CompactRIO Database API for LabVIEW

Raima, Inc.




The CompactRIO Database API for LabVIEW provides database management for CompactRIO Controllers or CompactRIO Single-Board Controllers.

The CompactRIO Database API for LabVIEW is a software add-on that provides database APIs, VIs, icons, and help files. With this add-on, you can program data management functionality in applications deployed on CompactRIO hardware using either Microsoft Windows or VxWorks operating systems. The add-on features local data management for logging, history, and analysis, and peer-to-peer (P2P) operation and data sharing with global query across all nodes in a system. You can use one or more user-programmable FPGA-based hardware devices to store and share data without requiring connectivity to external database servers. Additionally, you also can use the CompactRIO Database API for LabVIEW to log and query events, capture streams, and share configurations.

製品番号: 783112-35

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