NI does not actively maintain this document.
This content provides support for older products and technology, so you may notice outdated links or obsolete information about operating systems or other relevant products.
Each issue appears as a row in the table and includes the following fields:
ID | Known Issue | |||||
329131 | RF list mode does not work correctly when using both a Start Trigger and an external source for the Configuration List Step Trigger If you use a Start Trigger and an external source for the Configuration List Step Trigger, the device proceeds through the Configuration List Step Triggers before the Start Trigger. Workaround: To use a Start Trigger to advance a configuration list, use the Timer Event Interval property or NIRFSG_ATTR_TIMER_EVENT_INTERVAL attribute instead of a Configuration List Step Trigger. Another workaround includes not sending the the Configuration List Step Triggers before the Start Trigger.
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492490 | NI-RFSG 14.0 does not install LabVIEW Run-Time Engine 2013 SP1 NI-RFSG 14.0 does not install LabVIEW Run-Time Engine 2013 SP1, which is required for VST support. If you have LabVIEW 2013, LabVIEW 2014, or LabVIEW Run-Time Engine 2013 installed, this issue does not affect you. If you are using the VST Sample Projects, this issue does not affect you. This issue affects most non-LabVIEW users or users who are working in LabVIEW 2012 SP1 or earlier with the newest version of NI-RFSG. Workaround: Download and install LabVIEW Run-Time Engine 2013 SP1. You can download LabVIEW Run-Time Engine 2013 SP1 from
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425439 | When NI-RFSA and NI-RFSG both export a signal to the same external trigger line on a National Instruments vector signal transceiver (VST), LabVIEW does not return an error You can export two different signals to the same external trigger line on a VST, for example, NI-RFSG exports a Marker Event to PFI0, and NI-RFSA exports a Start Trigger to PFI0. However, LabVIEW does not return an error when this occurs, so only the last item configured within either driver exports its signal. Workaround: Avoid exporting signals from both drivers to the same external trigger line.
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483724 | Alignment of multiple NI PXIe-5673 devices using NI-TClk is off by 25 ns When using NI-TClk to synchronize signals from NI PXIe-5673 devices driven by different controllers, the RF signals may be off in their alignment by 25 ns. Workaround: N/A
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385430 | niVST cannot be found When using the NI PXIe-5644R or NI PXIe-5645R and upgrading to NI-RFSG 1.9 or when using the NI PXIe-5646R and upgrading to NI-RFSG 1.9.7, niVST is missing because it has been moved and renamed. Replace the missing VI with the Self-Calibrate VI located on the NI VST Calibration palette or at <LabVIEW>\instr.lib\niVST\Calibration\SelfCal\ for your device. Workaround: Replace existing calls to niVST with a call to
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258290 | A protocol violation error occurs when using an NI PXIe-1075 chassis When routing triggers across segments on the NI PXIe-1075 chassis, a protocol violation error may return. The NI PXIe-1075 has three bus segments: slots 1 through 6, slots 7 through 12, and slots 13 through 18. If the devices are located in different segments, you may run into this issue. Some features, such as RF list mode or NI-TClk when used for synchronization or MIMO applications, internally route triggers. Workaround: Visit and search for 5FTGSP0O for more information about working around this issue.
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435537 | Error -1074118136 occurs when exporting an event at a low I/Q rate If you configure the driver to export an event when using an NI 5673E at a low I/Q rate, or if you configure the driver to export an event and enable the Compensate for Filter Group Delay property when using an NI 5672 at a low I/Q rate, you may receive the following error message: The AWG reported the following error: Event delay is outside of the legal range. Change the value of the delay, and/or verify that the units are correct. Device:5450 Property: Started Event Delay Value Requested Value: 0.0 Minimum Value: -59.521484e-6 Maximum Value: -34.524536e-6 Property: Started Event Delay Units Requested Value: Seconds Status Code: -200345 Workaround: If using an NI 5673E, increase the I/Q rate. If using an NI 5672, you can increase the I/Q rate or disable the Compensate for Filter Group Delay property.
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392126 | The niVST leaks memory when loading and unloading When using the from the NI VST Calibration palette to self-calibrate the NI PXIe-5644R, NI PXIe-5645R, or NI PXIe-5646R, a memory leak may occur when loading and unloading the VI repeatedly. Workaround: Keep the Self-Calibrate VI in memory. For example, in your top-level VI, create a "dummy" subVI that includes one instance of the Self-Calibrate VI to keep the Self-Calibrate VI loaded in memory. For applications that optimize memory usage where it is not acceptable to keep the Self-Calibrate VI in memory, you can minimize the memory leak by keeping a Timed Loop in memory. A memory leak will still exist, but it will be considerably smaller.
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150413 | Signal generates at the NI PXIe-5450 CLK OUT connector when Reference Clock export is disabled First setting the Reference Clock Export Output property to Clkout or NIRFSG_ATTR_REF_CLOCK_EXPORT_OUTPUT attribute to NIRFSG_VAL_REF_OUT_STR and then changing the Reference Clock Export Output property to Do Not Export Signal or NIRFSG_ATTR_REF_CLOCK_EXPORT_OUTPUT attribute to NIRFSG_ATTR_DO_NOT_EXPORT_STR still causes a signal to generate on the CLK OUT front panel connector. Workaround: N/A
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248779 | NI PXIe-5650/5651/5652 takes 10 ms to hit target power level when switching to the divide by 16 path When switching to the divide by 16 path (any frequency between 100 MHz to 200 MHz) on the NI PXIe-5650/5651/5652, the output power behaves oddly. If you target 0 dBm on the device, the power starts off at approximately -25 dBm, but then overshoots to 10 dBm until it finally settles at approximately 0 dBm. Workaround: N/A
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389317 | The niRFSG Self Calibrate Range VI execution time is greater than expected when using the NI PXIe-5644R, NI PXIe-5645R, and NI PXIe-5646R In some instances, calling the niRFSG Self Calibrate Range VI or the niRFSG_SelfCalibrateRange function takes much longer than expected because of device settling, which can occur each time the device is reconfigured. When the VI or function executes, the RF IN and RF OUT connectors are configured twice. The connectors are configured once before and after execution where RF IN and RF OUT are reconfigured to their original states. Extended execution time is most noticeable when you repeatedly call the Self Calibrate Range VI or function for a single point, varying the frequency slightly for each call. Workaround: Perform either of the following options as a workaround.
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489122 | NI 5652 appears outside of the composite device in MAX After configuring the associated devices for a composite device in MAX, you may see the NI 5652 represented outside of the composite device in the MAX configuration tree. This behavior has no functional implications. The composite device and the NI 5652 continue to function as usual. Workaround: N/A
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411948 | Error –373104 occurs when a hyphen character is used in a configuration list name When creating a configuration list in NI-RFSG on a VST, using hyphens in the configuration list name results in error -373104, "the specified configuration list name is invalid". Workaround: Avoid using hyphen characters in configuration list names.
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387023 |
Error is not always reported when using duplicate names for NI-RFSG devices NI-RFSG sometimes fails to report an error when you specify the same name in MAX for two different NI-RFSG devices.
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364860 | A deadlock can occur when creating two peer-to-peer streams between two devices in opposite directions concurrently Workaround: To avoid the deadlock, serialize the calls to the niP2P Create Peer to Peer Stream VIs.
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371227 | The test panel does not launch in Measurement & Automation Explorer (MAX) Installing NI-RFSG Run-Time 1.9 or later on a system with NI-RFSG 1.8 installed causes the MAX test panel to fail to launch. Workaround: Install the NI-RFSG Soft Front Panel 1.9.5 from
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386372 | NI PXIe-5644R, NI PXIe-5645R, and NI PXIe-5646R devices do not appear in the device control of NI-RFSG and NI-RFSA Express VI dialog boxes NI-RFSG and NI-RFSA Express VIs are not currently supported for vector signal transceiver devices (NI 5644R, NI 5645R, and NI 5646R). Workaround: N/A
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480525 | Windows 8.0 to Windows 8.1 upgrade issue Upgrading the version of Windows on a system with NI-RFSG installed may result in the loss of device names, the loss of device configuration, and/or devices appearing disconnected. For more information about how to resolve this issue, visit and enter the Info Code excrxm. Workaround: N/A
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389561 | Uninstalling NI-RFSG leaves an empty folder in the Start menu After you uninstall NI-RFSG 1.9 or later, an empty NI-RFSG item is stored under the National Instruments folder in the Start menu location at Start»All Programs»National Instruments. Workaround: Manually delete the empty NI-RFSG folder.
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365962 |
In the device documentation, specifically the NI RF Signal Generators Help file, the MAX "Configure" button is inaccurately labeled with its former name, "Properties." Workaround: When the documentation instructs you to select the "Properties" button, select the "Configure" button.
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192893 | Table of contents not locating When linking to a topic in the NI RF Signal Generators Help from the LabVIEW context help or opening the help file from a VI within LabVIEW, the NI RF Signal Generators Help launches and the relevant topic displays, but the location of the topic might not be highlighted in the table of contents. Workaround: N/A
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238196 | Warning about active content Microsoft Windows security feature that asks users whether or not to allow active content on their computer when launching certain pages from the driver media. Workaround: Select Yes when the active content warning appears.
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Contact NI regarding this document or issues in the document. If you contact NI in regards to a specific issue, reference the ID number given in the document. The ID number contains the current issue ID number as well as the legacy ID number (use the current ID number when contacting NI). You can contact us through any of the normal support channels including phone, email, or the discussion forums. Visit the NI Website to contact us. Also contact us if you find a workaround for an issue that is not listed in the document.