HIL Fundamentals Using Veristand Course




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The HIL Fundamentals Using VeriStand Course covers real-time test system development using VeriStand software.

The HIL Fundamentals Using VeriStand Course helps you learn the fundamentals of VeriStand features to develop test systems such as hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) test systems, dynamometers, or servo hydraulic test systems. This course provides a walkthrough for building a VeriStand test system that includes real-time simulation, hardware I/O, and alarming. You also will learn how to create and modify real-time stimulus profiles to stimulate a device under test (DUT) and log its responses to real-world conditions. After attending this course, you will know how to create a run-time editable user interface for real-time test systems. The HIL Fundamentals Using VeriStand Course is recommend for users executing and modifying existing test systems or evaluating VeriStand for their applications. Experience with Windows is required.

  • 測驗方式:課堂、虛擬與組合
  • 必備條件:有使用 Windows 的經驗,具程式設計經驗者尤佳

产品编号: 910817-71 | 910817-11 | 910817-69
