GTT LTE Radio Base Station Toolkit

Gefle Testeknik AB

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The GTT LTE Radio Base Station Toolkit helps you perform 3GPP-compliant measurements using radio base stations (RBSs).

The GTT LTE RBS Toolkit is a software add-on for LabVIEW. The add-on features measurement VIs that you can use to verify and test radio RBSs. Additionally, the add-on includes soft front panels for lab measurements and high-level APIs that you can use to create custom sequences or fully customize the soft front panels. You can use the add-on with RF signal analyzer and generator hardware such as the PXI Vector Signal Analyzer to cover different frequency ranges up to 20 GHz. The GTT LTE Radio Base Station Toolkit t includes VIs for common measurements as defined by the 3GPP standard as well as an uplink signal generation function to perform receiver measurements.

Número(s) de parte: 783662-35

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