LTE RRU Add-On for GTT LTE Radio Base Station Toolkit

Gefle Testeknik AB

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The GTT LTE RRU Add-on for GTT LTE Radio Base Station Toolkit helps you perform 3GPP-testing of Common Public Radio Interface (CPRI)-based radio remote units (RRUs).

The GTT LTE RRU Add-on for GTT LTE Radio Base Station Toolkit is a software add-on for LabVIEW that extends the capabilities of the GTT LTE Radio Base Station Toolkit. With this add-on, you can verify and perform analysis of transmitter and receiver measurements on radio remote RRUs based on the CPRI. The add-on features common transmitter measurements according to the 3GPP standard. You can send downlink data to the RRU over CPRI and analyze transmitted RF using the GTT LTE Radio Base Station Toolkit. You also can send uplink RF to the RRU, capture received data, and perform demodulation and bit rate error/block error rate (BER/BLER) measurements. The GTT LTE RRU Add-on for GTT LTE Radio Base Station Toolkit includes front panels and high-level APIs with which you can create and customize sequences and front panels.

Número(s) de parte: 784348-35

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