Remote Head Ultra-Fast Parametric I-V Measurement Device


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2-Channel, +10 V, +10 mA Remote Head Pulsed I-V Measurement Device—The RH-5460 is a parametric I-V measurement device for semiconductor process research and reliability testing. This device uses a bundled cable accessory to interface with the PXIe-5433 PXI Waveform Generator, a PXIe-5172 PXI Oscilloscope and up to two PXIe-4135 PXI Source Measure Units (SMUs). In fast I-V mode, you can generate arbitrary waveforms up to ±10 V, ±10 mA, or 20 MHz with integrated voltage and current measurements. Additionally, pattern generation mode features 50 Ω output impedance that you can use to to generate the fastest possible arbitrary waveforms up to ±5 V, ±10 mA, or 50 MHz without the current measurement abilities. Lastly, with the SMU mode, you can use the RH-5460 to perform general-purpose or low-current four-quadrant source-measure operations with simultaneous voltage and current measurements.