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Archived: LabVIEW Communications System Design Suite Real-Time Hardware Compatibility

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This page shows the supported Real-Time hardware for various versions of the LabVIEW Communications System Design Suite. Referencing this document ensures that you select the correct hardware and software for your application when working with the LabVIEW Communications System Design Suite. Using incompatible hardware may result in errors, the inability for your software to recognize or detect your device, or missing devices in your software.
LabVIEW Communications Real-Time Controller Support
Real-Time HardwareLabVIEW Communications System Design Suite Version
PXIe-8840 QC       


*Must be provisioned with LabVIEW NXG Real-Time Image
**Must have Windows and LabVIEW Communications System Design Software 5.0 enviroment installed


Note: In LabVIEW Communications System Design Suite 2.1, the PXIe-8840, PXIe-8840 Quad-Core, and PXIe-8821 are mistakenly represented as Real-Time compatible devices in SystemDesigner. This is incorrect and documented in LabVIEW Communications System Design Suite 2.1 Known Issues

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