Industrial and Avionics Protocols Educational Software

RAFA Solutions, LLC

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Industrial and Avionics Protocols Educational Software helps students learn the basics of industrial protocols and interfaces.

Industrial and Avionics Protocols Educational Software, also known as InPEduS+Avionics, is a software add-on for LabVIEW that provides software-only support to help you work with PXI hardware. The add-on features exercises and demonstrations to aid in the understanding of the structures and operation principles of protocols including ARINC 429, MIL-STD-1553, AFDX, CAN, GPIB, I2C, Modbus, RS232, RS485/422, SPI, and TCP. For each protocol, the add-on provides one to three exercises and a demo to visualize the working mechanisms, such as data transmission and reception. You can use Industrial and Avionics Protocols Educational Software to create Microsoft Word reports for completed exercises.

Número(s) de parte: 785477-3520 | 785477-3510 | 785477-3503 | 784205-35

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