Automotive Radar Signal Analyzer

YEA Engineering, LLC




The Automotive Radar Signal Analyzer helps you perform time and frequency domain analysis of frequency-modulated continuous-wave (FMCW) signals.

The Automotive Radar Signal Analyzer is a software add-on for LabVIEW based on the hardware architecture of thePXIe-5668 PXI Vector Signal Analyzer. With this add-on, you can analyze FMCWsignals generated by different types of radars, particularly by automotive radars that offer up to 200 MHz of bandwidth. You can perform the analysis of demodulated triangle and sawtooth chirps, CW tones and Off periods, and measurement of chirp, deviation, and linearity. The Automotive Radar Signal Analyzer also features signal recording for offline measurements and a spectrogram display.

产品编号: 785793-35

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