FPGA-Based Power Electronics SDK for LabVIEW

Opal-RT Technologies, Inc.




The FPGA-Based Power Electronics SDK for LabVIEW helps you develop HIL- and FPGA-based power electronics applications.

The FPGA-Based Power Electronics SDK for LabVIEW is a software add-on for LabVIEW that provides a library of functions and project templates. You can use it to create firmware to test the hardware-in-the-loop- (HIL-) and FPGA-based engine control units (ECUs) and controllers, such as CompactRIO and PXI hardware, found in power electronics applications. You can perform simulations of electrical and hybrid vehicles, microgrids, energy conversion systems, or motor drives. The FPGA-based Power Electronics SDK for LabVIEW can also be combined with the Electric Motor Simulation Toolkit for simulating different types of machines.

产品编号: 787370-35

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