SEA LTE-V Add-On for LabVIEW - Full API

S.E.A. Science & Engineering

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The SEA LTE-V Add-On for LabVIEW - Full API helps you monitor, manipulate, measure, and validate LTE-V communication.

The SEA LTE-V Add-On for LabVIEW - Full API is a software add-on that includes the combined functionality of the SEA LTE-V Add-On for LabVIEW - RF-Compliance API and SEA LTE-V Add-On for LabVIEW - Monitoring API. You can use this add-on to manage LTE-V communication for vehicle-to-everything (V2X) technologies. The add-on provides access to the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) Technical Specification (TS) 36.300 (Release 14/Mode-4 sidelink)/TS 36.521-1/TS 36.521-3 standard with an API for NI USRP Software Defined Radio Device and PXI Vector Signal Transceiver hardware, including a LabVIEW Functions palette, example code, and the Host Control Manager (HCM) for interaction with local communication hardware. Additionally, the SEA LTE-V Add-On for LabVIEW - Full API provides transmission of LTE-V packets, failure injection, monitoring of the data traffic, measurement and in-depth RF signal analysis and validation.

Número(s) de parte: 788656-35

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