Radar Suite

Constelli Signals Private Limited




The Radar Suite helps you create radar signal generation and analysis applications with LabVIEW and the LabVIEW FPGA Module.

The Radar Suite is a software add-on that provides VIs and examples for radar signal generation and analysis on the LabVIEW host and FPGA. This add-on supports NI RF and FPGA products including PXI Vector Signal Transceiver (VST), PXI Vector Signal Generator (VSG), PXI Vector Signal Analyzer (VSA), and USRP Software Defined Radio Devices. The Radar Suite includes CW, linear frequency modulated (LFM), Zadoff�Chu, and other functions with pulse-width (PW) and pulse-repetition interval (PRI) pattern calculator, chirp, Doppler estimator, and other VIs. The add-on includes examples that illustrate waveform generation, time, frequency, time-frequency domain analysis, and pulse and chirp measurements such as PW, PRI, rise/fall time, overshoot/undershoot, and chirp duration, rate, and bandwidth.

产品编号: 787606-35

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