TestStand Wireless Test Module 1.0, 1.0.1, and 1.1 and Wireless Test System Known Issues


This document contains the NI TestStand Wireless Test Module (WTM) 1.0, 1.0.1, and 1.1 and/or NI Wireless Test System Instrument Software (WTS Software) known issues that were discovered before and since the release of WTM 1.1. Not every issue known to NI appears on this list; it is intended to show the most severe and common issues that can be encountered.

Each issue appears as a row in the table and includes the following fields:

  • Issue ID - The number in at the top of each of the cells in the first column. When you report an issue to NI, you may be given this ID, you can also find IDs posted by NI on the discussion forums or in Knowledge Base articles.  "N/A" indicates that there is no ID assigned to the issue.
  • Issue Title (in italics) - Describes the issue in one sentence or less.
  • Problem Description - A few sentences which describe the problem in further detail. The brief description given does not necessarily describe the problem in full detail, and it is expected that you may want more information on an issue. If you would like more information on an issue, contact NI and reference the ID number given in the document.
  • Workaround - Possible ways to work around the problem. The workarounds that appear in the document are not always tested by NI and are not guaranteed to resolve the issue. If a workaround refers you to the NI KnowledgeBase, visit www.ni.com/kb/ and enter the KnowledgeBase number in the search field to locate the specific document.
  • Reported Version - The earliest version of WTM or WTS Software in which the issue was reported. If you discover the issue appears in an earlier version of WTM  or WTS Software than is reported in this field, report the discrepancy to NI to have the field updated.
  • Resolved Version - Version in which the issue was resolved or was no longer applicable. "N/A" indicates that the issue has not been resolved.
  • Date Added - The date the issue was added to the document (not the reported date).

Known Issues by Severity

The following items are known issues in WTM 1.0, 1.0.1, and 1.1 and/or the WTS Software, sorted by Severity.

583273In WTS Software, WLAN traces are not 0 when measurements are not enabled.
581719In WTM, administrator privileges are needed for palette generation.
581014In WTS Software, the LTE origin offset results may be higher than expected.
576794In WTM, sometimes smart limits for WLAN do not automatically update.
570100WTM Example Operator Interface does not display non-WTM steps.
582685In WTM, the standard TestStand report creation fails or crashes.
584038In WTS Software, an error may occur when setting the Reference Clock input continuously on the WTS-02 hardware model.
560856In WTS Software, the personality does not load if it is not fully activated.
560501In WTS Software, the instrument driver returns an incorrect instrument state.
583132Cannot install WTM on a laptop computer.
584069In WTM, the first time loading the Active System Configuration Editor can take up to 15 seconds.
581117In WTM, the WTM Example Operator Interface does not work.
584983In WTS Software, setting the WLAN signal generator idle time too high crashes the instrument.
582487The WTM Loopback DUT Manifest needs to be recreated after upgrading to a new version of WTM.
527869WTM only allows installation in the default installation path.
583918In WTS Software, the WTS scheduling chart displays the signal analyzer as active when it is waiting for a trigger.
549319Instrument memory leak when calling the *RST command using WTS Software.
549992Warning about task name "WTM_Setup" already existing in WTM.
545076In WTS Software, the instrument calibration date does not change when *CAL is called.
581014In WTS Software, the LTE origin offset results may be higher than expected.
546087First time starting the TestStand Sequence Editor after installing WTM may require administrator privileges.
546040In WTS Software, fetching results of an unmeasured session provides results that are potentially within specification.
550043In WTS Software, an instrument does not power off if not in idle.
543956In WTS Software, querying logical port names for physical port names is not supported.
554574In WTM, the default RF channel is incorrect on the Tx VHT and Rx VHT (802.11ac) WTM step.
553553In WTS Software, setting external frequency on WTS instruments without an external frequency reference port is not supported.
551892In WTS Software, a suffix value of 0 is equal to a suffix value of 1.
553115In WTM, Bluetooth step default limits may not be updated until parameters change.
549835In WTM, the hardware manifest cannot be loaded using the browse button (...).
548021In WTM, the hardware manifest cannot be created when instruments that are not connected are located in Measurement & Automation Explorer (MAX).
N/ANI Wireless Test System Getting Started Guide incorrectly identifies the WTS Ethernet ports in the Specifying IP Address section on page 7.
N/AIn the NI Wireless Test System Instrument Software User Guide, the <FftWindowType> parameter description is incomplete for CONFigure:RFSA:WLAN<i>[:MEASurement]:SEM:FFT:WTYPe.
N/AIn the NI Wireless Test System Instrument Software User Guide, the <PacketType> parameter description is incomplete for SOURce:RFSG:BLUetooth<i>:PACKet.
N/AIn the NI Wireless Test System Instrument Software User Guide, the <CdmaRFChannel> and <CdmaRFChannel[n]> parameter descriptions are incomplete.

IDKnown Issue
583273In WTS Software, WLAN traces are not 0 when measurements are not enabled.

When measurements are not enabled and you fetch a trace in WLAN, the results may not be as expected. For example, the results may be empty or return #0. The trace contains one element of NaN, which is translated to non-empty block data.

Workaround: Ignore the data if the measurement is not enabled.

Reported Version: 1.1  Resolved Version: 1.2  Added: 05/04/2016
581719In WTM, administrator privileges are needed for palette generation.

Depending on the computer settings, the WTM Palette Generation Tool may require you have administrator privileges.

Workaround: Open Teststand as an administrator. Right-click on seqedit.exe, and select Run as administrator.

Reported Version: 1.1  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 05/04/2016
581014In WTS Software, the LTE origin offset results may be higher than expected.

The instrument may have better origin offset than expected because the instrument has its own LO signal located at the center frequency.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 1.1  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 05/04/2016
576794In WTM, sometimes smart limits for WLAN do not automatically update.

If you change the Bandwidth parameter on any WLAN step from 20 MHz to any other value, in MHz, the SEM measurement bandwidth does not get updated.

Workaround: Update the limits manually.

Reported Version: 1.0.1  Resolved Version: 1.2  Added: 05/04/2016
570100WTM Example Operator Interface does not display non-WTM steps.

If the executed sequence contains steps other than WTM steps, the steps execute, but the status of the steps are not displayed on the WTM Example Operator Interface (OI).

Workaround: Use any shipping Teststand OI.

Reported Version: 1.0.1  Resolved Version: 1.2  Added: 05/04/2016
582685In WTM, the standard TestStand report creation fails or crashes.

Depending on the amount of test steps added to the sequence, the default TestStand reports may take longer than expected because of the amount of results to create, especially if HTML-based reports are used.

Workaround: Change to a simpler report format or set reporting to dynamic reporting.

Reported Version: 1.1  Resolved Version: 1.2  Added: 05/04/2016
584038In WTS Software, an error may occur when setting the Reference Clock input continuously on the WTS-02 hardware model.

An error may occur after consistently changing from the EXTERNAL to INTERNAL frequency reference using the WTS-02 model. Internally, the the VST1 changes the Reference Clock at the same time the VST2 does. However, the VST2 is connected to the VST1 REF OUT, and VST1 REF IN is connected to the WTS-02 external REF IN connector, which can cause a race condition.

Workaround: Reset the physical hardware and change the Reference Clock input setting again using the following steps:

2) Send *RST to all used virtual instruments.

Reported Version: 1.1  Resolved Version: 1.2  Added: 05/04/2016
560856In WTS Software, the personality does not load if it is not fully activated.

Within NI Licence Manager, a fully activated licence is identified by a dark green mark next to the personality name. If the license is not fully activated, the instrument will not load the personalty.

An activation of a personality indicated by a light green mark does not mean it is fully activated and therefore it will not load. A light green mark means that the personality will activate on the next use of the product, but the product requires the license to be fully activated before using it.

Workaround: Fully activate the license of the personality where a dark green mark is displayed next to the personality name in NI License Manager.

Reported Version: 1.0  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 05/04/2016
560501In WTS Software, the instrument driver returns an incorrect instrument state.

The instrument driver used by the WTM test steps caches the values that are sent to the instrument. For the correct state, it is important to always send an *OFF command before sending an *ON command. This is because the signal generator may have done finite generation, which does not update the cache of the instrument driver.

Workaround: Send the *OFF state command before sending the *ON state command.

Reported Version: 1.0.1  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 05/04/2016
583132Cannot install WTM on a laptop computer.

Sometimes the WTM installer does not run as expected on laptop computers when the laptop is running on battery power.

Workaround: Plug in the laptop to a power outlet. The installer will continue successfully.

Reported Version: 1.1  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 05/04/2016
584069In WTM, the first time loading the Active System Configuration Editor can take up to 15 seconds.

Allow the System Configuration Editor to fully load the first time for up to 15 seconds. The wait time is due to instruments loading in the VISA configuration in MAX.

Workaround: Wait 15 seconds.

Reported Version: 1.1  Resolved Version: 1.2  Added: 05/04/2016
581117In WTM, the WTM Example Operator Interface does not work.

If you do not enter the software license first within NI License Manager, the WTM Example Operator Interface (OI) appears and hides a dialog preventing the user from using WTM.

Workaround: Close the WTM Example OI and open NI License Manager. Activate the TestStand Runtime, and restart the WTM Example OI.

Reported Version: 1.1  Resolved Version: 1.2  Added: 05/04/2016
584983In WTS Software, setting the WLAN signal generator idle time too high crashes the instrument.

The instrument may crash with an out of memory error if the idle time is set to a number that is too high. The standard specific signal generator personalities use dynamic waveform creation based on the parameter you set. If you set the idle time too high, the waveform becomes very large and filled with zeros, which causes the software to run out of memory.

Workaround: Set the idle time to a realistic number, or use SOURce:..:STATe ON/OFF to start and stop generation.

Reported Version: 1.1  Resolved Version: 1.2  Added: 05/04/2016
582487The WTM Loopback DUT Manifest needs to be recreated after upgrading to a new version of WTM.

The WTM Loopback DUT Manifest changes over each version of the software to account for new capabilities and new technologies that are added. Therefore, the WTM Loopback DUT Manifest needs to be recreated if you upgrade to a new version of WTM.

When using an old WTM Loopback DUT Manifest, the returned error may be confusing since the number of elements might be different between the two loopback DUT versions.

Workaround: Recreate the System Configuration Manifest.

Reported Version: 1.1  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 05/04/2016
527869WTM only allows installation in the default installation path.

The WTM installer provides the option to change the installation path from the suggested location. However, if you select a non-default location, WTM no longer works as expected.

Workaround: Do not change the default WTM installation path.

Reported Version: 1.0.1  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 11/05/2015
583918In WTS Software, the WTS scheduling chart displays the signal analyzer as active when it is waiting for a trigger.

The signal analyzer is active when waiting for a trigger, and you cannot use it for anything else during that time.

Workaround: N/A
Reported Version: 1.1  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 05/04/2016
549319Instrument memory leak when calling the *RST command using WTS Software.

There is a small memory leak when calling the *RST command. Although the memory leak is small, the instrument eventually runs out of memory if you call *RST after every measurement. The instrument can execute several tens of thousands of *RST commands before running out of memory.

Workaround: Reset the instrument only when necessary. Upon reset, test the client to ensure you know the starting point of the instrument, and be aware of any parameters that may not have been affected by the reset.

Reported Version: 1.0.1  Resolved Version: 1.2  Added: 11/05/2015
549992Warning about task name "WTM_Setup" already existing in WTM.

When installing WTM 1.0.1 on a client that already has WTM 1.0 installed, the installer shows a command prompt with the following warning message:
Warning: The task name "WTM_Setup" already exists. Do you want to replace it <Y/N>

This warning message appears only if the system has not been restarted between installation of WTM 1.0 and installation of WTM 1.0.1.

Workaround: Close the window and ignore the warning. Installation continues successfully regardless of the warning.

Reported Version: 1.0.1  Resolved Version: 1.2  Added: 11/05/2015
545076In WTS Software, the instrument calibration date does not change when *CAL is called.

The instrument has several commands available for the client to call to perform internal calibration on the vector signal transceiver (VST) within the WTS instrument. Calling *CAL forces calibration to execute, but if you check the last calibration date and time in Measurement & Automation Explorer (MAX), it may seem like the instrument did not perform calibration because the last calibration time does not change on the VST(s) in MAX.

Internally, NI has several ways of running internal calibration on the VSTs, and the one executed when *CAL is called does not change the date. This does not influence the accuracy of the instrument, but it does mean that the WTS instrument itself cannot keep track of when any client called for calibration.

Workaround: In appropriate intervals, call for calibration using the *CAL or CALibration:RF:INITiate command to keep track of when a client called for calibration.

Reported Version: 1.0.1  Resolved Version: 1.1  Added: 11/05/2015
546087First time starting the TestStand Sequence Editor after installing WTM may require administrator privileges.

Depending on the operating system and security settings, WTM requires that some files move to the TestStand directories after the TestStand Sequence Editor opens for the first time after WTM installation. Moving the files requires administrator privileges, otherwise an error occurs regarding configuring wireless test module components.

Workaround: Close the TestStand Sequence Editor, and reopen it with administrator privileges. After the first use, open the sequence editor normally.

Reported Version: 1.0.1  Resolved Version: 1.1  Added: 11/05/2015
546040In WTS Software, fetching results of an unmeasured session provides results that are potentially within specification.

If you reset the instrument and fetch the results of a session that is not measured, you may receive values of 0.0 for all the doubles. However, 0.0 is sometimes a good result, such as in a frequency error measurement. This is also the case in situations where the instrument did not acquire the signal for some reason; for example, if the DUT did not transmit.

Workaround: Check the Status Byte Register by calling *STB? before using the fetched results. If only 2 EAV (error available) are set, there is an error in the error queue and you may get unexpected results. Fetch the actual error by calling SYSTem:ERRor[:NEXT]? or SYSTem:ERRor:ALL?.

Reported Version: 1.0.1  Resolved Version: 1.1  Added: 11/05/2015
550043In WTS Software, an instrument does not power off if not in idle.

If you start an acquisition on the instrument and immediately try to power off the instrument, the instrument does not power off because it is trying to complete two different commands. Note that the instrument is acquiring a signal when it is waiting for a trigger and is therefore not idle. Also, if you are acquiring a signal on any of the virtual instruments, the instrument software stack does not power off until all virtual instruments have stopped signal acquisition.

Workaround: Stop signal acquisition on all virtual instruments before powering off the instrument.

Reported Version: 1.0.1  Resolved Version: 1.1  Added: 11/05/2015
543956In WTS Software, querying logical port names for physical port names is not supported.

Querying if a logical port name is already in use, including what port it is connected to, is currently not supported.

Workaround: Query all ports defined in the instrument with the following commands:


Then check the returned list for defined ports.

Reported Version: 1.0.1  Resolved Version: 1.1  Added: 11/05/2015
554574In WTM, the default RF channel is incorrect on the Tx VHT and Rx VHT (802.11ac) WTM step.

The Tx VHT and Rx VHT step defaults to RF channel 1. Technically, RF channel 1 is not part of the band for the 802.11ac standard, and the DUT may not be able to transmit on this channel.

Workaround: Change the channel to a valid VHT channel. NI recommends channel 36, because this is the channel NI plans to change as the default.

Reported Version: 1.0.1  Resolved Version: 1.1  Added: 11/05/2015
553553In WTS Software, setting external frequency on WTS instruments without an external frequency reference port is not supported.

If you execute the command to set external frequency on a system that does not have a frequency reference port, an error may occur indicating an invalid parameter.

Workaround: Do not attempt to change the external frequency on an instrument that does not have an external frequency reference port.

Reported Version: 1.0.1  Resolved Version: 1.1  Added: 11/05/2015
551892In WTS Software, a suffix value of 0 is equal to a suffix value of 1.

In sequence mode, segment values of 0 and 1 are equivalent because SCPI-99 suffix values are based on a value of 1, and thus segment 0 is not supported.

Workaround: Do not use 0 as a suffix value anywhere when using WTS software.

Reported Version: 1.0.1  Resolved Version: 1.1  Added: 11/05/2015
553115In WTM, Bluetooth step default limits may not be updated until parameters change.

In some Bluetooth steps, including DBR, EDR, and LE, the default limits display does not update until a parameter changes. This can occur when the limits do not refresh properly.

Workaround: Change the parameters of the step (any parameter), to force a refresh on the default limits.

Reported Version: 1.0.1  Resolved Version: 1.1  Added: 11/05/2015
549835In WTM, the hardware manifest cannot be loaded using the browse button (...).

The hardware manifest does not load after clicking the browse button (...) within the WTM Manifest Editor after navigating to the File»New»System Configuration Manifest»Hardware tab Hardware Manifest section.

Workaround: Use the drop-down hardware manifest listbox.

Reported Version: 1.0.1  Resolved Version: 1.1  Added: 11/05/2015
548021In WTM, the hardware manifest cannot be created when instruments that are not connected are located in Measurement & Automation Explorer (MAX).

An error occurs if you try to create a hardware manifest while an unconnected instrument is present in MAX.

Workaround: Ensure that all the instruments you want to use are present in MAX and that no unconnected instruments are present in MAX.

Reported Version: 1.0.1  Resolved Version: 1.1  Added: 11/05/2015

NI Wireless Test System Getting Started Guide incorrectly identifies the WTS Ethernet ports in the Specifying IP Address section of the manual.

Workaround: Replace the text in the manual with the following corrected information:
You can specify an IP address for the WTS instrument using DHCP (default) or a fixed IP.
  • DHCP (left Ethernet port)
  • Fixed IP (right Ethernet port)
Reported Version: 1.0  Resolved Version: 1.1  Added: 06/08/2015
N/AIn the NI Wireless Test System Instrument Software User Guide, the <FftWindowType> parameter description is incomplete for CONFigure:RFSA:WLAN<i>[:MEASurement]:SEM:FFT:WTYPe.

Workaround: Refer to FFT Window Type Values for a complete description of the <FftWindowType> parameter values.

Reported Version: 1.0  Resolved Version: 1.2  Added: 08/06/2015
N/AIn the NI Wireless Test System Instrument Software User Guide, the <PacketType> parameter description is incomplete for SOURce:RFSG:BLUetooth<i>:PACKet.

Workaround: Refer to Packet Settings:Packet Type Property for a complete description of the <PacketType> parameter values.

Reported Version: 1.0  Resolved Version: 1.2  Added: 08/06/2015
N/AIn the NI Wireless Test System Instrument Software User Guide, the <CdmaRFChannel> and <CdmaRFChannel[n]> parameter descriptions are incomplete for CONFigure:RFSA:CDMA<i>:FREQuency:CHANnel, CONFigure:RFSA:CDMA<i>:SEQuence:SEGMent<i>[:SETup], and CONFigure:RFSA:CDMA<i>:FREQuency:CHANnel[n].

Workaround: Refer to the 3GPP2 Band Class Specification for cdma2000 Spread Spectrum Systems, available from the 3GPP2 website, for a complete description of the parameter values.

Reported Version: 1.0  Resolved Version: 1.2  Added: 08/06/2015

Document last updated on 12/7/2016

Contacting NI

Contact NI regarding this document or issues in the document. If you contact NI in regards to a specific issue, reference the ID number given in the document. The ID number contains the current issue ID number as well as the legacy ID number (use the current ID number when contacting NI). You can contact us through any of the normal support channels including phone, email, or the discussion forums. Also contact us if you find a workaround for an issue that is not listed in the document.

Glossary of Terms


  • Bug ID - When an issue is reported to NI, you may be given this ID or find it on ni.com.  You may also find IDs posted by NI on the discussion forums or in KnowledgeBase articles.
  • Legacy ID – An older issue ID that refers to the same issue.  You may instead find this issue ID in older known issues documents.
  • Description - A few sentences which describe the problem. The brief description given does not necessarily describe the problem in full detail.
  • Workaround - Possible ways to work around the problem.
  • Reported Version - The earliest version in which the issue was reported.
  • Resolved Version - Version in which the issue was resolved or was no longer applicable. "N/A" indicates that the issue has not been resolved.
  • Date Added - The date the issue was added to the document (not the reported date).