StellaNGC Plug and Play Add-On for Closed-Loop Trajectory

M3 Systems




StellaNGC Plug and Play Add-On for Closed-Loop Trajectory helps you to simulate GNSS signals by selecting date and trajectory while GNSS configuration is automated.

StellaNGC Plug and Play Add-On for Closed-Loop Trajectory is software that provides multi-constellation and frequency simulation and multi-antenna/trajectory functionality. It also helps you to perform generation of vulnerabilities such as multipaths, obscuration and atmosphere effect. In addition, you can use this add-on to return raw data availability, including post-processing analysis and differential corrections. StellaNGC Plug and Play Add-On for Closed-Loop Trajectory is well-suited for automotive applications (V2X, ADAS, AD�) as well as mid-end aerospace and defense applications. The software abstraction layer means that you do not need to upload RINEX files, so you can focus on your data of interest, while the software handles simulation details for you.

製品番号: 787924-35

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