Command | Keyboard Shortcut |
Align | |
Align to Coordinate | * |
Autorouter | |
Start/Resume Autorouter | Ctrl+Shift+8 |
Database |
Place From Database | Ctrl+W |
Draw Settings | |
Narrow | Ctrl+Shift+N |
Next Layer | Ctrl+L |
Widen | Ctrl+Shift+W |
Edit | |
Cancel | Esc |
Copy | Ctrl+C |
Cut | Ctrl+X |
Delete | Delete |
Find | Ctrl+F |
Flip Horizontal | Alt+X |
Flip Vertical | Alt+Y |
Next Drawing Mode | Space |
Paste | Ctrl+V |
Redo | Ctrl+Y |
Rotate the selection 90 Degrees Clockwise | Ctrl+R |
Rotate the selection 90 Degrees Counterclockwise | Ctrl+Shift+R |
Select All | Ctrl+A |
Swap Layer | Alt+S |
Undo | Ctrl+Z |
Help | |
Contents | F1 |
Layers | |
Activate Favorite Layer 1 | Ctrl+Alt+1 |
Activate Favorite Layer 2 | Ctrl+Alt+2 |
Activate Favorite Layer 3 | Ctrl+Alt+3 |
Activate Favorite Layer 4 | Ctrl+Alt+4 |
Activate Favorite Layer 5 | Ctrl+Alt+5 |
Activate Favorite Layer 6 | Ctrl+Alt+6 |
Activate Favorite Layer 7 | Ctrl+Alt+7 |
Activate Favorite Layer 8 | Ctrl+Alt+8 |
Activate Favorite Layer 9 | Ctrl+Alt+9 |
Activate Favorite Layer 10 | Ctrl+Alt+0 |
Quick layer toggle | F2 |
Mouse Simulation | |
Move mouse one grid down | Down |
Move mouse one grid left | Left |
Move mouse one grid right | Right |
Move mouse one grid up | Up |
Pan down | Shift+Down |
Pan left | Shift+Left |
Pan right | Shift+Right |
Pan up | Shift+Up |
Simulate left mouse button down | Enter |
Place | |
Arc | Ctrl+Shift+A |
Bezier | Ctrl+Shift+B |
Circle | Ctrl+Shift+C |
Ellipse | Ctrl+Shift+E |
Follow-me | Ctrl+T |
Line | Ctrl+L |
Pie | Ctrl+Shift+P |
Place Bus | Ctrl+B |
Polygon | Ctrl+Shift+G |
Rounded Rectangle | Ctrl+Shift+O |
Select Mode | Ctrl+Shift+S |
Text | Ctrl+Alt+A |
Standard | |
Export | Ctrl+E |
New File | Ctrl+N |
Open File | Ctrl+O |
| Ctrl+P |
Save File | Ctrl+S |
Tools | |
File Information | Ctrl+Alt+I |
View | |
Redraw | F5 |
Zoom Board | F7 |
Zoom Full | Ctrl+F7 |
Zoom In | F8 |
Zoom Out | F9 |
Zoom Window | F6 |