FM/Audio DAQ Applet

Wireless SOC Test, Inc.




The FM/Audio DAQ Applet helps you generate and capture FM/Audio signals with NI USB DAQ hardware.

The FM/Audio DAQ Applet is a software add-on for LabVIEW. This add-on works with NI USB DAQ hardware that have both signal generation and acquisition capabilities, such as Sound and Vibration Devices, Multifunction I/O Devices, and Counter/Timer Devices. With this add-on, you can perform mono and FM stereo generation and capture; and generate custom baseband and intermediate frequencies. The FM/Audio DAQ Applet supports integral nonlinearity (INL) and differential nonlinearity (DNL) digital-to-analog converter/analog-to-digital converter testing. Additionally, the add-on includes direct FM transmission capabilities.

製品番号: 782087-35

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