OPC Data Access Client API for LabVIEW

Grovf, LLC




The OPC Data Access Client API for LabVIEW helps you access Open Platform Communications Data Access (OPC DA) server applications without OPC standard knowledge.

The OPC Data Access Client API for LabVIEW is a software add-on that works with both 32-bit and 64-bit versions of LabVIEW with the same assembly. This add-on features simultaneous and synchronous connection and operation support for multiple OPC servers. You can also use the OPC Data Access Client API for LabVIEW to create and manage OPC groups. The add-on fully supports the OPC DA 2.X/3.0 specification. Additionally, the OPC Data Access Client API for LabVIEW offers unlimited deployments.

製品番号: 786003-35

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