Algorithms after Dijkstra and Kruskal for Big Data and IoT Toolkit

Ovak Technologies




The Algorithms after Dijkstra and Kruskal for Big Data and IoT Toolkit provides shortest-path and minimum-spanning tree-finding algorithms.

The Algorithms after Dijkstra and Kruskal for Big Data and IoT Toolkit is a software add-on for LabVIEW. This add-on helps you find the shortest path between two points for vehicle routing problems, survivable network design problem, and more. It includes the autoconfig protocol for Ethernet bridging to avoid cycles in a network. The add-on�s features include approximation algorithms for NP-hardness problems, feature-learning for real-time face verification, image registration with R�nyi entropy, and model locality of particle interactions in turbulent fluid flows. The Algorithms after Dijkstra and Kruskal for Big Data and IoT Toolkit also helps you find the minimum-spanning tree of a graph.

产品编号: 784952-35

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