Interactively Controlling Switches Course

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The Interactively Controlling Switches Course covers the basics of setting up and maintaining switches in your system.

The Interactively Controlling Switches Course helps you understand the functions and roles of switches, as well as how to select the appropriate switches for your applications. This course teaches you how to set up and connect switches and validate the connection in Measurement & Automation Explorer (MAX). You also will learn how to programmatically control switches in LabVIEW, Switch Executive, and TestStand. Additionally, you will learn how to connect switch modules to PXI Chassis and other hardware, perform advanced procedures such as synchronization and X-wire switching, preserve the functionality of the switch with basic maintenance and troubleshooting, and more. The Interactively Controlling Switches Course is recommended for system integrators and production test engineers.

Besondere Merkmale der Funktion:

  • Format: Auf Anforderung
  • Voraussetzungen: Keine

* plus Hausaufgaben - durchschnittlich drei (3) Stunden pro Tag

Artikelnummer(n): 910931-71
