Sequence Analyzer may result in a prototype mismatch error for certain C/C++ DLL call steps with a string argument. The issue is most likely to occur when the code module prototype specifies a buffer size for a string argument, such as char[256]. If TestStand has a different buffer size listed for the string parameter, such as a size of 1024, the mismatch error may occur. This issue can be resolved by clicking the red error icon, which updates the TestStand parameter settings to match those of the DLL function prototype. The TestStand 2013 process models contain steps that contain this prototype mismatch. Workaround: Click on the error icon to refresh the prototype for steps reporting the error. This action reloads the prototype and eliminates the error message.
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455368 Return | Offline Results Processing Utility may generate an error when processing results files from a test with looping on a Wait step configured to wait for a new thread The Offline Results Processing Utility may incorrectly interpret results in certain cases where step looping is used on a Wait step that is configured to wait for a new thread. This behavior can cause certain results files to fail during report generation. Workaround: Use one of the following approaches to work around this issue:
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466265 Return | Reports using the ATML Horizontal stylesheets might not properly display numeric data in a container that also contains an array of waveform data. Numeric data that exists in a container below an array of waveform data may not display properly in an ATML5 report generated with the Horizontal stylesheet. The numeric data is stored in the XML data in the file, but is not rendered correctly by the Horizontal stylesheet. Workaround: Reorganize data so that numeric data does not appear below an array of waveform data in a container.
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470101 Return | Clicking the Convert to Standard VI button on a LabVIEW Property Node Call step launches a dialog box that prompts you to select a VI from a LabVIEW project. When a LabVIEW Property Node Call step has a LabVIEW project specified, clicking the Convert to Standard VI button will launch a dialog that prompts you to select a VI from the specified project, rather than allow you to browse to a different directory or enter a name for the new VI. Workaround: Remove the LabVIEW project path from the step before converting the property node call to a standard VI.
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470651 Return | Attempting to perform a Step Into operation while paused at breakpoints in two threads will result in a Step Over operation being performed instead If you are paused at breakpoints in two threads and attempt to Step Into one of the threads, a Step Over operation will be performed instead. This issue occurs only when execution is paused at multiple breakpoints simultaneously. Workaround: Remove or disable breakpoints that could be encountered in threads other than the one you are currently debugging.
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469726 Return | Database Viewer user interface elements may not display properly when font size is set to greater than 100% When font size is set to greater than 100%, user interface items in the Database Viewer may appear to be truncated or otherwise not display properly. Workaround: Set font size to 100% or value where content displays properly.
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475204 Return | TestStand Deployment Utility (64-bit) may fail to launch on Windows 8. On Windows 8 or 8.1 machines, the TestStand Deployment Utility (64-bit) may fail to launch, displaying a message stating that the application has stopped working. This issue is more likely to occur if the TestStand Deployment Utility is run with administrator permissions. This issue is fixed by LabVIEW 2014 SP1. Workaround: Perform one of the following:
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477732 Return | Running a 64-bit user interface when the active version is TestStand 2013 or earlier, which do not support 64-bit, will result in an error or will fail to launch If the active version of TestStand does not include 64-bit support and is TestStand 2013 or earlier, launching a 64-bit user interface will result in either an error or the user interface failing to launch. Workaround: Set the active version of TestStand to the proper 64-bit version before launching a 64-bit user interface.
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477923 Return | Building the MFC user interface from source code in Microsoft Visual Studio 2013 may generate error MSB8031 stating that the project cannot be built for a non-Unicode character set Since the MFC user interfaces do not have the project multibyte character encoding setting set as "Unicode", they will not build properly in MIcrosoft Visual Studio 2013. Workaround: Microsoft has provided instructions to resolve this issue. Please follow the directions at this link.
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478648 Return | The Offiline Results Processing Utility will not maximize from the system tray while it is displaying a recurring error notification In some cases, the Offline Results Processing Utility might start display notifications in the system tray, such as when it is attempting to process a read-only file. If the utility is minimized to the system tray when these errors occur, you cannot maximize the utility by clicking its icon in the tray. Workaround: You can execute only one instance of the Offline Results Processing Utility at a time, so opening the utility again will maximize the current instance. You can launch the Offline Results Processing Utility either from the Start menu or from the Tools menu in the TestStand Sequence Editor.
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478681 Return | Stepping into a reentrant LabVIEW VI while debugging in TestStand may not allow you to return to the sequence to continue execution. If you step into a reentrant VI from TestStand during an execution, opening the block diagram of the VI in LabVIEW will cause the Return to Caller button to turn into a Run Continuously button and will not allow you to return to the TestStand execution. This issue is fixed in LabVIEW 2015. Workaround: Do not open the block diagram of reentrant VIs that you step into while debugging. If you do open the block diagram, you will need to abort the TestStand execution to exit the VI.
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478779 Return | An error may result when multiple threads access and save a LabVIEW class reference stored in a StationGlobal or shared FileGlobal variable When multiple threads access a LabVIEW class reference from a shared variable, such as a StationGlobal, and save the class reference back to the variable after a Class Member Call, an error may occur due to a race condition. This error occurs because the LabVIEW class reference may change during the Class Member Call, causing the previous class reference to be released. This outcome can result in other threads attempting to access a LabVIEW class reference that no longer exists. A -18001 error code is most commonly seen with this issue, but other error codes may also appear. Workaround: Use one of the following workarounds to resolve this issue:
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479757 Return | The 64// flag is ignored when accessing a synchronization object on a 32-bit operating system. When calling a synchronization object server on a 32-bit operating system, using the 64// flag to access the 64-bit synchronization object will instead return the 32-bit version of the synchronization object. Workaround: Do not use the 64// flag when accessing synchronization objects on a 32-bit operating system.
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479915 Return | The TestStand Deployment Utility may crash when deployment source files include a DLL without resources. A crash may occur when the TestStand Deployment Utility is processing source files and encounters a DLL that does not include resource files. This issue is fixed in LabVIEW 2014 SP1. Workaround: Ensure that all DLLs included in a project contain resource files. Note: TestStand 2014 implements a workaround that should prevent this issue from occurring.
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473957 Return | Uninstalling a TestStand deployment that was installed to the same directory as another TestStand deployment will result in an error when attempting to uninstall the other TestStand deployment. When two TestStand deployments are installed to the same directory on a machine, uninstalling one of these deployments will remove files necessary to uninstall the other TestStand deployment in the directory. Attempting to uninstall the second deployment will generate an error stating that the deployment may have already been uninstalled. Workaround: N/A
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479065 Return | The "Unable to load the XML Report. Expected end tag missing in report." message may return in the Report View control of a TestStand user interface when generating an ATML5 or ATML6 report with the Parallel process model. This issue occurs in limited cases and causes the report to not display in the Report View Control of the user interface. The report file saved to disk is not affected and does display properly. Workaround: Use one of the following workarounds to resolve this issue:
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480064 Return | Unhandled exception related to activating an invisible or disabled control may occur while running Visual Basic.NET full-featured user interface in debug mode. The exception in this instance has the -2147024809 code and will display the message "Invisible or disabled control cannot be activated". This issue occurs only with the Visual Basic.NET full-featured user interface and appears only when you run the user interface application in debug mode. Workaround: Complete the following steps to resolve this issue:
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468389 Return | TestStand Deployment Utility may generate incorrect relative paths when code module files are set to install to a separate base directory from the calling sequence file When you configure a code module to install to a separate base directory from its calling sequence file, the TestStand Deployment Utility may create a path relative to the base directory, even if that path is not included in the TestStand search directories. This action will lead to an error in the deployed system since TestStand is unable to find the code module file. Workaround: Complete the following steps:
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480759 Return | .NET ActiveX controls that hold TestStand references may result in a PropertyObject leak if containing form is not explicitly disposed. In some cases, a TestStand ActiveX control will hold a reference to a TestStand PropertyObject. For example, the ExpressionEdit control will hold a SequenceContext reference if its Context property is set. Because .NET does not automatically remove dialogs from memory, if a .NET dialog containing one of these ActiveX controls is used and is not explicitly disposed, a PropertyObject warning could appear when TestStand is shutting down. Workaround: Call .NET forms using the following method: using(MyFormClass myForm = new MyFormClass()) { myForm.ShowDialog(); { This code disposes the form once it has executed.
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473326 Return | The Drivers and Components dialog box incorrectly marks the TestStand Graph Control as required when you deselect the Graph Control on the Optional TestStand Features dialog box. In the TestStand Deployment Utility, the Drivers and Components dialog box incorrectly marks the TestStand Graph Control component as required when you select the Install TestStand Runtime on the Installer Options tab and you deselect the Graph Control on on the Optional TestStand Features dialog box. Workaround: N/A
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474540 Return | TestStand Deployment Utility does not correctly deploy shortcuts (.lnk files) If you include a file-shortcut (.lnk) file in a deployment, the TestStand Deployment Utility copies the file that the shortcut references rather than the shortcut itself. Workaround: N/A
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499109 Return | TestStand Deployment Utility may crash at startup on certain Windows 7 machines, especially when unusual input devices are present on the machine. In rare cases, the TestStand Deployment Utility may crash at launch, or when the user clicks on the user interface. This issue has been seen on Windows 7 machines, and is more likely to occur if the computer includes unusual input devices or unusual numbers of input devices, such as a touchscreens or multiple physical keyboards. Workaround: Contact National Instruments Support at if you are encountering this issue.
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498638 Return | Generating a large number of results for a single UUT with On-The-Fly reporting enabled may result in an out-of-memory error. When On-The-Fly reporting is enabled, a small amount of memory is retained for each test result until the UUT has completed testing. The magnitude of this memory leak is so small that it does not affect most test sequences, but if a test sequence generates a large number of results for a single UUT, an out-of-memory error could occur. The memory is properly released once the UUT has completed testing, so the issue is not present for tests which generate a smaller of results per UUT. Workaround: If you are generating a large number of test results per UUT, consider logging to a database or subdividing the test into multiple smaller executions to reduce the number of results being logged to a single report. If this is not possible, please contact National Instruments Support at
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518724 Return | TestStand Deployment Utility does not install TestExec.ini to the correct directory if custom directory is set to be the installation directory. The TestExec.ini file will not be written to the expected location if the Destination of the configuration directory is set to Installation Directory when the Advanced Installer Options in the Deployment Utility are configured to use a custom configuration directory Workaround: N/A
ID | Known Issue | |||||
523308 Return | TestStand will crash if the first step in a sequence uses the RunState.PreviousStep property in an expression which also contains the #NoValidation macro. This issue does not occur if either the RunState.PreviousStep property or the ##NoValidation macro are removed from the expression. Workaround: You can resolve this issue in one of two ways:
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523623 Return | Type mismatch error may occur when calling a LabVIEW VI which has a .NET Reference parameter N/A Workaround: This issue is resolved in LabVIEW 2015.
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524634 Return | The Readme document for TestStand 2014 32- and 64-bit did not list Windows Server 2012 R2 (64-bit) as a supported OS TestStand 2014 32- and 64-bit support Windows Server 2012 R2 (64-bit). Workaround: N/A
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528374 Return | TestStand Sequence Editor crashes when attempting to add a sequence file callback if a sequence in the sequence file has the PropFlags_NotDeletable flag set. This crash may also occur if the PropFlags_NotDeletable flag is set and a sequence file callback is removed from the sequence file. Workaround: To prevent this issue from occurring, remove the PropFlags_NotDeletable flag from all sequences in the sequence file before adding the sequence file callback.
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528835 Return | The Basic Step Time Report example model plugin will generate an error on machines where Microsoft Office 365 is installed. The error "Install Visual Basic for Applications and retry the operation" will occur when the Basic Step Time Report model plugin is executed on a system with Microsoft Office 365. Workaround: You can resolve this issue by removing the code which checks the install status of Visual Basic for Applications. Complete the following steps to disable this check:
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529404 Return | Errors 19049 and 19017 will occur during build if an absolute path is specified for the Default Installation Base Directory option on the Installer Options tab of the TestStand Deployment Utility Workaround: Use a relative path for the Default Installation Base Directory rather than an absolute path.
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530669 Return | XML tags in XML reports may be broken in final report file when On-The-Fly reporting is enabled. When generating an XML report with On-The-Fly reporting enabled, an XML tag may be broken in the report file saved to disk. This may cause problems when attempting to parse the XML report file programmatically, or when rendering the report in a browser using an XSL stylesheet. This issue does not occur with ATML reports and does not occur with XML reports in all cases. Workaround: Use one of the following workarounds:
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404607 Return | Visual Studio 2010 Shell generates the "Invalid license data. Reinstall is required" error when launching TestStand Sequence Editor. When launching the TestStand Sequence Editor or running the TestStand Version Selector, a Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Shell generates an "Invalid License Data. Reinstall is required" error. Workaround: The error does not indicate any error with the TestStand Sequence Editor. Close the dialog box and allow the sequence editor to finish launching.
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473106 Return | Converting a LabVIEW property node call into a regular VI call may cause the resulting VI to be broken. This issue most often occurs when you set the location of the new VI to be in a separate location from the test sequence or LabVIEW code modules, and occurs because the VI is unable to locate the LabVIEW class being referenced by the property node call. Workaround: When converting a property node call into a VI call, save the VI in the same location as other code modules in the test system.
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479705 Return | Executing a remote Sequence Call step multiple times to different remote computers will result in the Sequence Call being executed with the same remote host every time. This issue occurs when the same Sequence Call step with the Use Remote Computer execution option set is executed multiple times with different expressions for the Remote Host setting. The Sequence Call will always be executed on the remote host that was first used for execution. Workaround: You can prevent this issue from occurring by configuring the Sequence Call step's Load Option to Load dynamically, and the step's Unload Option to Unload after step executes.
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481932 Return | TestStand Update VI Calls tool claims FPGA VIs are broken and does not reload their prototypes. When you try to load a TestStand Step that references an FPGA VI and use the Update VI Calls tool, the Update VI Calls tool reports that the VI is broken and does not reload the reference. This VI loads correctly in TestStand and in LabVIEW. Workaround: Use the TestStand API call Module.LoadPrototype, or click the reload prototype button.
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482840 Return | The ListBox UIControl does not correctly refresh data when connected as an ExecutionList of Execution View Manager. When creating a TestStand UI using a TestStand ListBox that is connected to an ExecutionList of the Execution View Manager, the control does not always show the correct list of executions. This problem is more noticeable for user interfaces that use the batch process model. Workaround: Complete either of the following to work around this issue:
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484775 Return | -A -18002 type mismatch error may occur on a LabVIEW adapter step with parameters set to use a default value when the RunState.Execution.SetSequenceDefaultValues() TestStand API method is used in the execution. When a LabVIEW code module is dynamically loaded but not dynamically unloaded and the RunState.Execution.SetSequenceDefaultValues() method is used to set default values for the sequence, the -18002 error will occur if the parameters for the LabVIEW code module are configured to pass a default value to the code module. This issue usually occurs when restarting an execution after a previous execution completes. Workaround: Configure the LabVIEW adapter step to unload after the step executes. Additionally, you can prevent this issue from occurring by not restarting a completed execution.
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485698 Return | TestStand Sequence editor generates "Creating an instance of the COM component witch CLSID {B2794EF6-C0B6-11d)-939C-0020AF68E893} from the IClassFactory failed due to the following error: 80004005" upon startup. This error occurs when there is no PATH environment variable defined. Workaround: This error occurs because there is no PATH environment variable. In order resolve this behavior, create the PATH variable:
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486990 Return | Unable to Update Visual Studio .NET C+ Include Directories error will occur when running the TestStand Version Selector to make 64-bit TestStand active on a Windows 8 or 8.1 system. This error indicates that the Visual Studio include directories are not being properly configured for 64-bit TestStand. The source code provided with TestStand, such as for user interfaces, will not compile successfully when targeted for a 64-bit platform. Workaround: N/A
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488604 Return | The ExpressionEdit Control gives unexpected syntax highlighting upon disabling Word Wrap. Turning off Word Wrap for an ExpressionEdit control in the properties of the control at edit time in the ADE, or by right-clicking a control in the Sequence Editor, clicking Options, and unchecking the setting, will lead to incorrect syntax highlighting. This behavior is more frequent if the first line of the expression is a comment. In some cases, the sequence editor will crash when forming expressions in the control. Workaround: Enable word wrapping in in the control. Right click on the ExpressionEdit control and navigate to Options. In the expression Edition Options Window, enable the Word Wrap checkbox under the Other Options section.
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489186 Return | Code module template for Microsoft Visual Studio 2013 incorrectly uses the Visual Studio 2012 toolset instead of the Visual Studio 2013 toolset. As a result of this issue, the Visual Studio 2012 version of the C++ compiler and other components will be used in the Visual Studio project, which may result in undesired behavior. Additionally, if Visual Studio 2012 is not installed on the system, an error may occur when Visual Studio 2013 attempts to access the Visual Studio 2012 components. Workaround: Complete the following steps to configure the Visual Studio project to use the Visual Studio 2013 platform toolset:
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489283 Return | TestStand fails to retain Auto Hide settings between executions. Workaround: To return the docking to default behavior, reset the UI configuration by navigating to View»Reset UI Configuration.
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491296 Return | On-The-Fly ATML reports will not show the updated serial number if the serial number is changed after the PreUUT callback. When you are generating an ATML report with On-The-Fly reporting enabled, and you change the UUT serial number after the PreUUT callback, the serial number will not be updated in the report header. Workaround: N/A
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491868 Return | Month and date are logged in an incorrect order when system is set to a European locale and the Microsoft ACE-OLEDB 12.0 database provider is used. This issue only occurs if the current date of the month is less than or equal to 12, and only occurs on systems where the current locale specifies that dates are logged in a day/month/year format. When this issue occurs, a date such as February 7, 2015 would be logged as July 2, 2015 and appear as 2/7/2015 in the locale display format. Workaround: If you are using 32-bit TestStand, it is recommended to use the Microsoft Jet database provider rather than the Microsoft ACE-OLEDB provider. If you are using 64-bit TestStand with the Microsoft ACE-OLEDB provider on a system which uses a European locale, you can use the following expression for the database column which logs the date: Logging.StartDate.MonthDay < 13 ? Str(Logging.StartDate.Year) + "-" + Str(Logging.StartDate.MonthDay) + "-" + Str(Logging.StartDate.Month) + " " + Str(Logging.StartTime.Hours) + ":" + Str(Logging.StartTime.Minutes) + ":" + Str(Logging.StartTime.Seconds) : Str(Logging.StartDate.Year) + "-" + Str(Logging.StartDate.Month) + "-" + Str(Logging.StartDate.MonthDay) + " " + Str(Logging.StartTime.Hours) + ":" + Str(Logging.StartTime.Minutes) + ":" + Str(Logging.StartTime.Seconds)
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492320 Return | When editing parameter settings for a database schema, "The expression cannot be empty" error will occur if the Expression field is empty, even if the field is disabled. This error will appear when attempting to close the Database Options dialog. The error is valid in some cases, such as when configuring an input parameter for a stored procedure, but is not a correct error message in cases where the Expression field is grayed out. Workaround: Complete the following steps to resolve this issue:
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493148 Return | LabVIEW error messages are not correctly reported in 64-bit TestStand when performing a cross-bitness call to a 32-bit LabVIEW VI if LabVIEW 64-bit is not installed. When using TestStand 64-bit to perform an out-of-process VI call with the LabVIEW 32-bit Development System, if the VI returns an error, TestStand will instead show an error with the code -17003 and the message "LabVIEW version 14.0 is not installed". This issue only occurs if the LabVIEW 64-bit Development System or 64-bit Runtime is not installed on the machine. Workaround: Install the LabVIEW Runtime that matches the version and bitness of the version of TestStand being used.
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493571 Return | LabVIEW code modules with a NI VeriStand .NET type definition reference as a VI parameter will fail to load in TestStand when the LabVIEW Development System is active. This issue only occurs when using the Workspace Manager or Project reference from the NI VeriStand API. These references are .NET objects type definitions in LabVIEW. Workaround: There are two ways to prevent this issue from occurring:
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495135 Return | Analysis errors on source files added to a TestStand deployment can leave the Distributed Files tab of the TestStand Deployment Utility in a bad state. When source files in a TestStand deployment are analyzed and one of the source files contains an error the analysis process will abort immediately, leaving the Distributed Files tab of the TestStand Deployment Utility in a bad state. The list of files to be included may be incomplete. Additionally, if a workspace file is included in the deployment and the analysis error occurs before the workspace is processed, the Distributed Files tab may indicate that the workspace could not be located on disk. Workaround: Click on the Build Status tab to view analysis errors and relevant help documentation. Once these errors are resolved, the analysis should complete successfully and the Distributed Files tab will show the proper representation of files to be deployed.
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496024 Return | The SetValIDispatch and SetValInterface TestStand API methods exhibit slower performance on TestStand 2010 and newer when they are called with an STA object in an STA thread. Calling SetValIDispatch or SetValInterface from an STA thread with an STA COM object is slower than it was in versions of TestStand before TestStand 2010. Workaround: Call the functions from a multi-threaded apartment (MTA) thread instead of a single-threaded apartment (STA) thread.
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498737 Return | Using the <xsl:output method="xml"> statement in a report stylesheet to transform report XML into a custom XML format will cause the report to not display properly after execution. When displaying a report which uses a stylesheet with this statement in a TestStand ReportView control, such as in the Sequence Editor or a TestStand user interface, the report will not display properly. However, the report will appear properly when displayed in Internet Explorer. Workaround: There are two ways to resolve this issue:
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500787 Return | The "Error: -19048, Bitness Mismatch" error may occur when using 64-bit TestStand to build a patch for a deployment which does not include any user files. If the 64-bit TestStand Deployment Utility is used to create a deployment which contains installers such as the TestStand Runtime, but does not contain user files, creating a patch for that deployment will result in an error with the code -19048 and the message "Bitness Mismatch" when you attempt to build the patch deployment. Workaround: Include an empty directory in the initial full deployment build. This will cause the patch build to complete successfully.
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503654 Return | The LabVIEW 2013 Runtime will not appear in the Drivers and Components dialog on the Installer Options tab of the TestStand Deployment Utility. This issue affects both the LabVIEW 2013 and 2013 SP1 Runtimes. They will not appear in the list, even if the Runtime is installed on the machine. Workaround: Manually include the installer for the LabVIEW 2013 Runtime as part of your TestStand deployment, and use the Custom Commands dialog on the Installer Options tab of the Deployment Utility to configure the installer to run after the deployment has been installed.
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505871 Return | The Run VI Asynchronously step type has two separate tabs in the Step Settings pane for configuring VI call. The Step Settings pane for a Run VI Asynchronously step has two tabs, which are both titled Run VI Asynchronously. The second instance of this tab, which appears on the far right in the list of tabs, contains only a View VI button and is unnecessary as this functionality is provided in the first Run VI Asynchronously tab. Workaround: Disregard the Run VI Asynchronously tab which only contains the View VI button.
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505997 Return | Slow performance occurs when debugging executions with many watch expressions defined. Debugging performance when single-stepping through a sequence, or resuming after a breakpoint, may be negatively affected if many watch expressions are defined in the Watch pane of the Sequence Editor. Workaround: Remove unnecessary watch expressions from the Watch pane.
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506330 Return | An incorrect warning about using On-The-Fly logging with stored procedures or commands may appear when saving a database schema which does not use stored procedures or command statements. The dialog appears when the Database Options dialog is closed. It is known to occur when the Generic Insert (NI) schema is used with On-The-Fly logging enabled, and may also occur with custom schemas. Workaround: If stored procedures or command statements with the INSERT command are not used, the dialog can be safely ignored.
ID | Known Issue | |||||
508293 Return | Connecting to an ODBC data source with the Database Viewer may generate the error "The .NET framework data provider for OLEDB does not support the Microsoft OLE DB provider for ODBC drivers()MSDASQL). Use the .NET framework provider for ODBC." This issue occurs when you create a new data link in the Database Viewer and use the Build button to build a connection string based on an ODBC data source name. Because the resulting connection string does not specify a database driver to use, the Database Viewer uses OLE DB for the connection, which is not supported for ODBC connections. This issue only affects the Database Viewer and does not affect database logging during a TestStand execution. Workaround: A connection string of the form DSN=MyDSNName will work correctly for ODBC data sources in the Database Viewer.
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508726 Return | The Batch UUT dialog does not display UUT serial numbers if the serial numbers are set by programmatically modifying the UUT.SerialNumber property. The Batch UUT dialog provided by default with the Batch process model does not display serial numbers if the serial numbers are set programmatically in the Pre-Batch callback rather than entered into the dialog. Workaround: N/A
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509895 Return | A type conflict dialog box generates when a file is loaded which contains a modified version of CommonResults or NI_UserCustomPrivileges types. This issue occurs when the first file which uses one of the modified types is loaded, and occurs even if the Allow Automatic Type Resolution station option is set to Never. Workaround: Complete either of the following steps to workaround this issue:
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512812 Return | The SequenceFileLoad callback in process model may execute when a sequence file using that process model is analyzed with the Sequence Analyzer. When the Sequence Analyzer is used to analyze a sequence file, if the process model associated with that sequence file contains a SequenceFileLoad callback, that callback will be executed. This behavior only occurs if the NI_PrototypeCompatible or NI_SequencePrototypeMatch rules are enabled in the Sequence Analyzer. Workaround: Disable the NI_PrototypeCompatible and NI_SequencePrototypeMatch rules in the Sequence Analyzer project.
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512887 Return | TestStand Deployment Utility will report an incorrect version number in patch dependency options when baseline patch version is incremented. When creating a patch deployment, if the baseline patch version has been incremented from 1.1.0, the Depend on previous Full Deployment option will display an incorrect version number for the previous full deployment. This issue only affects the display of the label on the Mode tab of the Deployment Utility; the deployment log will display the correct version. Workaround: Save and reload the .TSD deployment configuration file to refresh the version number display on the Mode tab.
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513008 Return | Report stylesheets cannot locate image files when stylesheet is stored on a network drive. This issue affects the ATML and XML stylesheets provided with TestStand. These stylesheets use images for elements such as the expand and collapse buttons on the report. In cases where the report stylesheet is stored on a network drive, these images are not displayed properly because the stylesheet incorrectly interprets paths beginning with \\ as being relative paths. Workaround: There are two ways to prevent this issue from occurring:
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51517 47SGL33Q Return | Passing the FileGlobals PropertyObject as a parameter to a subsequence in the Batch process model will cause a PropertyObject leak warning dialog to appear when the TestStand Engine is shut down. This issue only occurs if the entire FileGlobals container is passed as a parameter into a subsequence, such as Single Pass -- Test Socket Entry Point. Workaround: Create a container within the FileGlobals container to hold the properties you wish to pass into the subsequence, and pass this container instead of the top-level FileGlobals container.
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516361 Return | Expression error will occur when attempting to store a System.Object[] return value from a .NET code module into an array of 64-bit integers in TestStand. When a .NET code module returns an array of 64-bit numbers as a System.Object[] data type, specifying a TestStand variable which is an array of 64-bit integers in the parameter expression for the return value will result in an expression error during sequence analysis. Workaround: It is safe to ignore this error. The data is stored correctly in the TestStand array when the sequence is executed.
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516461 Return | TestStand Database Viewer will not display the time portion of the date and time column. For columns in a database which display a time and date, such as the START_DATE_TIME column of the UUT_STATUS table in the default schemas, only the date is displayed in the column. This only affects the appearance of the column within the TestStand Database Viewer; the data logged to the database includes a timestamp and a date. Workaround: If you wish to see start times of tests, use an alternative database viewer application, such as an older version of the TestStand Database Viewer, or an application provided with your database management system like the Microsoft Access application for a Microsoft Access database.
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516815 Return | A .NET reference stored as a subproperty of a step will not be released when execution is complete. The reference is retained even if the Unload All Modules command is used, and prevents the corresponding .NET assembly from being rebuilt since the .NET assembly will not be unloaded from memory. Workaround: Any of the following approaches will prevent the issue from occurring:
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517857 Return | Steps which call LabVIEW VIs from a large LabVIEW project may load slowly when selected in the Steps pane if the VI prototype has changed. TestStand 2013 implemented a feature which optimizes the load time of LabVIEW VI prototypes when a LabVIEW adapter step is selected in the Steps pane. However, this optimization does not occur when the VI prototype has changed. This can result in slow load times for VI prototypes at edit time, especially for LabVIEW VIs which are part of a large LabVIEW project. Workaround: If you have made changes to VI prototypes, you can use the Update VI Calls tool on the Tools menu to update all VI prototypes in the sequence file. This will lessen loading delays when you are actively editing the sequence file.
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518290 Return | Launching the stand-alone Sequence Analyzer application will cause the SequenceFileLoad callback of the station process model to execute. This could cause unexpected behavior if the SequenceFileLoad callback fails or does not complete before sequence file analysis begins. Workaround: Remove the SequenceFileLoad callback from the station process model.
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519397 Return | Process model plugins and addons do not work if the Password Protection setting in the plugin or addon sequence file is set to Not Viewable. No errors are generated as a result of this setting, but when the sequence file is configured in this way the plugin or addon callbacks will not be executed. Workaround: Change the Password Protection for plugin and addon sequence files to a setting other than Not Viewable to work around this issue.
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519930 Return | IVI Power Supply step type does not call the IviDCPwr_ConfigureOutputRange function to set the voltage range when the Output Range Mode set to Use VoltageRange. When the IVI Power Supply step is configured with these settings, the IVI driver does not call the necessary function to set the voltage range on the power supply. Workaround: Use the LabVIEW IVI Class Driver VIs or the device driver directly to configure the output voltage range for the device.
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523488 Return | Error -18005: Failed to convert a TestStand type to a LabVIEW type or vice versa occurs when passing an empty Object Reference variable into a .NET Refnum parameter of a LabVIEW VI This error occurs when the LabVIEW adapter is configured to use the LabVIEW Runtime. If the LabVIEW Development System is being used, you may see Error -18002: A type mismatch error has occurred. The data type of one of the parameters passed to the VI does not match the data type that LabVIEW expects. Workaround: This issue is resolved in LabVIEW 2015.
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530980 Return | When creating a patch deployment, the Shortcuts button on the Distributed Files tab of the TestStand Deployment Utility is not disabled if the file selected is not included in the patch. N/A Workaround: N/A
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532671 Return | The LabVIEW module pane incorrectly generates a Prototype Invalid error message instead of a Broken VI error message when the step's LabVIEW VI is broken N/A Workaround: N/A
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533930 Return | If a LabVIEW Packed Project Library (PPL) used in a test sequence is not included for deployment, TestStand incorrectly modifies the VI Path to include the VI name twice. An example of this is, "path\Library.lvlibp\\". Workaround: You can include the PPL or use the Include without Processing Item or Dependencies option to work around this error.
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535022 Return | Editing a localized expression in the Variables View does not properly unlocalize the expression before storing the value back into the variable. For example, editing an expression in the Variables View that is localized to use commas as decimal points will lead lead to unexpected token errors when the commas are stored instead of periods. Workaround: Do not use the Variables View to edit expression values when using localized OS and TestStand settings, or turn off the localized decimal point option in OS or TestStand.
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535370 Return | The background color of Message Popup buttons cannot be changed. Although the button background color can be configured in the Step Settings pane for the Message Popup step, buttons will always appear with the default background color at runtime. Workaround: You can work around this issue by creating a code module to implement the Message Popup functionality with the custom colors you wish to use.
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536114 Return | TestStand Deployment Utility will not correctly build a packed project library when code module VIs contain dependencies between vi.lib, user.lib, and/or instr.lib. In cases where the TestStand Deployment Utility is configured to build VIs into a packed project library (PPL) and the deployed VIs contain dependencies between two or more of vi.lib, user.lib, and instr.lib, the PPL will fail to build with no generated error. This scenario is likely to occur when using NI-RFmx, as the NI-RFmx VIs contain dependencies between vi.lib and instr.lib, but can occur with any set of VIs with dependencies between the library directories. Workaround: If you encounter this issue and must use the packed project library build feature of the TestStand Deployment Utility in a version of TestStand prior to 2016, please contact National Instruments Support at for further assistance in working around the issue.
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389275 Return | C/C++ DLL and CVI Adapters report an error if a parameter in a struct has a name other than the name provided in the function prototype N/A Workaround: The error can be safely ignored, and the step will execute properly. Alternately, the error will not be reported if the parameter in TestStand has the same name as the name that appears in the function prototype.
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487177 Return | Error occurs when For Each step setting "Current Element of the Array Element Loop Variables" is set to a subproperty of a typed variable When you set the "Current Element of the Array Element Loop Variables" within a For Each loop with a subproperty of a Typed container, the For Each step results in Error -17321; Variable or property types do not match or are not compatible. Workaround: Create a temporary variable of the same type as the container subproperties and use an expression to assign the temporary variable to the container subproperty value that is desired.
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490195 Return | Error -17313 occurs when attempting to assign a LabVIEW Variant parameter to an array element When a LabVIEW code module passes a value back to TestStand as a Variant data type, Error -17313 will occur if this value is assigned to a specific index of an array variable. Workaround: You can assign the Variant output to a variable of the correct data type (for example, a Number variable) and then use a Post Expression or Statement step to assign the variable to the element of the array in which you wish to store the data.
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507397 Return | TestStand cannot find class definition in source files for VB.NET classes in Visual Studio If you have configured your .NET step to use a VB.NET project and source file, and try to click the Edit Code button, TestStand will throw the following error: "The class definition for '<NameOfClass>' cannot be found in the specified source file or project." even though the class is defined in your source file. Workaround: Navigate to the class definition manually.
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533354 Return | Error occurs when using the Start Modal Dialog and Stop Modal Dialog VIs multiple times within a single LabVIEW VI An Input Parameter is Invalid error will occur if you pass a TestStand Engine reference into a LabVIEW VI and use the Start Modal Dialog and Stop Modal Dialog VIs multiple times within the VI. Workaround: Modify the LabVIEW code module so that the Start Modal Dialog and Stop Modal Dialog VIs are called only one time within the code module.
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535475 Return | ATML reports will log only one entry from the UUT.Documentation container When the UUT.Documentation container is used to store documentation information for inclusion in an ATML report, the ATML report will contain only the last element in the Documentation container. Workaround: N/A
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541373 Return | File Differ may crash when deleting a property from one of the files being compared The File Differ application may crash if you delete a property in a file using the Editing Option»Delete This Property In This File function. Workaround: N/A
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544646 Return | Error -17313 or -18005 occurs when passing a .NET refnum constant in a cluster from newer versions of LabVIEW into TestStand If a LabVIEW VI with a cluster that contains a .NET refnum is passed into TestStand, then error -17313 or -18005 may occur. An example of this type of refnum would be when you create a constant from a .NET terminal in LabVIEW. Workaround: Construct the .NET object from a constructor node in LabVIEW, bundle it into a cluster, and pass that cluster out of LabVIEW.
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547957 Return | LabVIEW "key down?" event is not triggered when using the space or enter keys for TestStand ActiveX button controls LabVIEW UI event structures do not trigger a "key down?" or "key down" event on TestStand ActiveX Buttons, but other keystrokes do fire an event. Workaround: Use a LabVIEW button and bind it to TestStand functionality.
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549120 Return | Sequences may appear multiple times in Sequence File Hierarchy Viewer when called by multiple Sequence Call steps N/A Workaround: N/A
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549391 Return | Enum values do not appear properly in LabVIEW module parameters when a typedef LabVIEW Tab Control is used When you use a LabVIEW Tab Control that is a typedef, the Tab Control input parameter will be displayed as a Number type rather than an Enumeration type. This issue occurs only if the Tab Control has been turned into a typedef in LabVIEW. Workaround: N/A
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555104 Return | Error -18005 occurs when passing a LabVIEW "Not a Path" constant from TestStand into LabVIEW Passing a "Not a Path" constant from LabVIEW to TestStand and then passing that constant back from TestStand to LabVIEW in the LabVIEW RTE results in the following error: -18005; Failed to convert a TestStand type to a LabVIEW type or vice versa. Workaround: Use an empty string instead of the "Not a Path" constant.
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560492 Return | Error -19056 occurs in the TestStand Deployment Utility when you attempt to deploy a test sequence with a Call Executable step that does not call a file with the .exe extension This error will occur when the deployment source files are analyzed, and will cause the deployment build to fail. This error is most likely to occur when you use the Call Executable step type to execute a Windows command, such as net or xcopy, since these commands do not require the .exe extension when executed from the command line. Workaround: Add the .exe extension to the command or executable specified in the File Pathname field.
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564761 Return | Setup and Main step groups of a remotely called subsequence do not execute when the calling sequence is terminated When a sequence is terminated, the execution moves to the Cleanup step group and runs those steps. If a remote sequence call to a subsequence is made from the Cleanup step group of a calling sequence, and the calling sequence is terminated during execution, the subsequence will be called, but only its Cleanup step group will run. In contrast, if the subsequence is not called remotely, then all three of its step groups in a subsequence call will execute when the calling sequence is terminated. Workaround: Move the remote sequence call to a subsequence on the host and then call the local subsequence in a new execution.
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566260 Return | Reference memory leaks can occur when 'Same as caller' VI code module uses LabVIEW runtime and is called from a TestStand STA execution thread When the TestStand LabVIEW Adapter executes steps using the LabVIEW Runtime, the adapter executes 'Same as caller' VIs using multiple threads, instead of using the TestStand STA execution thread, which can result in reference memory leaks. Workaround: Pass error wires through the Property Nodes. This approach forces the VI to run these Property Nodes in the same thread (in this case the STA thread) as the calling TestStand thread. You can also resolve this issue by disabling the LabVIEW Adapter (Runtime Engine) "Execute 'Same as caller' VIs Using Multiple Threads" setting.
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566400 Return | LabVIEW VI absolute path check does not handle PPLs properly At load time, when the LabVIEW Adapter checks VI paths to make sure they are not pointing to two different copies of VIs with the same name, the code does not properly account for PPLs. If two steps reference a VI with the same name in the same PPL located in different places on disk, the first VI loaded should be used for both VI calls. However, because the function that checks the VI paths does not correctly handle PPLs, an error is generated. Workaround: Ensure that you only include and invoke one copy of the PPL in your test system. Alternatively, to prevent the error from occurring, you can manually load the PPL from the location on disk that you want to use. You can do this either by calling a dummy VI in the PPL or by using Open VI Reference in a user interface and then leaking the reference.
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571785 Return | Import/Export Properties dialog generates a null pointer exception if PLPropertyLoader.ini file is corrupted or from an old version of TestStand The PLPropertyLoader.ini file (<Cfg> directory, default settings for Import/Export Properties dialog) was modified in TestStand 2014 to use the tag PROPERTIES_SQL_STATEMENT instead of STATEMENT_SQL_STATEMENT. As a result of this change, if the <Cfg> directory contains an old version of this INI file, possibly as a result of migrating settings from another machine, a null pointer exception will be generated if you attempt to launch the Import/Export Properties dialog. Workaround: Delete or rename the PLPropertyLoader.ini file so that it can be re-created.
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579926 Return | Windows cannot find TestStandElevatedCommand.exe when you attempt to change the default source code control provider for the system When you try to change the default source code control provider for the system, you get the error "Windows cannot find 'C:\Program Files (x86)\National Instruments\TestStand 2014\Bin\TestStandElevatedCommand.exe'". Workaround: If you are trying to change the Source Code Control Provider setting for a workspace, you can first manually configure the station options by following these steps:
Second, you can manually edit the registry. TestStand looks at ProviderRegKey (refer to the Source Control Tab help topic for the location of this registry key ). This key should point to the desired source code control module. For example, the value of this key for Perforce SCM would be: SOFTWARE\Perforce\P4. If the entry does not exist, then create a new string value for ProviderRegKey. Finally, if you have another version of TestStand, you can copy TestStandElevatedCommand.exe from that Bin directory and place it in the TestStand 2014 Bin directory noted in the error.
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590467 Return | Clicking between different steps that reference VIs in the same packed project libaries (PPL) can cause the steps to take a long time to load When you are using a large PPL, the load time for the PPL can be significant. In TestStand, if the modules are set to load when execution starts, clicking between different steps that reference VIs in the same PPL will result in this long load time for each step. Workaround: In TestExec.ini, set _FlexGAdp_AllowFastLoading to False or set one of the steps that references the PPL to load when the sequence file is loaded.
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590688 Return | "This property is not supported in LabVIEW" error when using TestStand LabVIEW runtime server When you use the out-of-process TestStand LabVIEW runtime server (TestStandLVRTS shipped with TestStand) to execute VIs, if you do not enable the "Reserve VIs for Execution" option, the error "This property or method is not supported in LabVIEW" will appear when you execute the sequence. Workaround: Do not uncheck the "Reserve VIs for Execution" option.
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592773 Return | File Diff/Merge Utility may crash when viewing differences in an array property N/A Workaround: N/A
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540378 Return | Type Properties dialog box is re-sized and missing buttons when Sequence Editor is at the top of secondary monitor On a secondary monitor, that is configured in Control Panel to be higher than the main monitor, if the TestStand Sequence Editor is located in the top half of the monitor, parts of the Type Properties dialog box disappear. This issue occurs whether the monitor is in Landscape or Portrait mode. Workaround: In some cases, ensuring that the lower portion of the Sequence Editor window extends to the lower portion of the monitor or maximizing the Sequence Editor window resolves the issue. You can still access the missing buttons by tabbing over to them.
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589962 Return | Expand and Report stylesheets for ATML 5.00 and ATML 6.01 Standards Report Document can display subsequent step results as indices results If you configure the Looping section for a step without enabling the "Record Result of Each Iteration" option, an ATML 5.00 or 6.0.1 Standards Report Document that uses the Expand or Report stylesheets incorrectly displays the results for subsequent steps as the indices results for the looping step. Workaround: Enable the "Record Result of Each Iteration" option, or use the Horizontal style sheet instead.
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599924 Return | VIs with same name but different capitalization do not appear properly in Build Preview when "Output VIs to a Packed Project Library" is enabled If multiple VIs with the same name, but different capitalization, exist in a deployment, only one of those VIs will be displayed in the Build Preview if the option to "Output VIs to a Packed Project Library" is enabled. Workaround: N/A
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601264 Return | Sequence Editor can crash when specifying module for custom step type. The Sequence Editor crashes if you double-click "Default Module..." in the Type Properties windows of a custom step type. Workaround: Click the Default Module button only once.
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614194 Return | Using the array subscript operator in an expression is slow For very large arrays, editing or programmatically accessing an array in an expression that uses the array subscript operator can take a significant amount of time. For example: Locals.NewArray = Locals.LargeArray[10..] Workaround: N/A
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615591 Return | TestStand steps that reference LabVIEW class hierarchies can take a long time to load when refreshing step settings TestStand steps that use the Class Member Call to reference large LabVIEW class hierarchies can take a long time to load when refreshing step settings. Workaround: Complete the following steps to correct this behavior:
Use the following best practices to avoid this behavior in the future:
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619576 Return | Values for properties have incorrect values when you execute a LabVIEW step that performs a Property Node Call If more than six properties are used for a LabVIEW step that performs a Property Node Call, several of the property values are incorrect when you execute the step. Workaround: N/A
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625390 Return | Cannot select TS Object as parameter in a custom step with C/C++ Adapter When you try to select a TS Object as a parameter in a custom step, the field remains empty. Workaround: Edit the property of the step type where the object name is stored, specifically the following String value: .Substeps[x].TS.SData.Call.Parms[x]StructType
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642213 Return | Selecting multiple Sequence Call steps may cause errors under certain conditions. When a sequence contains a non-zero indexed array of containers for a parameter, selecting multiple Sequence Call steps that call this sequence can cause the error -17324: "Array index out of bounds". Workaround: Edit one Sequence Call step at a time.
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643628 Return | Attempting to log INF, NAN, or IND values to a Microsoft SQL Server database results in an error. Microsoft SQL Server FLOAT data type does NOT support storing +INF, -INF, NAN and IND as defined by IEEE 754. Workaround: Update your schema to use a precondition expression to not log a value for non-finite values.
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656997 Return | The comment on variables are removed when you change the type in the Variables View. In the Variables View, if you change the data type of a variable, the comment on the variable is removed. Workaround: N/A
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664664 Return | The LabVIEW Full-Featured User Interface opens in editor mode by default. When launching the Full-Featured User Interface directly, instead of through one of the shortcuts, it opens in editor mode instead of operator mode. This requires a license other than the base deployment license. Workaround: Launch the executable with the /operatorInterface command line flag. Alternatively, change the "IsEditor" property to False from the Property Browser of the Application Manager control and rebuild the executable.
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604398 Return | Change the check state of a file that contain a double-underscore in their name will cause all other files to be checked or unchecked in the TSDU distributed files tab. N/A Workaround: Remove the double-underscore from the file name.
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658319 Return | Connector panes that reference large LabVIEW class hierarchies reload the entire hierarchy when selecting a step. If a LabVIEW step references a VI whose connector panes uses data value references or directly uses a large LabVIEW class, the TestStand Sequence Editor reloads the step and all of its dependencies each time the step is selected. Workaround: In the sequence file properties, set the Load Option to Preload when opening sequence file.
Document last updated on 3/27/2018