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Archived: NI VeriStand 2011 SP1 f1 Patch Details

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The following issues are addressed in the VeriStand 2011 f1 Patch

IDFixed Issue
350189Real time sequences which use the same variable on the left and right hand side of an expression may return the incorrect result. A more detailed explanation is shown below.
379680Nested sub-sequence calls in a single expression may produce incorrect results A more detailed explanation is shown below.

The following issues are addressed in the VeriStand 2011 SP1 f1 Patch:

IDFixed Issue
350189Real time sequences which use the same variable on the left and right hand side of an expression may return the incorrect result. A more detailed explanation is shown below.
379680Nested sub-sequence calls in a single expression may produce incorrect results A more detailed explanation is shown below.
364013Large .csv files can cause the Stimulus Profile Editor to crash with an out of memory exception.
364992Stimulus Profile Editor crashes when regional setting for a Decimal is a comma.

Issue 350189 and 379680:
Real-time sequence expressions may produce incorrect results if they have the same variable on both the left-hand side and the right-hand side of the equation, and the right-hand side of the equation also contains other compound operations.

For Example:  x = x + sin(y * 100). This example may apply the result of sin(y * 100) to the variable x before it is added to sin(y * 100), causing the result of the expression to be 2 * sin(y * 100).

Real-time sequence expressions might produce incorrect results if they have nested sub-sequences in a single expression.

For Example: x = subsequence1(subsequence2(y)) . This expression, where subsequence 1 and subsequence2 are both real-time sequences, can result in an incorrect result for x.

This behavior can cause incorrect results in real-time sequences. NI recommends that every VeriStand 2011 and Veristand 2011 SP1 user apply the VeriStand 2011 f1 and VeriStand 2011 SP1 f1 patch respectively.

To test if a real-time sequence is affected by this issue Real-Time Sequence Checker Tool to test your real-time sequences.  If any sequences are affected contact NI to determine the effect of the described issue on the results of the sequence.

Related Links:

NI VeriStand 2011 f1 Patch 
NI VeriStand 2011 SP1 f1 Patch