Offline Map API

Innovative Solutions

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The Offline Map API supports integration of offline maps in your LabVIEW applications.

The Offline Map API is a software add-on that helps you view and control maps within a LabVIEW application displayed on the XY Graph control. This add-on installs five zoom levels of Google satellite map with up to 24 levels available, enabling the API to work in offline mode without an Internet connection. The Offline Map API provides VIs that you can use to control maps, add, or remove objects such as lines, marks and text objects, and measure distances. You can add or remove objects that are grouped by layers; layers feature a visible zoom range, helping you to configure them to appear at a specified range and appear invisible outside that range. The add-on supports .jpg , .jpeg , .png and .gif formats.

Número(s) de parte: 784674-35

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