RTStand User Interface




The RTStand User Interface provides a user interface for automated testing with TestStand.

The RTStand User Interface is a software add-on that provides a user interface for the TestStand test process to standardize the test bench interface throughout test departments such as EOL test, lifetime test, EMC lab analysis, development validation, and more. The add-on features custom display options that do not require programming, customizable panels, and online reporting and report visualization capabilities. The add-on also includes user management functionality, database connectivity, and test sequence editing for fast data mining and error analysis. The RTStand User Interface uses UIM communication according to TestStand best practices for standard programming.

产品编号: 784268-35

本页面上的LabVIEW第三方附加软件由独立的第三方供应商提供,这些供应商对这些产品负全部责任。 对于第三方供应商提供的任何产品性能、产品描述、规范、参考内容或陈述,NI概不负责。 对于第三方供应商提供的产品、参考内容或陈述,NI不作任何明示或暗示的保证。