NI-DCPower 20.6 Bug Fixes


The following items are notable issues fixed between the release of NI-DCPower 20.5 and NI-DCPower 20.6, including additional patches and service packs. If you have an issue ID, you can search this list to validate that the issue has been fixed. This is not an exhaustive list of issues fixed in the current version of NI-DCPower.

Bug Number

Legacy ID




NI-DCPower Errors reported in English instead of Japanese on NI Linux Real-Time Targets

On an NI Linux Real-Time target with the language set to Japanese, the NI-DCPower driver returns errors in English instead of Japanese.


Copy and paste the error text information into a translation tool, or for a Japanese LabVIEW installation select Help >> Explain Error  and enter the error number.

Reported Version:

NI-DCPower 20.5

Resolved Version:

NI-DCPower 20.6


Sep 7, 2020


NI-DCPower error -1074097807 on NI Linux Real-Time Target when used with SystemLink

If self-calibration or self-test runs from SystemLink before executing commands with the driver through MAX or LabVIEW, then driver operations including self-test and self-calibration in MAX or LabVIEW result in error -1074097807 "File was not found at specified path."

If the driver executes commands in MAX or LabVIEW before running a self-test or self-calibration in SystemLink, then SystemLink throws error -1074097807.


Option 1:
  1. Reformat that target and reinstall all the relevant drivers and software.
  2. Do not use self-test or self-calibration from SystemLink.

Option 2:
  1. Run niDCPower Initialize with in LabVIEW. Disregard any error that may appear.
  2. SSH into the LinuxRT controller and execute this command as admin:
    chmod -R 0777 /var/lib/ni-dcpower/sessions
  3. Reboot the LinuxRT controller.

Option 3:
  1. Run niDCPower Initialize with in LabVIEW. Disregard any error that may appear.
  2. Use the SystemLink state editor to create and install the following state to the LinuxRT controller:
   - source/var/lib/ni-dcpower/sessions/    
   - useradmin
   - dir_mode777
   - file_mode777
   - recurse:
      - user
      - mode


Reported Version:

NI-DCPower 20.5

Resolved Version:

NI-DCPower 20.6


Sep 7, 2020


NI-DCPower error -1074118653 or -1074097807 on LinuxRT when used with Python

nidcpower.errors.DriverError: -1074118653: Cannot open a session to the instrument.
  • If self-calibration or self-test runs from MAX before executing commands with the driver through Python, then Python use of the driver produces this error.
  • any driver commands execute in LabVIEW before executing commands with the driver through Python, then Python use of the driver produces this error.
-1074097807: File was not found at specified path.
If Python executes driver commands before MAX or LabVIEW, then driver operations in MAX or LabVIEW produce this error.


  1. Run niDCPower Initialize with Channels in Python or LabVIEW. Disregard any error that may appear.
  2. SSH into the LinuxRT controller and execute this command as admin: 
    chmod -R 0777 /var/lib/ni-dcpower/sessions
  3. Reboot the LinuxRT controller.

Reported Version:

NI-DCPower 20.5

Resolved Version:

NI-DCPower 20.6


Sep 7, 2020


Fetching Live Measurements from Simulated PXIe-4147 Crashes InstrumentStudio

Fetching live measurements in InstrumentStudio from a simulated PXIe-4147 device created from offline mode causes InstrumentStudio to crash.


Update to NI-DCPower 20.6. If you are unable to update, utilize physical hardware (a non-simulated device).

Reported Version:

NI-DCPower 20.5

Resolved Version:

NI-DCPower 20.6



Additional Patch Information

Installing some patches may require certain additional steps or considerations. Please refer to the following table for more information about patches for this release.

These patches currently do not have any special instructions.

Glossary of Terms


  • Bug ID - When an issue is reported to NI, you may be given this ID or find it on  You may also find IDs posted by NI on the discussion forums or in KnowledgeBase articles.
  • Legacy ID – An older issue ID that refers to the same issue.  You may instead find this issue ID in older known issues documents.
  • Description - A few sentences which describe the problem. The brief description given does not necessarily describe the problem in full detail.
  • Workaround - Possible ways to work around the problem.
  • Reported Version - The earliest version in which the issue was reported.
  • Resolved Version - Version in which the issue was resolved or was no longer applicable. "N/A" indicates that the issue has not been resolved.
  • Date Added - The date the issue was added to the document (not the reported date).