Archived: NI VeriStand 2011 and 2011 SP1 Known Issues

NI does not actively maintain this document.

This content provides support for older products and technology, so you may notice outdated links or obsolete information about operating systems or other relevant products.


This document contains known issues for NI VeriStand 2011 and 2011 SP1. Not every issue known to NI will appear on this list; it is intended to only show the severe and more common issues that can be encountered.

Each Issue appears as a row in the table and includes these fields:
  • Issue ID
  • Issue Title
  • Problem Description
  • Workaround
  • Reported Version - the earliest version of LabVIEW the issue was reported in
  • Resolved Version - version the issue was resolved or was no longer applicable
  • Date Added - the date the issue was added to the document (not reported date)

Contacting NI

You can contact us by phone, email, or the discussion forums. Visit the NI Website to contact us. If you are contacting NI in regards to a specific issue, be sure to reference the ID. If you have feedback on this document, please contact NI on this NI Forum Zone post.

Windows 7

National Instruments is committed to maintaining compatibility with Microsoft Windows technology changes. However, NI has become aware of a number of issues of potential significance regarding Microsoft Windows 7. To learn how Windows 7 affects your use of NI products, visit and enter the Info Code windows7.

Known Issues by Date

The following items are known issues in VeriStand 2011 and VeriStand 2011 SP1 sorted by Date.

364992Stimulus Profile Editor can crash when number is not set to English
368357NI VeriStand Model Framework Fails to Register with MATLAB R2010a and Later
369187Importing XNET Database fails when signal and frame have same name but different capitalization
373896Streaming more than 1021 channels to the Stimulus Profile Editor to Log results in bad data.
379042Information Channels added to XNET Frame can cause frame data to be incorrect
379680Real-time sequence expressions might produce incorrect results if they have nested subsequences in a single expression
176118Errors from the VeriStand engine on RT, may be reported with the explanation that it is an unknown error
187917Empty Message envelope created in System Explorer if no channels selected when importing CAN messages
216736Model time for an MDL is incorrect
222544Clicking stop on a model control linked to an MDL causes NI VeriStand to crash
222645VeriStand cannot import MDLs with ports inside a block with a name starting with a number
197438Canceling 'locate recent workspace' dialog hangs NI VeriStand
216610Importing a .mdl file slows significantly with larger models
231904VxWorks compiler for building models is not supported on Vista or Windows 7
241320Lvmodel fails to initialize with error 1003
242966ID of 0 no longer signifies root in the System Explorer
279698DAQ DO doesn't update if an FPGA personality is also present
284874Cannot remove scaling from a channel with the Channel Scaling and Calibration Tool
286798Repeatly opening and closing a project in VeriStand 2010 cuases a memory leak
299093AI channels are not enumerate correctly for DAQ devices with 16 differential AI chennels
284915Channel calibration data does not follow the channel but scaling does
297664Memory leak when opening and closing the Workspace window repeatedly
303844Cannot open a sequence by double clicking Sequence Call in the test project
309162Cannot multi select steps by holding down shift
309168Double clicking a stimulus file on disk with an editor already open, opens a brand new editor window
310588Reflective memory channels are not scalable
314089A profile is editable by drag/drop while it is running
315109System explorer gives Error 1430 when you try to close it from the parameters or signals page
315467Models with a large number of parameters rail the CPU when system definition is deployed
315564Workspace Tool Message step command and data fields cannot be multi-lined
316421A system using a SMIO X Series board will hang when during undeployment
316610Model parameters do not show up in the model calibration control in offline mode
316678Multi Task in stimulus profile sometimes gets duplicated when you try to collapse it
316701Procedure Alarm Command on the second target only allows selecting alarm from first target
317883Using % in a block name causes a The MathWorks Inc. Simulink® model to fail to build
318323Opening a VI with a .NET indicator or control in a newer version of LabVIEW picks the old assembly from GAC
317821The fault function in a real-time sequence doesn't completely fault the channel
319336Converting a VI to a lvmodel fails if the VI was last saved in a version of LabVIEW older than 2011
321434Imported model information and rate are not correct in NI VeriStand 2011
325080Cyclic CAN Frames are sent with 1 ms rate regardless of what is dictated in the XNETdatabase
320604Cannot programmatically set model inport and outport default values
328143File path dialog error in the Stimulus Profile Editor when trying to create a new log file
328974Raw frame logging does not log LIN and FlexRay frames
328975Bus monitor does not show LIN frames
329713Triggered XNET frame is sent the very first time without respecting the default value of the signal
331647TDMS logs have non standard and inconsistent unit definitions
335859Inports and outports do not get imported if their paths are too long
338386Sequence with undeclared variables do not show errors in the Stimulus Profile Editor but fails to compile
341766NI VeriStand crashes during undeploy with CloseOperation.cpp error
353025Changing the XNET database for one port deletes frames on all ports that references the same database
319481Remote Event Frames are filtered out in Veristand
319988XNET Database Editor throws error if there is a '.' in the name of the .dbc file
322933Polling Custom Workspace Control Causes Veristand to Hang
339518XNET Device Driver fails to deploy after formatting controller
343401Recursive call of nivsseq can cause Stimulus Prifle Editor to crash
346463Undeploying a project immediately after deployment can cause hang
348497Interacting with Veristand while instrumented through the API can cause Veristand to hang
348534Workspace graph does not function on Windows XP if no network connection is available
349731Veristand cannot built model from LabVIEW if VI contains static reference to a shared variable
350189Real-time sequence expressions might produce incorrect results
351622FPGA and DAQ devices don't slave to RTSI 0 when timing and sync device is specified as timing master
360521XNET Bus Monitor uses the wrong network adapter if there are multiple adapters on a machine
360883NI VeriStand Experiences a Significant Delay When Loading under a Network Connection without Internet Access
363424Excluded/included frames do not save for Data Replay files

IDKnown Issue

Stimulus Profile Editor can crash when number is not set to English
The Stimulus Profile Editor may crash when opening when the OS number format is not set to English

Workaround: In Language and Region settings change change the Decimal symbol to a dot(.) instead of a comma (,) or install VeriStand 2011 SP1 f1 Patch

Reported Version: 2011 SP1  Resolved Version: 2011 SP1  Added: 00/11/29/2017/

NI VeriStand Model Framework Fails to Register with MATLAB R2010a and Later
The NI VeriStand Model Framework feature fails to correctly register with MATLAB R2010a and later distributions. NI VeriStand paths are no longer automatically loaded into the MATLAB Workspace.

Workaround: Add the following lines to the matlabrc.m file, a file that is installed by the MATLAB software. If you only want to start the NI VeriStand Server for certain users or configurations, add the following lines to the startup.m file. addpath('X:\VeriStand'); NIVeriStandAddPaths; where X is the drive letter on which you installed NI VeriStand.

Reported Version: 2011  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 00/11/29/2016/

Importing XNET Database fails when signal and frame have same name but different capitalization
Importing XNET Database fails when signal and frame have same name but different capitalization. Importing frames will fail with error 1077 stating that there is an invalid signal.

Workaround: Make signal and frame capitalization match or use different names for signals and frames

Reported Version: 2011 SP1  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 00/11/29/2015/

Streaming more than 1021 channels to the Stimulus Profile Editor to Log results in bad data.
If you stream more than 1021 channels to the Stimulus Profile Editor to be logged the channels over 1021 will not have the correct data.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 2011 SP1  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 00/11/29/2014/

Information Channels added to XNET Frame can cause frame data to be incorrect
If information channels are added to some (not all) of the incoming frames on a CAN port, the signal data appears on the wrong signal.

Workaround: Use information channels on all frames or no frames on a CAN port.

Reported Version: 2011 SP1  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 00/11/29/2013/

Real-time sequence expressions might produce incorrect results if they have nested subsequences in a single expression
Example: x = subsequence1(subsequence2(y)) . This expression, where subsequence 1 and subsequence2 are both real-time sequences, can result in an incorrect result for x.

Workaround: Install VeriStand 2011 f1 or VeriStand 2011 SP1 f1 Patch

Reported Version: 2011  Resolved Version: 2011 SP1  Added: 00/11/29/2012/

Errors from the VeriStand engine on RT, may be reported with the explanation that it is an unknown error
When errors from the VeriStand engine on RT is reported on the host it may not have the correct explanation. The explanation may be reported as unknown error. This happens when the corresponding driver is not installed. The correct error number is reported but there is no explanation.

Workaround: Make sure NI-DAQmx, NI-RIO and NI-CAN is installed on the host computer.

Reported Version: 2009  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 08/10/2009

Empty Message envelope created in System Explorer if no channels selected when importing CAN messages
An empty Message envelope is created in the System Explorer (under Controller»Hardware»NI-CAN) if no channels are selected when importing CAN messages from a file.

Workaround: Do not save the invalid System Definition. Close and re-open the System Explorer, then re-import our CAN messages, ensuring that at least one channel is selected.

Reported Version: 2009  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 10/28/2009

Model time for an MDL is incorrect
Model time for an MDL is incorrect

Workaround: Use a Clock block wire to an outport in your model. Then use that output as the time.

Reported Version: 2009  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 04/13/2010

Clicking stop on a model control linked to an MDL causes NI VeriStand to crash
If you click the stop button of a model control that is mapped to an MDL, NI VeriStand crashes.

Workaround: Don't click stop in the model. Instead, stop the simulation from NI VeriStand.

Reported Version: 2009  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 04/30/2010

VeriStand cannot import MDLs with ports inside a block with a name starting with a number
VeriStand cannot import MDLs with NI VerIStand inports or outports inside a block that starts with a number.

Workaround: Rename the subsystem to not have a number at the beginning of its name.

Reported Version: 2009  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 06/11/2010

Canceling 'locate recent workspace' dialog hangs NI VeriStand
If veristand cannot find its previously active configuration upon launch, you are presented with a browse dialog to find the workspace. If you cancel the dialog box asking for the location, NI VeriStand hangs

Workaround: Choose an existing workspace, do not cancel the dialog.

Reported Version: 2009  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 07/02/2010

Importing a .mdl file slows significantly with larger models
If you try to import a .mdl file with a large number of parameters and signals, the import will be increasingly slower and may lead to a crash.

Workaround: Consider breaking model into smaller components.

Reported Version: 2009  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 07/02/2010

VxWorks compiler for building models is not supported on Vista or Windows 7
The VxWorks compiler used for building out files for RT is not supported on Windows Vista or 7.

Workaround: You need Windows XP in order to create a model out file. Once created you can use the the model out file on any of the supported OSes including Windows Vista and Windows 7.

Reported Version: 2010  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 09/17/2010

Lvmodel fails to initialize with error 1003
When deploying a lvmodel to a target without LabVIEW Control Design and Simulation Module the model fails to initialize with error 1003.

Workaround: Either install LabVIEW Control Design and Simulation Module support on the RT target or reboot the target after deployment.

Reported Version: 2010  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 09/17/2010

ID of 0 no longer signifies root in the System Explorer
In NI VeriStand 2009 ID 0 used to mean the root when trying to list all channels in a system definition. This is no longer the case in Ni VeriStand 2010.

Workaround: When creating your custom device, use NI VeriStand - Get Item Reference by and wire an empty string to the Item Path In terminal to get the ID of the root item.

Reported Version: 2010  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 09/17/2010

DAQ DO doesn't update if an FPGA personality is also present
When you have a system definition with both a DAQ and an FPGA card, the digital output of the DAQ board doesn't update.

Workaround: 1) Unset the FPGA board as chassis master. Visit the controller page and set it to auto-timing which will use the MHz timing source. 2) Include an AI or AO channel to the DAQ configuration

Reported Version: 2010  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 12/31/2010

Cannot remove scaling from a channel with the Channel Scaling and Calibration Tool
If scaling is set on a channel through the Channel Scaling and Calibration workspace tool, the scaling cannot be removed using the tool.

Workaround: Use the API to remove scaling or keep the scaling but make a 0 offset and the first order term equal to 1.

Reported Version: 2010  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 06/13/2011

Repeatly opening and closing a project in VeriStand 2010 cuases a memory leak
The size of the NI VeriStand.exe grows in memory when opening/closing a project which eventually slows down edit-time performance.

Workaround: Occasionally close VeriStand to remove these memory allocations.

Reported Version: 2010  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 06/13/2011

AI channels are not enumerate correctly for DAQ devices with 16 differential AI chennels
If you add a MIO DAQ device and specify 16 AI differential channels, it enumerates them AI0 to AI7 and then AI16 to AI23.

Workaround: Add the DAQ card with the default input configuration and then change the channels to differential after adding it

Reported Version: 2010  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 06/20/2011

Channel calibration data does not follow the channel but scaling does
If you have two identical system definitions, scaling that's been applied to Channel A in System Definition A also gets applied to Channel A in System Definition B. However, the calibration data does not.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 2010  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 10/09/2011

Memory leak when opening and closing the Workspace window repeatedly
If you open and close the workspace window repeatedly with several controls on the screen there is a noticeable memory leak.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 2011  Resolved Version: 2011 SP1  Added: 10/09/2011

Cannot open a sequence by double clicking Sequence Call in the test project
Cannot open a sequence by double clicking Sequence Call in the test project

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 2011  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 10/09/2011

Cannot multi select steps by holding down shift
You cannot highlight multiple items in the sequence editor.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 2011  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 10/09/2011

Double clicking a stimulus file on disk with an editor already open, opens a brand new editor window
Double clicking a stimulus file on disk with an editor already open, opens a brand new editor window

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 2011  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 10/09/2011

Reflective memory channels are not scalable
Reflective memory channels are not scalable

Workaround: Use a calculated channel or model to scale them.

Reported Version: 2010  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 10/09/2011

A profile is editable by drag/drop while it is running
While a stimulus profile is running, you shouldn't be able to edit it. However, you can drag drop elements in the tree, including the drop copy and drop move.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 2011  Resolved Version: 2011 SP1  Added: 10/09/2011

System explorer gives Error 1430 when you try to close it from the parameters or signals page
System explorer gives Error 1430 when you try to close it from the parameters or signals page

Workaround: After adding parameters, navigate to a different page in the system explorer and then close it

Reported Version: 2011  Resolved Version: 2011 SP1  Added: 10/09/2011

Models with a large number of parameters rail the CPU when system definition is deployed
Models with a large number of parameters imported into the system definition will rail the CPU when system definition is deployed

Workaround: Do not import unused parameters

Reported Version: 2011  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 10/09/2011

Workspace Tool Message step command and data fields cannot be multi-lined
In the Stimulus Profile Editor, the Workspace Tool Message step command and data fields cannot be multi-lined

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 2011  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 10/09/2011

A system using a SMIO X Series board will hang when during undeployment
If a NI VeriStand system uses a SMIO X Series board, it will hang when it undeploys from the target.

Workaround: This was an issue in the DAQmx driver and was fixed in DAQmx 9.5.

Reported Version: 2010  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 10/09/2011

Model parameters do not show up in the model calibration control in offline mode
Model parameters do not show up in the model calibration control in offline mode

Workaround: Launch the Model Parameter Manager Workspace Tool and then map the parameters.

Reported Version: 2011  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 10/09/2011

Multi Task in stimulus profile sometimes gets duplicated when you try to collapse it
Multi Task in stimulus profile sometimes gets duplicated when you try to collapse it

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 2011  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 10/09/2011

Procedure Alarm Command on the second target only allows selecting alarm from first target
If you add an Alarm Command step for a procedure, you can only select alarms from the first target in the system definition.

Workaround: Navigate to the alarm on the second target for which you want to create an Alarm Command procedure step. Choose to create a procedure from that alarm directly. This newly created procedure will contain an Alarm Command step already linked to the alarm.

Reported Version: 2011  Resolved Version: 2011 SP1  Added: 10/09/2011

Using % in a block name causes a The MathWorks Inc. Simulink® model to fail to build
Using % in a block name causes a The MathWorks Inc. Simulink® model to fail to build

Workaround: Do not use % in the block name.

Reported Version: 2010  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 10/09/2011

Opening a VI with a .NET indicator or control in a newer version of LabVIEW picks the old assembly from GAC
When opening up one of older 2010 VIs in LabView 2011 that used the NI VeriStand API, it doesn't upgrade successfully. The VI expected to find the 2011.0.0.0 assembly but found the 2010.0.0.0 instead.

Workaround: See KnowledgeBase: 934000716AC?OpenDocument

Reported Version: 2010  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 10/09/2011

The fault function in a real-time sequence doesn't completely fault the channel
If you use the fault function in a real-time sequence on a channel, that channel will not be completely faulted. The channel shows up as faulted in the Channel Fault Manager workspace tool but it can still be modified externally.

Workaround: Fault an unused channel like a User Channel while the real-time sequence is running.

Reported Version: 2011  Resolved Version: 2011 SP1  Added: 10/31/2011

Converting a VI to a lvmodel fails if the VI was last saved in a version of LabVIEW older than 2011
If you have a VI that you need to turn into a .lvmodel to use in NI VeriStand 2011 but that VI was last saved in a version of LabVIEW older than 2010. The conversion process finishes without error but it never creates the .lvmodel.

Workaround: Save it in 2011 and then convert the VI into a lvmodel.

Reported Version: 2011  Resolved Version: 2011 SP1  Added: 10/31/2011

Imported model information and rate are not correct in NI VeriStand 2011
After initially importing a model into NI VeriStand 2011, the model information and rate are not correct.

Workaround: Refresh the model's page after importing

Reported Version: 2011  Resolved Version: 2011 SP1  Added: 10/31/2011

Cyclic CAN Frames are sent with 1 ms rate regardless of what is dictated in the XNETdatabase
Cyclic CAN Frames are sent with 1 ms rate regardless of what is dictated in the XNETdatabase.

Workaround: Make the frame event driven and configure a trigger that occurs at the desired rate for the frames to be sent at.

Reported Version: 2011  Resolved Version: 2011 SP1  Added: 11/30/2011

Cannot programmatically set model inport and outport default values
In the system explorer you can set model inport and outport default values. However, you cannot do the same thing using the system definition API because the method is read only.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 2011  Resolved Version: 2011 SP1  Added: 12/30/2011

File path dialog error in the Stimulus Profile Editor when trying to create a new log file
If you try to select a new file path in the Start Logging step and use it to create a new file, it throws an error telling you that the file does not exist

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 2011  Resolved Version: 2011 SP1  Added: 12/30/2011

Raw frame logging does not log LIN and FlexRay frames
Raw frame logging does not log LIN and FlexRay frames

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 2011  Resolved Version: 2011 SP1  Added: 12/30/2011

Bus monitor does not show LIN frames
Bus monitor does not show LIN frames

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 2011  Resolved Version: 2011 SP1  Added: 12/30/2011

Triggered XNET frame is sent the very first time without respecting the default value of the signal
The very first value of a triggered XNET frame is always 0 for each signal in the frame.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 2011  Resolved Version: 2011 SP1  Added: 12/30/2011

TDMS logs have non standard and inconsistent unit definitions
TDMS logs created on the host or by the embedded data logger are defining the units of a channel in a way not in accordance with other NI products like LabVIEW, DAQmx TDMS logging and DIAdem

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 2011  Resolved Version: 2011 SP1  Added: 01/31/2012

Inports and outports do not get imported if their paths are too long
The inports and outports do not get imported if the total number of characters in the combined port paths of model is more than 9999.

Workaround: Shorten the length of the path by either shortening the name of the inport/outport or move them out of subsystems.

Reported Version: 2009  Resolved Version: 2011 SP1  Added: 02/29/2012

Sequence with undeclared variables do not show errors in the Stimulus Profile Editor but fails to compile
If a variable is not declared in a real-time sequence, the Stimulus Profile Editor does not give an error. If you try to run this sequence, NI VeriStand will return error -307650.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 2011  Resolved Version: 2011 SP1  Added: 02/29/2012

NI VeriStand crashes during undeploy with CloseOperation.cpp error
With LabVIEW 2011 SP1 and NI VeriStand 2011 installed on the same machine, NI VeriStand will occasionally crash when undelpoying a system definition.

Workaround: If the Unregister for .NET Event is used in a custom device or custom workspace object, set the calling VI to run in the UI thread.

Reported Version: 2011  Resolved Version: 2011 SP1  Added: 03/30/2012

Changing the XNET database for one port deletes frames on all ports that references the same database
If there are multiple XNET ports added to a system definition file and the database is dereferenced from one of the ports, it deletes all frames from all of the XNET ports in the same bus (CAN, LIN, or FlexRay)

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 2011  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 05/04/2012

Remote Event Frames are filtered out in Veristand
Frames without channels in the system explorer are not added to the session. This makes it so an Event Remote frame cannot be used without creating a custom device to handle it.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 2011  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 07/20/2012

XNET Database Editor throws error if there is a '.' in the name of the .dbc file
If you attempt to open a DBC file with a '.' in the name of the file in the XNET Database Editor in Veristand you may see the following error: " The Database specified could not be loaded, either it does not exist or it is not a valid XNET Database."

Workaround: Follow these steps 1) Open XNET Database Editor outside of Veristand 2) Import DBC File 3) Hit OK and View DBC file with corrected ALIAS

Reported Version: 2010  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 07/20/2012

Polling Custom Workspace Control Causes Veristand to Hang
If a custom workspace control is made to poll a channel in its timeout case of the event structure and then placed on a workspace with an existing built-in workspace control/indicator tied to the same channel NIVS may hang when you disconnect or undeploy .

Workaround: Change the custom control to use multichannel read instead of single channel read

Reported Version: 2011  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 07/20/2012

XNET Device Driver fails to deploy after formatting controller
After deploying a Veristand system definition containing XNET if the controller is reformatted but the system definition is unchanged subsequent deployments will fail with an error similar to "NI VeriStand: The specified Device Driver VI was not found at the following path: C:\ni-rt\NIVeriStand\XNET\NI-XNET.llb\"

Workaround: Change the system definition such that it needs to be saved. Save and re-deploy the system definition.

Reported Version: 2011  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 07/20/2012

Recursive call of nivsseq can cause Stimulus Prifle Editor to crash
If a nivsseq refereneces itself it can cause the Stimulus Profile Editor to crash when it is opened.

Workaround: Open the XML of the nivsseq and delete the recursive reference

Reported Version: 2011  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 07/20/2012

Undeploying a project immediately after deployment can cause hang
If you attempt to undeploy a project immediately after deploying it Veristand can hang.

Workaround: Delay between deployment and undeployment

Reported Version: 2011  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 07/20/2012

Interacting with Veristand while instrumented through the API can cause Veristand to hang
Using the mouse or keyboard to interact with Veristand while it is being instrument through external API code can cause Veristand to hang.

Workaround: Don't use mouse or keyboard to interact with Veristand while its operation is being instrumented through external API code

Reported Version: 2011  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 07/20/2012

Workspace graph does not function on Windows XP if no network connection is available
Workspace graph does not function on some Windows XP computers if no network connection is available

Workaround: Install the microsoft loopback adapter: or connect the computer to another network.

Reported Version: 2011  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 07/20/2012

Veristand cannot built model from LabVIEW if VI contains static reference to a shared variable
Veristand cannot built model from LabVIEW if VI contains static reference to a shared variable. Error 1003 will be displayed.

Workaround: Use programmatic access for shared variables

Reported Version: 2011  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 07/20/2012

Real-time sequence expressions might produce incorrect results
Real-time sequence expressions might produce incorrect results if they use the same variable on both the left-hand and right-hand sides of an equation in which the right-hand side also contains other compound operations. o Example: x = x + sin(y * 100). This example might apply the result of sin(y * 100) to the variable x before adding x to sin(y * 100). This would cause the result of the expression to be 2 * sin(y * 100).

Workaround: Install VeriStand 2011 f1 or Veristand 2011 SP1 f1 Patch

Reported Version: 2011  Resolved Version: 2011 SP1  Added: 07/20/2012

FPGA and DAQ devices don't slave to RTSI 0 when timing and sync device is specified as timing master
If you have a timing and sync device in the system definition and you specify it as the timing master on the chassis page it is expected to export a clock on RTSI0. In the FPGA template the boolean "use external timing" is set to true on FPGA devices when they are supposed to listen to RTSI0 for a sample clock. This works unless a timing and sync device is set as the chassis master. Then, this bool does not get set true. So the FPGA devices run free and unsychronized to the timing and sync device For DAQ devices, if a timing and sync device is set as the master, they will throw an error at start up (-200714) indicating they failed to transfer data to the host.

Workaround: FPGA: Hard code your FPGA to listen to RTSI triggers (always be slaves to RTSI) by ignoring the "use external timing" bool and use a constant instead. DAQ: No work around

Reported Version: 2011  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 07/20/2012

XNET Bus Monitor uses the wrong network adapter if there are multiple adapters on a machine
When using a development computer with multiple network interface cards it's possible that the VeriStand XNET Bus Monitor will listen on the wrong network adapter.

Workaround: Disable the network interface card that is not used with NI VeriStand.

Reported Version: 2011  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 07/20/2012

NI VeriStand Experiences a Significant Delay When Loading under a Network Connection without Internet Access
You may experience a significant delay when loading NI VeriStand, Stimulus Profile Editor or System Explorer under certain network configurations. This behavior is due to our .NET authenticode-signed assemblies. Verification of these assemblies requires connecting to the network to download the trusted certificate.

Workaround: NI VeriStand.exe, Stimulus Profile Editor.exe and System Explorer.exe may be configured to ignore downloading the authenticode certificate. Place the following three files in the same directory as the NI VeriStand.exe. You will be prompted to replace the Stimulus Profile Editor.exe.config file - select Yes to replace the file.

Reported Version: 2011  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 07/20/2012

Excluded/included frames do not save for Data Replay files
Adding excluded or included frames to a Data Replay File does not work correctly when using the Veristand UI. Frames can be selected but do not persist after saving the system definition.

Workaround: Use the .NET API to set up the System Definition to exclude frames

Reported Version: 2011 SP1  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 07/20/2012

Document last updated on 11/29/2012

Glossary of Terms


  • Bug ID - When an issue is reported to NI, you may be given this ID or find it on  You may also find IDs posted by NI on the discussion forums or in KnowledgeBase articles.
  • Legacy ID – An older issue ID that refers to the same issue.  You may instead find this issue ID in older known issues documents.
  • Description - A few sentences which describe the problem. The brief description given does not necessarily describe the problem in full detail.
  • Workaround - Possible ways to work around the problem.
  • Reported Version - The earliest version in which the issue was reported.
  • Resolved Version - Version in which the issue was resolved or was no longer applicable. "N/A" indicates that the issue has not been resolved.
  • Date Added - The date the issue was added to the document (not the reported date).