RFIC Test with STS and .NET/C# Course





The RFIC Test with STS Course helps you explore the basics of developing and modifying with RF test programs.

The RFIC Test with STS Course teaches you how to develop RF programs for testing radio, television, satellite, and cellular communication and more. You will learn how to create RF test programs using STS configurations that include the STS-5530 RF Subsystem, STS-5531 RF Quad Port Modules, and STS-5532 Port Control Modules. After completing this course, you will be able to use STS tester resources interactively to create, modify, execute, and debug RF test programs. This course will also teach you how to use STS configurations to collect test data. The RFIC Test with STS Course is recommended for developers familiar with the topics covered in the Test Program Development with STS and the Test Code Module Development with STS courses.


  • 形式:教室面授培训,随选课程(仅限.NET/C#学习)
  • 前提条件:掌握半导体测试策略和方法的基础知识,完成《STS测试程序开发》课程以及《STS测试代码模块开发》课程
  • 该课程也可以提供专门针对您公司的拟课堂培或者大众化的虚拟课堂培

产品编号: 910869-71

