ZigBee Measurement Suite

MaxEye Technologies Private Limited




The ZigBee Measurement Suite helps you perform ZigBee and Thread generation and analysis.

The ZigBee Measurement Suite is a software add-on for LabVIEW. This add-on provides signal generation and analysis tools using PXI Vector Signal Generators, PXI Vector Signal Analyzer (VSA), or PXI Vector Signal Transceiver (VST) to test the physical layer and RF front end of the ZigBee and Thread devices. The add-on supports generation and analysis of signals according to the IEEE 802.15.4 standard MAC and PHY protocols as well as configuration of MAC and PHY layer parameters. You can use this add-on to perform demod measurements such as EVM, offest EVM, MER, frequency offset, IQ impairments, and spectral measurements including SEM, TxP, CW frequency offset, and more. The ZigBee Measurement Suite supports payload types such as PN sequence, user defined bits, test pattern, and from file.

产品编号: 784351-35

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