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Exercise Each Parameter Value to Ensure that the Instrument Settings are Updated Appropriately. Test Both API VIs and Example VIs.

Each parameter results in a different command string sent to the instrument. Therefore, verify each command string. Test different VI combinations, calling orders, and dependencies. Invalid calling orders or dependencies should be handled robustly by the driver. Test parameters as part of a test framework or test them interactively. Test VIs can be saved and executed on future driver versions. If you test VIs interactively, combine the testing with a final front panel review. This type of testing should be executed throughout development and after the driver is complete.

Test a Variety of Instrument Error Reporting and Recovery Conditions

  • Verify that Error Query VI returns appropriate error information.
  • Test that the driver can be run with an instrument that is in an error state.

Test both valid and invalid test conditions. Testing failing conditions validates the error handling mechanisms. Send out of range parameter values, call dependent VIs in the incorrect order, or use other methods to produce instrument errors. Refer to the instrument documentation for a complete list of command, execution, device, and system error messages to test. Test the following conditions to ensure the Error Query VI executes appropriately based on instrument or VISA errors:

  • Single Instrument error: Error Query should return the instrument's error
  • Multiple Instrument errors: Error Query should return a queue of instrument errors
  • VISA timeout due to command error: Error Query should return the instrument's error information
  • VISA timeout due to data not ready: Error Query should return the VISA timeout error
  • Non-timeout VISA error: Error Query should return the VISA error

The Initialize VI should clear all instrument errors and place the instrument in a known good state so that the driver can execute properly. Abort an instrument driver example during execution and verify that the example can be run again without error.

If the Instrument Driver Supports Multiple Bus Interfaces, Test the Driver Thoroughly with Each Interface


There are many possibilities for different behavior when supporting multiple buses. First, the instrument itself might have different behavior for each bus type. Then the actual bus protocol might introduce differences, including time delays. Third, VISA defines different behavior for some functions and properties. Take these differences into account as you develop your instrument driver VIs. Thoroughly test the driver with each interface. The majority of testing can be executed on one interface bus. The most common use cases, like the instrument driver examples, should be tested with various parameter selections on all supported buses. Test driver VIs that transfer large amounts of data to or from the instrument. Verify the timeout is appropriate for typical transfers on slow buses. All interface specific code should also be tested.

Document Known Issues and Functionality Not Included in the Driver


The instrument driver Readme should include detailed information about any known issues found in the driver. Include information about test coverage for testing performed on the driver. Instrument functionality not supported by the driver should also be documented in the Readme. All of this information can be useful to users of the driver, particularly if problems are encountered.

Thoroughly Test and Document Any Timing-Related Issues


Timing issues can often be difficult to identify and troubleshoot. A majority of timing issues occur with the serial interface or with poorly designed instruments. Developers should use Wait VIs only as required to work around timing issues. This workaround should be documented in the driver code and also in the Readme. This type of documentation can be denoted with a keyword so that a user can search for and identify all instances of this workaround in the driver.

Stress Test the Driver Under Various Conditions


  • (Recommended) Run examples with large channel counts, if applicable. For instance, if the instrument supports more than one channel, test all channels for different types of operations. Test reading from or writing to channels in non-sequential order.
  • (Recommended) Run examples for an extended period of time. Verify that there is no degradation in performance and that the driver continues to function as expected. Verify that there is no significant increase in memory usage.
  • (Recommended) Test different use cases of looping sections of code in a typical series of instrument driver VI calls including entire series of VI calls, the measurement section of code, and multiple configure and measurement sequences.

Mass Compile All the VIs in the Instrument Driver Library to Ensure They Execute

Before submitting the driver for certification, mass compile the driver to ensure that the instrument driver VI Library contains only runnable VIs. In addition to mass compiling the library, review all the VIs in the VI Library. Sometimes temporary or testing VIs appear in the VI Library unintentionally. Mass compile the VIs on a separate computer running LabVIEW to ensure that there are no dependencies to other VIs not installed on the end-user computers. Do so especially if you create a new instrument driver from an existing instrument driver.

Test Example VIs for the "Out-of-the-Box" Experience


Validate that default values in each VI are appropriate for the most common use cases. Instruments often require stimulus to perform measurements. Set examples to use instrument on-board test signals, such as the probe compensation signal available on most oscilloscopes. This provides users with a good out-of-the-box experience when using both the instrument and instrument driver. If no on-board test signals are available, clearly document the required system setup and stimulus needed to perform the operation. Include these instructions on the front panel of the instrument VI.

Test the driver with the latest instrument firmware and on different machines. Report the instrument firmware version tested in the Readme.


Run the Instrument Driver VI Analyzer Plug-in


The LabVIEW Instrument Driver VI Analyzer Plug-in contains additional tests and configuration based on the Instrument Driver Guidelines. This plug-in prioritizes instrument driver tests for driver architecture and API design, VI names and properties, controls and indicator properties, front panels, block diagrams, icons and connector panes, documentation, palette menus, and examples.

If You Created Online Help Linked From Instrument Driver VIs, Test Access to the Help By Selecting Click Here for More Information From the Context Help Window


Ensure no hard coded paths exist anywhere in the VIs. Test links to the online help on a computer with a different file structure than your development machine.

View Front Panels and Block Diagrams in Larger System Fonts to Check for Font Issues and Overlapping Objects


Change the system font for your computer, then check the front panel and block diagram for overlapping objects.

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