



VeriStand is software for real-time test applications, such as stimulus generation, data acquisition, and calculated channels and custom channel scaling.

VeriStand application software helps you configure I/O channels, data logging, stimulus generation, and host communication for NI real-time hardware. You can also import simulation models and control algorithms, respond to events with configurable alarms, and enable test automation with macro recording, TestStand, .NET, and other software. You can interact with and monitor application data, alarm states, and system execution metrics using a run-time editable user interface. Although you don't need programming knowledge, you can also use a variety of software environments such as LabVIEW, ANSI C/C++, Python, and ASAM XIL to add custom functionality to VeriStand.

  • 測試嵌入式軟體,包括硬體迴路 (HIL) 測試
  • 檢驗系統整合,包括 Iron Bird
  • 執行實體系統的模型架構測試


产品编号: 788373-35WM | 788373-35 | 788367-35WM | 788367-35 | 781067-35 | 781067-35WM

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