Protocol Analyzer Educational Toolkit for myRIO

RAFA Solutions, LLC




The Protocol Analyzer Educational Toolkit for myRIO helps students become familiar with digital protocols and interfaces using the myRIO Student Embedded Device.

The Protocol Analyzer Educational Toolkit for myRIO is a software add-on for LabVIEW that includes demonstrations and exercises for digital protocols and interfaces such as inter-integrated circuit (I�C), serial peripheral interface (SPI), and universal asynchronous receiver-transmitter (UART). This add-on helps student learn about protocol basics, configurations, working mechanisms, and analysis methods by viewing and analyzing real data transmissions. The add-on implements transmission configuration and analysis on an FPGA. The Protocol Analyzer Educational Toolkit for myRIO includes help files with full protocol and exercise descriptions and report generation in PDF format. The add-on can support additional digital protocols with software updates.

产品编号: 784444-35

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