NI-RIO 12.1.0 Known Issues


This document contains the NI-RIO 12.1.0 known issues that were discovered before and since the release of NI-RIO 12.1.0. Not every issue known to NI will appear on this list; it is intended to only show the severe and more common issues that can be encountered. Each issue appears as a row in the table and includes an issue title, a brief description of the problem, and any workarounds that might help resolve the issue. To help determine if issues have been added since the date of publish, these newly added issues will be in their own section at the top (if applicable). The workarounds that appear in the document are not always tested by NI and are not guaranteed to resolve the issue. If a workaround refers you to the NI KnowledgeBase, please visit and enter that KB number in the search field to locate the specific document. The brief description given does not necessarily describe the problem in full detail, and it is expected that you might want more information on an issue. If you would like more information on an issue feel free to contact NI and referencing the ID number given in the document. You can contact us through any of the normal support channels including phone, email, or the discussion forums. See to contact us. Also consider contacting us if you find a workaround for an issue that is not listed in the document so that we can add the workaround to the document.
IDKnown IssueAffected LV Versions
417883Hybrid compilations with the cRIO-9076 and the NI 9802 can fail for timing violations2012 SP1
414331Scan Interface Example returns error indicating that LabVIEW needs more memory to compile the VI2012 SP1
404170FPGA compile fails when using an XNET Module and the Synthesis Optimization Goal is set to Area2012 SP1
389839Operating System Crash When Scanning Internal Memory of NI-RIO processes2012 SP1
278272NI 9802 Mount and Unmount Methods cannot be called remotely from Windows2012 SP1
2011 SP1
2010 SP1
235016Adding a new NI-RIO device may cause MAX to temporarily display incorrect information.2012 SP1
2011 SP1
2010 SP1
199705Reduced network throughput on 902x and 9074 controllers when connecting to forced-speed network partners2012 SP1
2011 SP1
2010 SP1
2009 SP1
171345Mounting/Unmounting a NI 9802 in Real-Time interrupts Scan Engine2012 SP1
2011 SP1
2010 SP1
2009 SP1
116687IO Variables lose custom settings when C Series module is copied and pasted in the LabVIEW project2012 SP1
2011 SP1
2010 SP1
2009 SP1
332239Calling the Mount method for a NI 9802 module on the wrong slot number will sometimes result in a crash on VxWorks targets2011 SP1
329063Possible timing errors when compiling a VI with an NI 9215 IO node2011 SP1
327361Setting Range property on 9219 with other properties in the same property node returns error -657202011 SP1
325266Deploying an NI 9870 or 9871 when the module isn't physically present corrupts the CompactRIO RT controller2011 SP1
2010 SP1
294720NI 9075/9076 do not support RIO Scan Interface or Hybrid modes2010 SP1
283266Scan Engine VIs fail on a machine with only LabVIEW runtime and NI-RIO2010 SP1
185187Chassis settings don't automatically deploy2009 SP1

Known Issues with NI-RIO 12.1.0 and LabVIEW

IDKnown Issues

Hybrid compilations with the cRIO-9076 and the NI 9802 can fail for timing violations

When compiling a hybrid bit file with the cRIO-9076, the NI 9802, and two other modules in Scan Mode, the compile fails for "timing violations that are not of type PERIOD".


Use the modules in FPGA mode, or use a different cRIO, such as the cRIO-9074.

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Scan Interface Example returns error indicating that LabVIEW needs more memory to compile the VI

In the example "Using Scan Interface with FPGA Interface.lvproj", the "Getting Started" Real-Time VI will report an error indicating that LabVIEW needs more memory to compile the VI. This error may occur in other examples.


The FPGA "Reset" and FPGA "Run" methods needs to be regenerated. Delete and replace them in the Host VI.

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FPGA compile fails when using an XNET Module and the Synthesis Optimization Goal is set to Area

If using a cRIO-911x backplane, an XNET module in Scan Mode and another C-series module in FPGA mode, if you set the Synthesis Optimization goal to "Area" in the FPGA Compilation options, your compile will fail for "timing violations that are not of type PERIOD".


Set your Synthesis Optimization Goal to "Speed".

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Operating System Crash When Scanning Internal Memory of NI-RIO processes

Using a program (such as a debugger) that scans process memory of an application that interfaces with a FlexRIO, MXI-Express RIO, or R Series device can cause an operating system crash. 


Do not access internal memory within a process that is using NI-RIO devices.

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NI 9802 Mount and Unmount Methods cannot be called remotely from Windows

Normally, these commands would be run from the RT controller host (or remotely on the RT host through VI Server). For the EthernetRIO targets, NI 9146/9148 this is not an option.  This means that the NI 9802 RT API cannot be used with these targets.



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Adding a new NI-RIO device may cause MAX to temporarily display incorrect information.

While viewing NI-RIO devices in Measurement & Automation Explorer (MAX), adding a new NI-RIO device and naming it RIO0 can temporarily cause the wrong device information to display.


After installing and renaming the last device, refresh the device information in MAX. You may be required to refresh the Devices and Interfaces list up to three times for all information to be correctly displayed. This issue has been resolved in NI-RIO 13.0.0 and later with LabVIEW 2013 and later.

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Reduced network throughput on 902x and 9074 controllers when connecting to forced-speed network partners

The default link speed for 902x and 9074 CompactRIO controllers is autonegotiated. When connecting to partner network targets without autonegotiated link speeds, packets are dropped and network throughput over TCP drops as a result.


In NI-RIO 3.4 and later, set the network partner device to use autonegotiation. In NI-RIO 3.5.1 and later, you can also set the Preferred Link Speed for your CompactRIO controller to the same link speed as your network partner device. This issue has been resolved in NI-RIO 13.0.0 and later with LabVIEW 2013 and later.

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Mounting/Unmounting a NI 9802 in Real-Time interrupts Scan Engine

When you take scan mode measurements and then mount and unmount the SD card, on the subsequent reads the scan mode I/O variable throws error -65536 until the FPGA VI is run.


Instead of the blank FPGA VI required to normally make this work, use an empty while loop inside the FPGA VI and leave this VI running while running the RT VI. This issue has been resolved in NI-RIO 13.0.0 and later with LabVIEW 2013 and later.

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IO Variables lose custom settings when C Series module is copied and pasted in the LabVIEW project

When copying and pasting a C Series module containing IO Variables with custom settings, the custom settings are lost and revert to default values.


Instead of using copy-paste, drag or control-drag the module to move or copy the module. This issue has been resolved in NI-RIO 13.0.0 and later with LabVIEW 2013 and later.

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Calling the Mount method for a NI 9802 module on the wrong slot number will sometimes result in a crash on VxWorks targets

When running the Mount method for a NI 9802 from the Real-Time host, entering the wrong slot number can result in a crash on VxWorks targets.


Ensure a NI 9802 module is in the correct slot before running the Mount method. This issue has been resolved in NI-RIO 12.0.0 and later with LabVIEW 2012 and later.

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Possible timing errors when compiling a VI with an NI 9215 IO node

Compiling an FPGA VI with 9215 IO nodes will potentially fail timing constraints.


The failure should only occur intermittently and recompiling the FPGA VI usually executes successfully. This issue has been resolved in NI-RIO 12.1.0 and later with LabVIEW 2012 SP1 and later.

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Setting Range property on 9219 with other properties in the same property node returns error -65720

Using a property node that includes 'Range' and any other property specific to the same channel of a 9219 will return Error -65720: This property is not valid for this module, or is not valid for the current configuration of this module. This error will be returned even though the configuration is valid.


When writing the Range property, write to it in a property node separate from other properties. This issue has been resolved in NI-RIO 12.0.0 and later with LabVIEW 2012 and later.

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Deploying an NI 9870 or 9871 when the module isn't physically present corrupts the CompactRIO RT controller

If a project is configured to contain an NI 9870 or 9871 module but the module isn't physically in the chassis, deploying the chassis will result in software corruption on VxWorks controllers. This and subsequent deployments will result in the following error: LabVIEW: (Hex 0x80DF0019) The deployment connection has timed out. To determine which operating system your controller is running, refer to Knowledgebase 4LRA4IQ0: What Operating System is my Real-Time Controller Running and Why?


None. This issue has been resolved in NI-RIO 12.0.0 and later with LabVIEW 2012 and later.

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NI 9075/9076 do not support RIO Scan Interface or Hybrid modes

The new NI 9075/9076 integrated chassis and controller CompactRIO devices did not initially ship with RIO Scan Interface (RSI) capability.

However, the "Chassis Properties" dialog box used to select FPGA or RSI mode alludes to the fact that the controller may be used in Hybrid Mode.


None. This issue has been resolved in NI-RIO 4.0.0 and later with LabVIEW 2011 and later.

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Scan Engine VIs fail on a machine with only LabVIEW runtime and NI-RIO

Scan Engine VIs (such as "Set Scan Engine") return an error when used in a built LabVIEW application on a machine which only has the LabVIEW runtime and NI-RIO driver installed (returns error -2132869114: A Module could not be loaded).  The same LabVIEW executable works fine on a machine which also has the LabVIEW development environment installed.


The Scan Engine VIs need the DLLs located in:

C:\Program Files\National Instruments\Shared\DeploymentFramework

Copy this directory onto the machine with only LV runtime and NI-RIO (in the same location), and the scan engine VIs will function properly. This DeploymentFramework folder is installed with the LabVIEW development environment, but not with LabVIEW runtime or NI-RIO driver. This issue has been resolved in NI-RIO 4.0.0 and later with LabVIEW 2011 and later.

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Chassis settings don't automatically deploy

Changes to the chassis properties are not automatically deployed.  This is problematic when switching between Scan and FPGA Interface mode because it means the project can easily get out of sync with the target if the user does not manually deploy the chassis.


Manually deploy settings whenever changes are made to chassis properties. This issue has been resolved in NI-RIO 3.5.0 and later with LabVIEW 2010 and later.

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Glossary of Terms


  • Bug ID - When an issue is reported to NI, you may be given this ID or find it on  You may also find IDs posted by NI on the discussion forums or in KnowledgeBase articles.
  • Legacy ID – An older issue ID that refers to the same issue.  You may instead find this issue ID in older known issues documents.
  • Description - A few sentences which describe the problem. The brief description given does not necessarily describe the problem in full detail.
  • Workaround - Possible ways to work around the problem.
  • Reported Version - The earliest version in which the issue was reported.
  • Resolved Version - Version in which the issue was resolved or was no longer applicable. "N/A" indicates that the issue has not been resolved.
  • Date Added - The date the issue was added to the document (not the reported date).