6 DOF Stewart Platform Control Library

Ovak Technologies




The 6 DOF Stewart Platform Control Library helps you implement 6 degrees of freedom (6DOF) Motion Platform kinematics processing and control in LabVIEW.

The 6 DOF Stewart Platform Control Library is a software add-on for LabVIEW that works with the Stewart Platform, which is a mechanism with 6 DOF. The Stewart Platform serves as a parallel manipulator with applications in flight simulators, machine tool technology, underwater research, satellite dish positioning, virtual reality, and more. The 6 DOF Stewart Platform Control Library helps you implement feedback control of the 6 DOF mechanism from LabVIEW applications. You can implement the 6 DOF mechanism based on two main principles: Servo motors and linear actuators. You also can use the add-on to configure both hardware types and implement the kinematical computations to control the real system or to use it in simulation. The Stewart Platform is available separately from other sellers.

产品编号: 785658-35

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