Archived: TestStand 2012 and 2012 SP1 Bug Fixes

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This document contains the TestStand Bug Fixes that were discovered before and since the release of TestStand 2012 & 2012 SP1. Not every bug fix known to NI will appear on this list; it is intended to only show the severe and more common issues that have been addressed.

Each Issue appears as a row in the table and includes these fields:

  • Issue ID - the number at the top of each of the cells in the first column. When you report an issue to NI, you may be given this ID, you can also find IDs posted by NI on the discussion forums or in Knowledge Base articles.
  • Legacy ID (optional) -  If an issue has a legacy ID from NI's legacy/deprecated bug reporting database, you will see it appear on a separate line directly below the Issue ID in the table, or to the right of the Issue ID in the table of contents (separated by a space).
  • Issue Title: in italics - it describes the issue in one sentence or less
  • Problem Description - a few sentences which describe the problem in further detail. The brief description given does not necessarily describe the problem in full detail, and it is expected that you might want more information on an issue. If you would like more information on an issue feel free to contact NI (contact information below) and reference the ID number given in the document.
  • Workaround - possible ways to work around the problem. The workarounds that appear in the document are not always tested by NI and are not guaranteed to resolve the issue. If a workaround refers you to the NI KnowledgeBase, please visit and enter that KB number in the search field to locate the specific document.
  • Reported Version - the earliest version of TestStand the issue was reported in. If you discover the issue appears in an earlier version of TestStand than is reported in this field, you can report that to NI (contact information below) to have the field updated.
  • Resolved Version - version the issue was resolved or was no longer applicable. If an issue has not been resolved "N/A" will be reported.
  • Date Added - the date the issue was added to the document (not necessarily the reported date)

Document Organization:

The Bug Fixes Document is divided into two separate tables appearing in two separate Developer Zone documents. The following document displays the issues by issue category.

Contacting NI

Feel free to contact NI regarding this document or issues in the document. If you are contacting NI in regards to a specific issue, be sure to reference the ID number given in the document to the NI representative. The ID number contains the current issue ID number as well as the legacy ID number (use the current ID number when contacting National Instruments). You can contact us through any of the normal support channels including phone, email, or the discussion forums. 

Bug Fixes by Category

The following sections list the bugs that existed in TestStand 2010 SP1 or earlier and have been fixed in TestStand 2012 or 2012 SP1. This is not an exhaustive list of issues fixed in TestStand 2012 or 2012 SP1. If you reported an issue to National Instruments and were given a CAR ID to track the issue, you can search for the CAR ID in the ID or Legacy ID column to determine whether the issue has been fixed.

IDLegacy IDFixed IssueIssue Details
.NET Adapter
The .NET Adapter does not display static methods an inherited class definesWhen you define a derived class in a .NET assembly that inherits from a base class, the base class contains a static function, and you use the .NET Adapter to select the derived class, the .NET Adapter does not show the inherited static method.
.NET steps might encounter a deadlock when the constructor uses the TestStand API in a parameter expressionExecuting a .NET step might cause a deadlock under the following conditions:
  • The Use Load/Unload for Obj Lifetime option is enabled
  • The constructor call uses the Engine API in a parameter expression
  • The TestStand Sequence Analyzer is disabled
TestStand does not release .NET object references you pass as parameters to new executions until the execution is destroyedTestStand does not release .NET object references you pass as parameters to new executions until the execution completes. This behavior causes the .NET assembly to remain loaded if any such executions remain open, even if you select File»Unload All Modules to unload all modules.
.NET Adapter; LabVIEW
When you use LabVIEW or .NET code modules, the additional results feature does not log all elementsWhen you select to include an array output parameter of a code module as an additional result, TestStand might not log some elements of the array under the following conditions:
  • The code module is a LabVIEW VI or .NET assembly
  • You select to include one or more elements of the array as an additional result
  • The value field for the array is empty
In this case, TestStand logs only the elements you explicitly select to include as additional results, even if other elements exist in the array.
You cannot close the Type Properties dialog box after you rapidly click the Specify Module button on the Substeps tabWhen you use the Substeps tab of the Type Properties dialog box to configure the substeps for a custom step type, clicking the Specify Module button multiple times before the Specify Module dialog box appears prevents you from closing the Type Properties dialog box. This issue occurs with .NET substeps in TestStand 2010 SP1 and with .NET and LabVIEW substeps in TestStand 2012.
On-the-fly database logging might return an error when you execute a sequence that uses a Sequence Call step to create a new thread that collects resultsAn error can occur when you use on-the-fly database logging and TestStand attempts to log the first result from a new thread that a Sequence Call step created.
Help file index and search results do not display TSFundamentals.chm topicsUsing the index or search functionality in the TestStand 2012 version of the NI TestStand Help to find topics contained in the NI TestStand Fundamentals Help (located at <TestStand>\Doc\Help\ TSFundamentals.chm) does not yield any results.
File Differ
Closing multiple TestStand File Diff/Merge application instances on Windows 7 with the Close All Windows taskbar option sometimes results in an errorClosing multiple TestStand File Diff/Merge application instances on Windows 7 with the Close All Windows taskbar option might cause the following error: Error writing to file '<TestStand Application Directory>\Cfg\ FileDiffer.ini'.
TestStand 2012 installation prompts you to install the Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 on Windows 8 computersWhen you install TestStand 2012 on a Windows 8 computer, you are prompted to install the .NET Framework 3.5, even though TestStand 2012 does not require it.
When you use LabVIEW 2009 to build the LabVIEW Simple User Interface, the user interface remains open if you do not move the mouse after closing the user interfaceIf you rebuild the LabVIEW Simple User Interface with LabVIEW 2009 and then run the executable, failing to move the mouse after clicking the close button on the titlebar or clicking the Exit button causes the user interface to remain open. When you move the mouse, the user interface closes successfully. This behavior does not exist with the LabVIEW Full-Featured User Interface. LabVIEW 2012 fixed this behavior.
Expanding an array parameter or deselecting the default setting for a LabVIEW code module can cause an errorIf a LabVIEW code module contains an array parameter with default values, and you have the Default and Log options selected in the parameters table, expanding the array or deselecting the default option shows an error dialog with the message "Unknown variable or property name 'AdditionalResult'". After you close the error dialog, the parameters control can no longer be used until TestStand is restarted.

The error only happens when using LabVIEW 2012 and later.
The LabVIEW Adapter does not coerce out-of-range values you pass to an enumeration parameter in a LabVIEW code moduleWhen you pass a value to an enumeration parameter in a LabVIEW code module, the LabVIEW Adapter does not modify values that are out of range to a valid item index.
Loading a VI that calls a .NET assembly fails when using Turkish regional settingsLoading a VI that calls a .NET assembly fails in TestStand on a computer configured to use Turkish regional settings. If you configure the LabVIEW Adapter to use the LabVIEW Development System, TestStand returns the error An error occurred accessing the LabVIEW ActiveX automation server. If you use the LabVIEW Run-Time Engine for the LabVIEW Adapter, TestStand hangs. LabVIEW 2011 fixed this behavior.
The LabVIEW Adapter ignores the code and message fields of an error out parameter of a substep when the occurred field is set to FalseIf a substep module modifies the code and message fields within the Step.Result.Error error container for a step but the occurred field is set to False, the changes do not persist. This behavior does not occur when you make a similar change for the code module of the step.
The LabVIEW Adapter might exhibit unexpected edit-time issues if the most recent installation of LabVIEW is a version TestStand no longer supportsIf the most recent version of LabVIEW you install is a version that TestStand does not support, such as installing LabVIEW 7.1.1 and using TestStand 2010, you might encounter unexpected edit-time issues when you create or modify LabVIEW steps in TestStand.
TestStand does not include LabVIEW code module parameters with the Default option enabled in additional resultsWhen you call a LabVIEW code module, TestStand does not log any top-level input parameter you select to include as an additional result when you also enable the Default option in the Parameters Table.
Manually exiting LabVIEW after executing a VI from TestStand might result in LabVIEW load error code 23If you configure a LabVIEW step to display the front panel of a VI that you mass compiled in the active version of LabVIEW, manually exiting LabVIEW after executing the VI from TestStand might result in LabVIEW load error code 23. Close TestStand, which also closes LabVIEW, to avoid this error.
Timestamps returned from a LabVIEW code module might specify incorrect valuesIf a timestamp returned from a LabVIEW code module is noon (12:00:00 PM) or midnight (12:00:00 AM), TestStand stores the values as 00:00:00 PM and 00:00:00 AM, respectively.
Passing a binary string to TestStand from a LabVIEW code module results in different behavior based on the configuration of the LabVIEW AdapterWhen you pass a binary string to TestStand from a LabVIEW code module, TestStand stores the string differently depending on whether you execute the code module in the LabVIEW Development Environment or in the LabVIEW Run-Time Engine (RTE). TestStand uses the correct binary representation for the string when you execute the code module with the LabVIEW RTE but uses the incorrect ASCII representation for the string when you execute the code module with the LabVIEW Development Environment.
Unable to load a LabVIEW .NET interop assembly when TestStand loads the .NET CLR 4.0When you call a LabVIEW-built assembly from an application targeted to the .NET Common Language Runtime (CLR) 4.0, the assembly fails to load and returns the Failed to call init lv client function error. This error occurs because of a change in the .NET CLR 4.0 in which the LoadLibrary function, defined in kernel32.dll, is not called when loading an assembly. LabVIEW 2012 fixed this behavior.
TestStand hangs when executing a VI that uses shared variables and when you configure the LabVIEW Adapter to use the LabVIEW Run-Time EngineTestStand hangs when executing a VI that uses shared variables and when you configure the LabVIEW Adapter to use the LabVIEW Run-Time Engine (RTE). This issue occurs only under the following conditions:
  • You saved the VI with LabVIEW 2010
  • You have a version of the LabVIEW RTE later than version 2010 installed
LabVIEW 2010 SP1 fixed this behavior.
LabVIEW code modules with an input parameter with a default value of INF or NaN can cause a module load errorLabVIEW code modules with an input parameter with a default value of INF or NaN can cause a module load error. This behavior only occurs with TestStand 2010 SP1 and LabVIEW 2011 or later.

This issue has been fixed in the TestStand 2010 SP1 f1 patch. Refer to the following KnowledgeBase article for more information:

KnowledgeBase 60RBK8UB: TestStand 2010 SP1 f1 Patch Details
An Index was out of range error occurs after you select certain parameters and then select another stepSelecting certain parameters in the VI Parameter Table and then selecting another step can put TestStand in a bad state. This issue can occur if you complete the following steps at edit time.
  1. On a step that contains both scalar and cluster parameters, expand a cluster parameter in the VI Parameter Table.
  2. Select a scalar parameter.
  3. Select another LabVIEW step that also contains both scalar and cluster parameters. Note that two parameters are highlighted in the VI Parameter Table.
  4. Select a third LabVIEW step in the sequence without selecting anything in the VI Parameter Table.
When this issue occurs, TestStand returns an error similar to the following error: Error occurred while trying to refresh edit panel "": Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection. Parameter name: index After you dismiss the error, the error continues to occur for any LabVIEW step you select until you restart TestStand.
LabVIEW code modules with a TDMS file reference in the connector pane can cause a generic errorIf you use a LabVIEW code module in a sequence that passes TDMS file references in or out of the VI, TestStand might return the following error: Error loading step '<name of step>' of sequence '<name of sequence>' in file '<name of sequence file>'. Failed to load VI <path of VI> in the 'LabVIEW Development System' version '11.0'. LabVIEW: Generic error. Error Code: -18002, LabVIEW reported an error. See 'LabVIEW: ' message for more details. Source: 'TSAPI'
TestStand incorrectly assigns timestamp data passed from and to a LabVIEW code moduleIf a LabVIEW code module passes a timestamp as an output parameter to a string property, TestStand removes leading zeroes in the fractional seconds field. For example, the timestamp 01:35:45.005 is assigned to a string property as 01:35:45.5 in TestStand. However, if TestStand receives a timestamp value as an output parameter and passes the value back to LabVIEW as an input parameter, the correct value is maintained.

NOTE: Even with the below patches installed, if you pass a string timestamp value from TestStand to a timestamp in LabVIEW, TestStand adds leading zeroes to create the fractional field. For example, the string 01:35:45.5 is assigned as 01:35:45.005 in LabVIEW. TestStand 2012 SP1 fixes this secondary issue.
TestStand cannot find VIs in a packed project library that specifies a file path that includes multibyte charactersOn operating systems for languages that require multibyte support (such as Chinese versions of Windows), TestStand cannot find VIs in a packed project library that specifies a file path that includes multibyte characters.
TestStand can crash if you configure the LabVIEW Adapter to use the LabVIEW Run-time Engine while a LabVIEW project is loaded in memoryTestStand 2012 f1 patch fixes this issue. Refer to the National Instruments KnowledgeBase article, KnowledgeBase 60RBLMUB: TestStand 2012 f1 Patch Details, for more information.
Using the Update VI Calls tool on an unsaved sequence file that calls an express VI can cause LabVIEW to crashIf you use the Update VI Calls tool on an unsaved sequence file that contains a call to a LabVIEW express VI, the tool reports that updating the steps failed, and LabVIEW crashes.
TestStand does not log parameters of LabVIEW code modules with the Default option and Log option selectedWhen you use the VI Parameter Table to configure a parameter to use the default value and to be logged in the report, and TestStand executes the code module using the LabVIEW Run-time Engine, TestStand does not add the parameter result to the other test results.
Selecting the Default option for an array of waveforms parameter causes TestStand to hangIf you call a LabVIEW code module that contains a parameter with a data type that is an array of waveforms, selecting the Default option for this parameter in the VI Parameter Table can cause TestStand to hang or might result in other unexpected behavior.
The Number of Threads option in the LabVIEW Adapter Configuration dialog box can change each time you relaunch the dialog boxIn the LabVIEW Adapter Configuration dialog box, if you specify a non-default value in the Number of Threads option for the LabVIEW Run-time Engine, TestStand increments the value each time you relaunch the LabVIEW Adapter Configuration dialog box.
416654DQCFCB8LabVIEW 8.5 or later returns a warning when you load the LabVIEW Simple User Interface exampleWhen you load the LabVIEW Simple User Interface example using LabVIEW 8.5 or later, LabVIEW returns a warning that indicates that LabVIEW changed a constant wired to a Case structure to maintain compatibility with LabVIEW 7.1 or earlier.
Using the TestStand 2012 Adapter API in LabWindows/CVI Causes "Multiple Definitions for Symbol" Error 
An out-of-memory error occurs when using LabWindows/CVI-built TestStand User Interfaces on Windows 8 
The Update VI Calls tool fails when you update the Report Express VIWhen you use the Update VI Calls tool to update the Report Express VI, TestStand launches a dialog box that indicates that the VI path is invalid. When you close the dialog box, the Update VI Calls tool times out.
Issues exist when using Microsoft Internet Explorer 10 and TestStandMultiple minor issues exist when using Internet Explorer 10 to view TestStand Analyzer, TestStand Differ, and TestStand ATML Reports. These issue has been addressed in TestStand 2012 SP1. 
3508147DD4PIAAn incorrect prompt to reload files might appear when you use source code controlTestStand prompts you to reload files when source code control (SCC) providers, such as MKS Source Integrity, Serena PVCS, and IBM Rational ClearCase, change the timestamp of files when you add the files to source control or check the files in or out of source control. TestStand might return errors for some operations when you reload the files.
35172482KEHIASelecting the Undo Check Out option from the Workspace pane context menu to revert a workspace does not prompt you to reload modified projectsIf you make changes to a TestStand project in a workspace and then select Undo Check Out from the Workspace pane context menu, TestStand does not prompt you to reload modified projects within the workspace. This modified project remains in memory does not match the project on disk.
Errors exist in the Parallel Execution, Property Loader, and Dynamic Client Sequence File example programs that ship with TestStandThe TestStand 2012 f1 patch fixes these issues. Refer to the National Instruments KnowledgeBase article, KnowledgeBase 60RBLMUB: TestStand 2012 f1 Patch Details, for more information. Refer to the following National Instruments support documents for more information about the errors in the Parallel Execution, Property Loader, and Dynamic Client Sequence File example programs that ship with TestStand.
Copying arrays of object references can result in invalid referencesIf you create an array of object references, and copy the object references to a second array using the = operator, the references in the second array are not valid if the first array is deleted. This behavior occurs because the references in the second array are not fully copied and depend on the original references.
376373T9BCN6IWhen you select Save All after you add a file to a TestStand project, the project does not saveAdding a file to a TestStand project changes the project, and you must save the project to preserve the changes. However, when you select Save All after you add a file to a project, the project does not appear in the Save All file list. Additionally, TestStand marks the workspace as modified, even if you did not modify the workspace file. This issue can cause problems with source-code-controlled project files. TestStand requests that you check out the project file when you add a file but indicates that no changes were made to the project when checking in the changes.
480663PIA7EYLAutomatically setting up a remote execution does not work for non-English Windows XP SP2 operating systemsEnabling the Allow All Users Access from Remote Machines option on the Remote Execution tab of the Station Options dialog box does not work on some non-English Windows XP SP2 operating systems, such as German Windows XP. The option adds the built-in account name ANONYMOUS LOGON to the DCOM access permissions, but the account name ANONYMOUS LOGON is incorrect for some non-English operating systems.
TestStand incorrectly formats the report for a post action of a step that calls a sequenceWhen you enable the On-The-Fly Reporting option on the Contents tab of the Report Options dialog box and an execution calls a sequence as a post action for a step, TestStand incorrectly formats the report.
TestStand incorrectly formats reports when Sequence Call steps loop and you enable the On-The-Fly Reporting optionWhen you configure multiple Sequence Call steps to loop, disable the Record Result of Each Iteration option on the Looping panel of the Step Settings pane, and enable the On-The-Fly Reporting option on the Contents tab of the Report Options dialog box, the report displays the first Sequence Call step with a status of Running and displays all the steps the sequence executes under the first sequence.
The XML report header incorrectly displays Test Socket Index for sequential execution when you set the Numeric Format report option to Hexadecimal, Octal, or BinaryThe XML report header incorrectly displays Test Socket Index for sequential execution when you set the Numeric Format report option to Hexadecimal, Octal, or Binary.
On-the-fly reports do not contain a failure chain sectionReports that you generate on-the-fly do not contain details about the steps in the failure chain.
Question mark characters appear in ATML reports instead of indentation spaces when you use the TR_horizontal.xsl style sheetQuestion mark characters appear in ATML reports instead of indentation spaces when you use the TR_horizontal.xsl style sheet. This issue occurs only under the following conditions:
  • You are using TestStand 2010 SP1
  • You are using a Chinese operating system
  • You are generating an ATML report using the TR_horizontal.xsl style sheet
The Expand/Collapse All Loop Indices button does not function for XML reports that use the report.xsl style sheetThe Expand/Collapse All Loop Indices button does not function for XML reports that use the report.xsl style sheet. This button exists only when you configure a step in the sequence to loop. In this case, you might also encounter an Object expected error when clicking the button in Microsoft Internet Explorer.
3500947FEKD00On-the-fly reporting leaks memory when an execution repeatedly creates new threadsGenerating a report on-the-fly slowly leaks memory when executions repeatedly use a Sequence Call step to create new threads.
Results do not display in an ATML report for a post action of a step that calls a sequenceWhen all of the following conditions are true, a report does not display results:
  • You are using the ATML report format
  • You call a sequence in a new thread using a Sequence Call step
  • The Sequence Call step specifies a post action to call another sequence
In this case, the report does not display results for the sequence the post action calls.
Result processing plug-in examples do not recognize TestStand user permissionsThe result processing plug-in examples included with TestStand (the Simple Text report and Basic Step Time Report plug-ins) do not recognize TestStand user privileges. Users without the ConfigReport privilege can modify the Enabledand Display settings for instances of these plug-ins.
Graphs in ATML 5.0 and XML reports do not display in Microsoft Internet Explorer 10 on Windows 8If you use Internet Explorer 10 on a Windows 8 computer to view an ATML 5.0 or XML report that contains one or more graphs, the graphs do not display. Instead, the report displays the graph data in a table.
ATML 5.0 report displays incorrect code module times for stepsWhen you select the TR5_Expand.xsl or TR5_report.xsl style sheets with the ATML 5.0 report format, the report incorrectly displays the total step time value and not the code module time for a step.
TestStand cannot display an ATML report if any logged limits contain the value INFIf you generate an ATML report for a sequence that contains any Numeric Limit Test steps with the INF constant defined as a limit, the report does not display, and instead TestStand returns the following error:

Unable to load the XML Report. Required white space was missing.
46782314DQ9MTTestStand does not call the ModifyReportHeader and ModifyReportFooter callbacks when you generate reports on-the-flyWhen you enable the On-The-Fly Reporting option on the Contents tab of the Report Options dialog box to generate a report on-the-fly, TestStand does not call the ModifyReportHeader and ModifyReportFooter callbacks because the ProcessOTFStepResult sequence in the report generation sequences does not call these callbacks. Note: This issue has been fixed only in the TestStand 2012 process models.
TestStand Deployment Utility
Using the horizontal scrollbar in the deployment utility prevents you from selecting filesYou cannot select or deselect files on the Distributed Files tab of the deployment utility when you use the horizontal scrollbar.
The deployment utility returns an incorrect error when the path to a LabVIEW packed project library source file is too longIf the path for a LabVIEW packed project library source file is too long, the deployment utility returns the following error: The build was aborted because LabVIEW is missing one or more files. The Deployment Utility is now determining which VIs reference the missing file(s). Internal error code 7 Processing VIs....
The deployment utility might encounter errors when deploying locked VIs when you enable the Apply New Password optionWhen you enable the Apply New Password option in the LabVIEW VI Options dialog box of the deployment utility and any VIs you include in the deployment call a subVI with the Locked (No Password) setting enabled, the deployment fails.
Errors can occur when you set VI destinations to LLBs and you enable the Output VIs to a Packed Project Library optionWhen you create a deployment that includes VIs, an error occurs in the build process under the following conditions:
  • You are using TestStand 2010 SP1 and LabVIEW 2011 or 2011 SP1
  • You enable the Output to a Packed Project Library option in the LabVIEW VI Options dialog box
  • You configure the destination of at least one top-level VI to be within an LLB
This error occurs because TestStand attempts to create a support VIs directory within an LLB, and LabVIEW does not support creating subdirectories within an LLB.
The Specify Configuration Directory option does not function in the TestStand 2010 SP1 Deployment UtilityThe Specify Configuration Directory option in the Advanced Installer Options dialog box does not function in the TestStand 2010 SP1 Deployment Utility. The deployment utility uses the default configuration directory on the deployment target computer even when you enable this option.
TestStand User Interfaces might contain blank VariablesView controls or return an unhandled error on the computer to which you deployed the test systemIf you create a TestStand deployment with the following conditions, TestStand might return an error when you attempt to edit sequences on the computer to which you deployed the test system:
  • Includes the TestStand Engine
  • Includes the .NET Support component, but does not include the Components»Tools and the Analyzer components
After you install the deployment on a target computer, the TestStand User Interface might contain a blank VariablesView control or controls might return unhandled errors when you attempt to use the user interface. Additionally, if you attempt to use the TestStand Version Selector to make the version of TestStand active, TestStand returns the TSDotNetSupport.dll failed to register. error.
LabVIEW can crash when building a deployment with destination VI paths exceeding 255 charactersWhen using the Output VIs to a packed project library option, the TestStand Deployment Utility can encounter a crash if the destination VI paths exceeds 255 characters
TestStand Engine
Performing a Step Into operation on a step might step into subsequences that pre-step or post-step Engine callbacks callIf a pre-step or post-step Engine callback, such as SequenceFilePostStep, calls a subsequence, performing a Step Into operation on a step steps into the subsequence the callback calls. If the callback does not call a subsequence, performing a Step Into operation on a step executes the step and moves on to the next step.
TestStand attempts to step into the Determine Report File Path C/C++ DLL step after stepping out of a PreUUT callbackIf you are debugging a PreUUT callback sequence and you try to step out of the sequence, TestStand attempts to step into the Determine Report File Path C/C++ DLL step in the Test UUTs Execution entry point. If you had originally traced into the Test UUTs sequence, this behavior would not occur.
Viewing expression steps with a large number of comma-separated statements can cause TestStand to stop respondingViewing expression steps with a large number of comma-separated statements can cause TestStand to crash or stop responding.
Performing a Flush or GetStatus operation on a global TestStand queue might return error -17500Performing a Flush or GetStatus operation on a global TestStand queue might return error -17500 if you configure the operation to store the queue elements in an array, such as by specifying the Location to Store Array of Queue Elements option. This issue exists for global TestStand queues, which are queues with names that start with an asterisk (*), but not for local TestStand queues.
The default UUT data type does not provide a Part Number fieldFor many applications, UUTs specify both a serial number and a part number, but the default UUT data type in TestStand does not provide a specific field to store a part number.
Using the <Esc> key or closing the Run-Time Error dialog box causes the execution to pauseClosing the Run-Time Error dialog box using the <Esc> key or by closing the window causes the execution to pause. This behavior might be a problem for users with operator privileges because these users do not have sufficient privileges to resume the execution.
Passing a value of 0 for the subProperty parameter of the PropertyObject.InsertSubProperty method causes TestStand to stop respondingAfter you execute a sequence that calls the PropertyObject.InsertSubProperty method from an ActiveX/COM step and you pass a value of 0 or nothing for the subProperty parameter, TestStand stops responding when you use autocomplete while editing an expression. You must restart TestStand to recover from this state.
The comparison function can yield different results when operands are swapped if one operand is zeroWhen using the comparison operator in TestStand to compare a value of magnitude 1e-14 or smaller to exactly zero, swapping the operands can yield different result. For example, the comparison 0 == 1e-14 returns True but the comparison 1e-14 == 0 returns False. The same difference in behavior occurs with the not equal (!=) and greater and less than (< and >) operators. This issue will be fixed in a future version of TestStand.
Boolean logic might return an incorrect result when you use constant values for both operandsThe Boolean logic operators && and || might return an incorrect result when you use constants for both operands, such as, 'False && True'. This issue does not occur if either operand contains a variable value.
Using the Find/Replace dialog box can modify locked typesIf you use the Replace operation in the Find/Replace dialog box to change the value of a property within a locked type, TestStand makes the change without prompting for the password for the locked type.
Min() or Max() expression function can return an error when evaluating an array stored in a parameterIf you pass an array parameter to the Min() or Max() expression function, the expression function returns an error under one of the following conditions:
  • You store the array in a parameter and you pass it by reference.
  • You pass data to the parameter from a calling sequence.
The error message returned is similar to the following:

-17308; Specified value does not have the expected type.
Error in argument 1, 'Parameters.Array', in call to the expression function 'Min'. Expected Number, found Array of Numbers.
TestStand crashes upon launch on Windows 8 if installed before the .NET 3.5 Framework 
TestStand Sequence Editor
Syncing files with a source code control system from the TestStand File/Diff Merge application in the sequence editor returns an errorIf you try to diff files in the sequence editor with a workspace file open, TestStand prompts you to edit the current files, sync the files with a source code control (SCC) system first, or cancel the operation. If you choose to sync the files first, TestStand returns the One or more errors have occurred. Please save your work and restart the application.
Using a LabVIEW Edit substep to remove an element from a TestStand array while elements of that array are visible on the Variables pane causes an error on the Variables paneWhen you enable the Show VI Front Panel When Called option for a LabVIEW Edit substep and use that substep to remove an element from a TestStand array while elements of that array are visible on the Variables pane, the Variables pane returns an error under certain screen resolution or color quality settings. You must restart TestStand in this situation.
The Watch View pane might not refresh all watch expressionsIn some cases, the Watch View pane might not refresh all current watch expressions after you make an edit to an expression.
The RunState.IsEditor property evaluates to False in the SequenceFileLoad callback of a process model when launching the sequence editorWhen you launch the sequence editor, the RunState.IsEditor property evaluates to False in the SequenceFileLoad callback of a process model.
An error can occur when you change the run mode for multiple selected Sequence Call stepsWhen you select multiple Sequence Call steps and you change the run mode step setting, you might encounter error -17325 if any of the Sequence Call steps contain one or more multi-dimensional array parameters.
The Parameters Table for a Sequence Call step might crash when you use the navigation buttons while a parameter is selectedIf you click the Back or Forward navigation buttons while you have a parameter selected in the Parameters Table on the Sequence Call Module tab, the Parameters Table might crash and require a restart of the sequence editor. This error occurs only if you modified the selected parameter before clicking the navigation button.
Errors occur when you save or modify a TestStand Sequence Analyzer project while a TestStand workspace is openIf you modify or save a TestStand Sequence Analyzer project while a TestStand workspace file is open, TestStand returns the Object reference is not set to an instance of an object error. This error can also occur when you shut down the sequence editor while a TestStand workspace and sequence analyzer project are open because shutting down TestStand saves the sequence analyzer project.
Sequence Hierarchy window cannot open with certain security policy settingsIf the System Cryptography: Use FIPS compliant algorithms for encryption, hashing, and signing policy setting is enabled in the Microsoft Windows security policy settings, the Sequence Hierarchy window fails to launch and returns an error that indicates that the GoView license is invalid or expired.
Deleting rows or columns of a multi-dimensional array terminal of a LabVIEW front panel can cause the VI Parameter Table to stop functioningWhen you configure the parameters for a LabVIEW step, you delete rows or columns of a multi-dimensional array terminal in LabVIEW, and then you configure the current value to be the default value in the VI Parameter Table on the LabVIEW Module tab, the VI Parameter Table might stop functioning in TestStand. This issue occurs only if you expanded the elements of the deleted rows or columns before you deleted the rows or columns.
Selecting multiple watch expressions can cause the Watch View pane to error in certain casesIf you select multiple watch expressions on the Watch View pane and some expressions you select are valid but others are invalid, the Watch View can error. An invalid watch expression displays an "X" icon to the left of the expression. When the error occurs, the Watch View pane displays the One or more errors have occurred. Please save your work and restart the application. error and you must restart TestStand.
TestStand User Interface (UI) Controls
541153BDELTRANavigating back or using links in the Report control might errorThe sequence editor and user interfaces that include the Report control might return an error or reach an unusable state when you aggressively click links and navigate back on the Microsoft Internet Explorer control. This Internet Explorer issue is more likely to occur when the application runs more slowly, such as while debugging the application with LabWindows/CVI or another debugger.
User Interfaces
3700149GDNHG0Modifying the run mode of a step in a user interface in Operator Mode does not mark the sequence file as modifiedModifying the run mode of a step in a user interface in Operator Mode does not mark the sequence file as modified, even after you change the user interface to Editor Mode. This change does not have any effect in Operator Mode because you cannot save files.

Glossary of Terms


  • Bug ID - When an issue is reported to NI, you may be given this ID or find it on  You may also find IDs posted by NI on the discussion forums or in KnowledgeBase articles.
  • Legacy ID – An older issue ID that refers to the same issue.  You may instead find this issue ID in older known issues documents.
  • Description - A few sentences which describe the problem. The brief description given does not necessarily describe the problem in full detail.
  • Workaround - Possible ways to work around the problem.
  • Reported Version - The earliest version in which the issue was reported.
  • Resolved Version - Version in which the issue was resolved or was no longer applicable. "N/A" indicates that the issue has not been resolved.
  • Date Added - The date the issue was added to the document (not the reported date).