FPGA-Based Power Electronics Add-On for VeriStand

Opal-RT Technologies, Inc.




The FPGA-Based Power Electronics Add-On for VeriStand helps you simulate power electronics circuits in real-time with NI real-time hardware.

The FPGA-Based Power Electronics Add-On for VeriStand is a software add-on that provides tools for hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) testing of electronic control units (ECUs) and controllers found in power electronics applications. With this add-on, you can perform the of electrical or hybrid vehicles, microgrids, energy conversion systems, or motor drives. You can use the add-on to import power electronics circuits built with The Mathworks Simscape Electrical (Specialized Power Systems) Toolbox, and you can simulate power electronics circuits with NI HIL systems in real time. The FPGA-Based Power Electronics Add-On for VeriStand also provides a user interface for configuration of I/O channels, generation of stimuli, visualization and recording of electric signals, and execution of test scenarios during simulation.

产品编号: 787613-35

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