From 11:00 PM CST Friday, Feb 14th - 6:30 PM CST Saturday, Feb 15th, will undergo system upgrades that may result in temporary service interruption.
We appreciate your patience as we improve our online experience.
From 11:00 PM CST Friday, Feb 14th - 6:30 PM CST Saturday, Feb 15th, will undergo system upgrades that may result in temporary service interruption.
We appreciate your patience as we improve our online experience.
Circuit Design Suite | Education | Student |
Advanced Component Search | X | X |
| ||
Autosave | X | X |
Autowire parts when brought together | X | X |
Autowire when part pin placed on a wire | X | X |
Bill of Materials | X | |
Breadboard | X | X |
Bus Vector Connect | X | |
Buses | X | X |
Circuit Restrictions | X | X |
Placing Comments on Schematic | X | X |
Component Detail Report | X | |
Component Editing | X | X |
Component Wizard | X | X |
Connectors - Hierarchical | X | X |
Connectors – Off-page | X | |
Constraint Driven Capture (max/mins in Spreadsheet Nets tab) | X | |
Corporate Database | X | |
Cross Probing | X | X |
Cross Reference Report | X | |
Customizable Interface | X | X |
Custom RLC footprints in Master database | X | |
Customizable/Advanced Bill of Materials | X | |
Description box Submit | X | X |
Edit Symbol command | X | X |
Electrical Rules Checking | X | |
Embedded Forms/Questions - Create and edit | X | |
Embedded Forms/Questions - View and respond | X | X |
ERC Scope Setting | X | |
Export to Mentor PADS Layout | X | |
Export to Third Party Layout | X | |
Export/Import Database Components | X | |
Export/Import Database User Fields | X | |
Export/Print Spreadsheet | X | |
Fast auto-connect passives | X | X |
Forward/Backward Annotation | X | X |
Global Restrictions | X | X |
Graphic Annotation | X | X |
Graphically mark no-connect pins (Toggle NC Marker) | X | |
Hierarchical Blocks | X | |
Improved ERC - no-connect pins (ERC Rules tab) | X | |
Improved Find | X | |
Improved variant management/viewing (Spreadsheet tab) | X | |
Legacy File Open | X | X |
Merge/Convert Database | X | X |
Multi-sheet Flat Designs | X | |
Multiple Designs Open | X | |
Multisim Touch import (*.msmx) | X | X |
Netlist Report | X | |
OrCAD Capture Import | X | |
Open EDA component library import (*.oecl) | X | X |
PCB Settings (Net Properties, Sheet Properties, PCB tab) | X | X |
Pin/Gate swap | X | |
PLD/VHDL output | X | X |
PLD Hierarchical Blocks | X | |
Project Manager (Project Support) | X | |
Project Packing | X | |
Rubberbanding on Part Move | X | X |
Save components from workspace to database | X | |
Schematic Statistics Report | X | |
Screen Capture Utility | X | X |
Simplified Version | X | |
Snippets - Creating and Opening | X | X |
Spreadsheet View | X | |
Spreadsheet - PCB related fields | X | |
Standard Component Search | X | X |
Start a wire in mid-air | X | X |
Subcircuits | X | X |
Symbol Editor | X | X |
Templates - Creation (Export template…) | X | |
Templates - Opening (*.mst) | X | X |
Title Block | X | X |
Title Block Editor | X | X |
User Database | X | X |
User Defined Fields | X | |
User Defined Fields in Bill of Materials | X | |
Variant Support | X | |
Virtual ELVIS I & II schematics | X | X |
Virtual ELVIS II toolbar (depends on ELVISmx install) | X | X |
Virtual myDAQ schematic | X | X |
Virtual Toolbar | X | X |
Virtual Wiring (by node names) | X | X |
Circuit Design Suite | Education | Student |
Advanced Inductor Component | X | |
Blow up parts | X | X |
Loading Code Model from DLL | X | |
Component Tolerances in Interactive Simulation | X | X |
Convergence Assistant | X | X |
Description box synchronized with simulation | X | X |
Expressions in Analyses | X | X |
Grapher | X | X |
Grapher - Digital Display | X | X |
Insert faults into components during netlist generation | X | X |
LabVIEW instruments | X | X |
LabVIEW-Multisim Cosimulation | X | X |
LVM and TDM data files as source | X | X |
LVM and TDM file export (from instruments & analyses) | X | X |
MCU Module | X | X |
MCU Module - Machine Code Limitation | None | None |
Model Makers | X | |
Multiple Instances of Instruments | X | X |
Multiple overlapped traces in grapher | X | X |
Postprocessor | X | X |
Precision coordinates in grapher | X | X |
Real-world I/O parts - microphone and speaker | X | X |
RF Design Module | X | X |
Save/Load Simulation Profiles | X | |
SPICE matrix export | X | |
VHDL Simulation (with MultiVHDL installed) | X | X |
Virtual, Interactive, Animated Parts | X | X |
Wizard - 555 Timer | X | |
Wizard - CE BJT amplifier | X | |
Wizard - Filter | X | |
Wizard - Opamp | X | |
XSpice command-line interface | X |
Circuit Design Suite | Education | Student |
Multisim API | X | |
Place Components Limit | None | 50 |
Print Circuit | X | X |
Print Circuit Setup - Active Sheet and Subsheets Option | X | X |
Save Circuit | X | X |
Circuit Design Suite | Education | Student |
AC | X | X |
AC Single Frequency | X | X |
Batched | X | |
DC Operating Point | X | X |
DC Sweep | X | X |
Distortion | X | |
Fourier | X | X |
Interactive | X | X |
Monte Carlo | X | X |
Nested Sweep | X | X |
Noise | X | |
Noise Figure | X | X |
Parameter Sweep | X | X |
Pole Zero | X | |
Sensitivity | X | |
Temperature Sweep | X | X |
Trace Width | X | |
Transfer Function | X | |
Transient | X | X |
User Defined | X | |
Worst Case | X | X |
Circuit Design Suite | Education | Student |
| ||
2 Channel Scope | X | X |
| ||
4 Channel Scope | X | X |
| |
Agilent Function Generator | X | X |
| |
Agilent Multimeter | X | X |
| |
Agilent Scope | X | X |
| |
Ammeter | X | X |
| ||
Bode Plotter | X | X |
| ||
Current Clamp | X | X |
| |
Distortion Analyzer | X | X |
| |
Frequency Counter | X | X |
| ||
Function Generator | X | X |
IV Analyzer | X | X |
Logic Analyzer | X | X |
Logic Converter | X | X |
Probes | X | X |
Measurement Probe | X | X |
Multimeter | X | X |
Network Analyzer | X | X |
Spectrum Analyzer | X | X |
Tektronix Scope | X | X |
Voltmeter | X | X |
Wattmeter | X | X |
Word Generator | X | X |
Circuit Design Suite | Education | Student |
3D preview in component 3D properties | X | X |
3D preview in main screen | X | X |
3D printing | X | X |
3D Viewer (height, color, shape) | X | X |
3D visualization of the inside of the PCB | X | |
Ability to "turn off" ratsnest for selected nets | X | |
Additional net options like Max/Min Width, Max/Min length | X | |
Auto jumper placement – inserts jumper into a net | X | |
Auto-alignment | X | |
Automatic tear-dropping | X | |
Change trace width "on-the-fly" | X | |
Comments on layout | X | X |
Component place sequencer | X | |
Copper Amount Report | X | |
Corporate Database | X | |
Cross probing between Ultiboard and Multisim | X | X |
Customizable layers viewing for glue, paste, solder | X | |
Customization of report generator | X | |
Differential Impedance Calculator | X | |
Differential Pairs | X | |
Dimensioning | X | |
Dimming inactive information to the background | X | X |
Enter Coordinate dialog from Spreadsheet | X | |
Equi-space traces support | X | |
Export - Gerber files | X | X |
Export - IPC-D-356A Netlist | X | |
Export - SVG files | X | |
Export 3D IGES | X | |
Export 3D information in DXF format | X | |
Fan-out option for components | X | |
Filter errors/warning in the Spreadsheet output windows | X | X |
Forward/Backward annotation | X | X |
Full screen mode | X | |
Connection machine | X | |
Follow-me routing | X | |
High speed | X | |
Import - DXF files | X | |
Import - Orcad PCB files | X | |
Import - Protel PCB files | X | |
In-place footprint editor | X | |
Jump to error | X | |
Keep-in and keep-out | X | |
Layer limit | 64 | 64 |
Mechanical CAD | X | |
Microvias | X | |
Multiple Clearance options | X | |
Multiple open documents | X | |
Net bridges | X | |
Net shielding | X | |
Object information with a tool-tip label | X | X |
Paste Special | X | |
PCB design savable as a reusable component | X | |
PCB Transmission Line Calculator | X | |
Grouping (group/ungroup selection) | X | X |
Pin and Gate Swap | X | |
Pin necked trace support | X | |
Place objects within a predefined array | X | |
Polar grids | X | |
Push and shove component placement | X | X |
Push and shove trace placement | X | X |
Replica place | X | |
Ruler bar alignments | X | |
Ruler bar measurements | X | |
Save design | X | X |
Selection filters | X | X |
Show drill size in pads | X | |
Split power planes | X | |
Spreadsheet view - full | X | |
Spreadsheet view - limited | X | |
Standard Clearance Options | X | X |
Technology Files (Load and Save) | X | |
Test point insertion | X | |
Test Points Report | X | |
Topology choices: Shortest, Daisy chain, Star | X | |
Unplace components | X | |
User Database | X | X |
Variant support | X | |
Via stack inside a SMD pad | X | X |
Circuit Design Suite | Education | Student |
Automatic test-point placement | X | |
Autoplacement | X | |
Autoroute (Start/Resume button) | X | |
BGA fanout | X | |
Bus routing | X | |
Differential pair routing | X | |
Group autoplace | X | |
Group autoroute | X | |
High speed | X | |
Layer limit | 8 | 2 |
Net shielding | X | |
Optimizer | X | |
Prioritize routing order (by net) | X | |
Route a single net | X | |
Router support for pin and gate swap | X | |
Topology choices: Shortest, Daisy chain, Star | X | |
Trace rubberbanding | X | X |
Circuit Design Suite | Education | Student |
Pin number limit | none | 550 |