1 DOF Copter Trainer Software





The 1 DOF Copter Trainer Software helps student learn the fundamentals of flight dynamics and control.

The 1 DOF Copter Trainer Software is a software add-on for LabVIEW. As a component of the 1 DOF Copter Trainer Kit hardware, this add-on helps students understand and experiment with the proportional�integral�derivative (PID) control architecture for the vertical take-off and landing of helicopter systems. With the add-on, students will become familiar with the implementation of PID control algorithms using LabVIEW. The add-on includes labs such as Components of 1 DOF Copter, Fundamentals of Pulse-Width Modulation, Control System Design and Verification, and more. The 1 DOF Copter Trainer Software also helps students create, modify, and test their own developed motion control algorithms on the myRIO Student Embedded Device. The 1 DOF Copter Trainer Kit hardware is available separately

产品编号: 787035-35

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