Pulse Train Generator for NI-RFSG

YEA Engineering, LLC




The Pulse Train Generator for NI-RFSG helps you create pulse sequences based on signal generators supported by the NI-RFSG instrument driver.

The Pulse Train Generator for NI-RFSG is a software add-on for LabVIEW that provides pulse sequence generation featuring compatibility with PXI RF Analog Signal Generators, PXI Vector Signal Generators, and the RF outputs of the PXI Vector Signal Transceiver. You can individually change pulse frequency, duration, amplitude, and start phase. The add-on supports five pulse types: Harmonic, square, sawtooth, triangle, and linear frequency modulation (LFM). You can use the generation mode script to dictate the signal�s behavior in the hardware output. Additionally, the Pulse Train Generator for NI-RFSG includes configuration VIs for creating, changing, deleting, writing, and reading pulse data files.

产品编号: 785794-35

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