TestStand 2016 SP1 Bug Fixes


This document contains the TestStand Bug Fixes that were discovered before and since the release of TestStand 2016 SP1. Not every bug fix known to NI will appear on this list; it is intended to only show the severe and more common issues that have been addressed.

Each Issue appears as a row in the table and includes these fields:

  • Issue ID - the number at the top of each of the cells in the first column. When you report an issue to NI, you may be given this ID, you can also find IDs posted by NI on the discussion forums or in Knowledge Base articles.
  • Legacy ID (optional) -  If an issue has a legacy ID from NI's legacy/deprecated bug reporting database, you will see it appear on a separate line directly below the Issue ID in the table, or to the right of the Issue ID in the table of contents (separated by a space).
  • Issue Title: in italics - it describes the issue in one sentence or less
  • Problem Description - a few sentences which describe the problem in further detail. The brief description given does not necessarily describe the problem in full detail, and it is expected that you might want more information on an issue. If you would like more information on an issue feel free to contact NI (contact information below) and reference the ID number given in the document.
  • Workaround - possible ways to work around the problem. The workarounds that appear in the document are not always tested by NI and are not guaranteed to resolve the issue. If a workaround refers you to the NI KnowledgeBase, please visit www.ni.com/kb/ and enter that KB number in the search field to locate the specific document.
  • Reported Version - the earliest version of TestStand the issue was reported in. If you discover the issue appears in an earlier version of TestStand than is reported in this field, you can report that to NI (contact information below) to have the field updated.
  • Resolved Version - version the issue was resolved or was no longer applicable. If an issue has not been resolved "N/A" will be reported.
  • Date Added - the date the issue was added to the document (not necessarily the reported date)

Bug Fixes

The following items are Bug Fixes in TestStand 2016 SP1.

IDFixed IssueIssue Details
455368Offline Results Processing Utility may generate an error when processing results files from a test with looping on a Wait step configured to wait for a new threadThe Offline Results Processing Utility may incorrectly interpret results in certain cases where step looping is used on a Wait step that is configured to wait for a new thread. This behavior can cause certain results files to fail during report generation.
540378Type Properties dialog box is re-sized and missing buttons when Sequence Editor is at the top of secondary monitorOn a secondary monitor, that is configured in Control Panel to be higher than the main monitor, if the TestStand Sequence Editor is located in the top half of the monitor, parts of the Type Properties dialog box disappear. This issue occurs whether the monitor is in Landscape or Portrait mode.
573670The Property Selector tab is sluggish in dialogs for the Property Loader step type and Import/Export Properties toolOperations take longer than expected when loading and navigating on the Property Selector tab of the Property Loader settings panel and Import/Export Properties tool.

Note:The performance improvement included in the TestStand 2016 f1 patch, and later releases, introduces a change of behavior for an Import function/VI in a plug-in. Prior to this patch, the LoaderObjects object obtained from the SequenceFileLoader parameter passed to Import contained both a selected array and its array elements. Now, the object contains only the selected array but not its array elements.

Note:This issue affects the redesigned Property Loader included in TestStand 2016 and does not affect the legacy Property Loader included in TestStand 2014 SP1 and earlier.

Note: This issue is fixed in the TestStand 2016 f2 patch.
576877The "Edit Code" functionalities in the .NET Adapter cannot find function definitions that return void when attempting to use Visual Studio 2015N/A
577678File Differ incorrectly compares named elements of an object array instead of properly recognizing insertions, deletions, or movesIf the elements of an an object array are uniquely named and a file in the diff contains inserted, deleted or moved elements, the differ does not properly use the names of the elements in the comparison operation.
590467Clicking between different steps that reference VIs in the same packed project libaries (PPL) can cause the steps to take a long time to loadWhen you are using a large PPL, the load time for the PPL can be significant. In TestStand, if the modules are set to load when execution starts, clicking between different steps that reference VIs in the same PPL will result in this long load time for each step.
592179The Property Loader Import/Export Properties tool incorrectly enables controls relating to defining property selector groups when using Legacy pluginsLegacy plugins for the Property Loader feature do not support groups, and the Import/Export Properties tool incorrectly enables the Property Loader Groups section on the Property Selector tab.

Note:This issue affects the redesigned Property Loader included in TestStand 2016 and does not affect the legacy Property Loader included in TestStand 2014 SP1 and earlier.

Note: This issue is fixed in the TestStand 2016 f2 patch.
592270Import operation for a Property Loader step errors if the imported .csv file was modified by Microsoft ExcelA Property Loader import operation reports an error when trying to load a .csv file that was modified by Microsoft Excel:

Error in Property Loader Source: <Source Name>
Error in function 'GetImportPropertyItems'.
File Path: <Path to File>
Line No: 2
Description: Value of the group header in column 5 is empty.

This error occurs because Microsoft Excel appends commas to the .csv file and therefore the Property Loader plugin cannot read them.

Note:This issue affects the redesigned Property Loader included in TestStand 2016 and does not affect the legacy Property Loader included in TestStand 2014 SP1 and earlier.

Note: This issue is fixed in the TestStand 2016 f2 patch.
592493Property Loader does not import empty arraysNote:This issue affects the redesigned Property Loader included in TestStand 2016 and does not affect the legacy Property Loader included in TestStand 2014 SP1 and earlier.
592753When browsing to a UDL file for a saved connection, clicking OK in the browse dialog will add extra double quotes to the UDL pathNote:This issue affects the Database Viewer and the redesigned Property Loader included in TestStand 2016 and does not affect the legacy Property Loader included in TestStand 2014 SP1 and earlier.
592897LabVIEW Adapter raises runtime error when a step passes TestStand floating point enum value to matching LabVIEW ring controlLabVIEW enums throw a parameter mismatch for ring controls during runtime, even though the variable type was created using the "Create/Update Custom Data Type from Enum" dialog and the enumerations values match.

Note: This issue is fixed in the TestStand 2016 f2 patch.
593265Sequence Analyzer reports an 'Internal Error' when analyzing a broken VI with an enumeration on its connector paneThe Sequence Analyzer reports the following error when you analyze a broken VI that has an enum on the connector pane:

Internal Error: Error occurred in module 'NIAnalysisModules.dll:NIAnalysisModules::ValidateLabVIEWStep':

Note: This issue is fixed in the TestStand 2016 f2 patch.
594100Running an execution that uses model plug-ins reports type conflicts for some model plug-in data typesRunning a property loader example in TestStand 2016 incorrectly increments the version of some data types in the TestStand models, which may result in type mismatch errors when running subsequent executions.

Refer to the National Instruments KnowledgeBase article, KnowledgeBase 7BAGHMV5: Why Do I Get a Type Mismatch Error in my Process Model in TestStand 2016?, for more information about this issue and available solutions.

Note: This issue is fixed in the TestStand 2016 f2 patch.
595619Property Loader export operations error when using the Database Plug-in with the Property Loader Import/Export Properties toolThe Property Loader tool fails to create non-existing tables in the Oracle database and reports an error.

Note:This issue affects the redesigned Property Loader included in TestStand 2016 and does not affect the legacy Property Loader included in TestStand 2014 SP1 and earlier.

Note: This issue is fixed in the TestStand 2016 f2 patch.
597768Source files for some process model components cannot be opened.Opening any of the following projects results in an error about missing NI_Common.props:

597982Error -19007 occurs when using class member call and enabling the LabVIEW option Check for Broken VI'sIf a LabVIEW Action step is configured to Call Class Member and the setting Check for Broken VIs is enabled in the TestStand Deployment Utility, the build of a deployment fails and returns Error -19007.
598267Property Loader Alias names specified in the Import/Export Properties tool do not persist when dialog is closedNote:This issue affects the redesigned Property Loader included in TestStand 2016 and does not affect the legacy Property Loader included in TestStand 2014 SP1 and earlier.

Note: This issue is fixed in the TestStand 2016 f2 patch.
598397The CheckLimits expression function returns error -17502 when passing an array element for the low parameterWhen you pass an array element, such as Locals.MyArray[0], for the lower limit parameter of the CheckLimits expression function, the function returns the error -17502; System Level Exception.

Note: This issue is fixed in the TestStand 2016 f2 patch.
598487Numeric limit test fails unexpectedly when using comparison type EQT (== +/-) and a negative nominal valueNumeric limit test fails unexpectedly when you use comparison type EQT (== +/-) and a negative nominal value. For example, if your nominal value is -20, your upper and lower thresholds are 10%, and your measured value is -19, then the step will fail because the comparison performed is >= -18 AND <= -22.

Additionally, the limits associated with negative nominal values did not display property in step descriptions in the Sequence Editor and in generated reports.

Note: This issue is fixed in the TestStand 2016 f2 patch.
598800Line number in error message is incorrect when using Property Loader to import from an Excel file that contains invalid dataWhen you import data from an Excel file that contains empty lines between property groups and has invalid values for property objects, the resulting error message references an incorrect line number in the Excel file.

Note:This issue affects the redesigned Property Loader included in TestStand 2016 and does not affect the legacy Property Loader included in TestStand 2014 SP1 and earlier.

Note: This issue is fixed in the TestStand 2016 f2 patch.
599627Right-click context menu does not appear for files in the Distributed Files tab 
600403Customer analyzer rules may fail when analyzing arrays of referencesThe Sequence Analyzer incorrectly interprets arrays of references as arrays of containers, which may result in rule failing or erroring when incorrectly processing the array objects.

Note: This issue is fixed in the TestStand 2016 f2 patch.
602632Property Loader Excel Plugin does not properly escape newline and carriage return characters when performing export and Import operationsIn TestStand 2016, if the Excel property loader source contains "\\", after import the data in the variable will be "\\".

Note:For source files that contain created with TestStand 2016 prior to this fix, you must reexport string properties with slash, newline and carriage return characters, or manually escape the strings in the Excel source file.

Note:This issue affects the redesigned Property Loader included in TestStand 2016 and does not affect the legacy Property Loader included in TestStand 2014 SP1 and earlier.

Note: This issue is fixed in the TestStand 2016 f2 patch.
603148TSDU Build reports errors when Default Installation Base Directory is set to TestStand Public Documents Directory or TestStand Application Data DirectoryWhen building a TestStand deployment in TestStand 2016, if you set the Default Installation Base Directory as TestStand Public Documents Directory or TestStand Application Data Directory, three errors are thrown:
  2. -41 Invalid Path (The path <Not A Path> contains invalid characters)
  4. Input data has errors
  6. An internal Windows function returned an error

Note: This issue is fixed in the TestStand 2016 f2 patch.
606348Property Loader Database Plugin is unable to export data to databases when using ODBC connectionExporting data with the Import/Export Properties tool with an ODBC connection string will return the error "Column CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH does not exist".

Note:This issue affects the redesigned Property Loader included in TestStand 2016 and does not affect the legacy Property Loader included in TestStand 2014 SP1 and earlier.

Note: This issue is fixed in the TestStand 2016 f2 patch.
607170Using the Legacy Database Plugin to import properties leaks memoryThe Property Loader step memory leak rate is on the order of tens of kilobytes per iteration.

Note:This issue affects the redesigned Property Loader included in TestStand 2016 and does not affect the legacy Property Loader included in TestStand 2014 SP1 and earlier.

Note: This issue is fixed in the TestStand 2016 f2 patch.
608768XML and ATML reports with an EQT comparison incorrectly display INF threshold values as NAN 
608769Multiple Numeric Limit Test does not evaluate correctly for EQT comparison when the threshold or nominal value contains an expression, such as INF or Locals.VarThe Multiple Numeric Limit Test step fails to honor the Nominal Value set by the user if the low or high threshold is set to +/-INF. The step sets the nominal value to +/- INF after the step executes. Also, the Multiple Numeric Limit Test step fails to honor the Nominal Value if the value is specified using an expression.

Note: This issue is fixed in the TestStand 2016 f2 patch.
609106The Sequence Analyzer rule ValidateStepType returns an Invalid pointer error when TestStand cannot load a code module in a custom step typeNote: This issue is fixed in the TestStand 2016 f2 patch.
610470Selecting a VI path followed by a project path on the LabVIEW Module pane causes the Sequence Editor to hangWhen using the LabVIEW Module pane to configure a step to call a VI in a project, if you first specify the VI Path and then the Project Path, the Sequence Editor hangs and the you end the process.

Note: This issue is fixed in the TestStand 2016 f2 patch.
610970Tooltip help does not display and auto completion does not work for multiple expression functionsThe following functions do not autocomplete or have help tooltips:

  • ConvertColor()

  • CurrentUserHasPrivilege()

  • Evaluate()

  • FindFile()

  • RGB()

  • TargetName()

  • OutputMessage()

  • GetEngine()

  • #NoValidation()

  • Enum()

Note: This issue is fixed in the TestStand 2016 f2 patch.
612378Unable to deselect a property in the default group after loading prototype for Property LoaderAfter you load a prototype, when you select any variable that is not part of any group in the Property Loader source, the property goes into the 'Default Group'. Once the property is added in the default group, the property cannot be removed from the default property group.
613367Error -17502 occurs when passing an enumeration variable to a LabVIEW VI and the variable is a sequence parameter that was passed by referenceNote: This issue is fixed in the TestStand 2016 f2 patch.
613401LabVIEW Module tab errors when adjusting the column widths of the parameters controlIn some instances, when you attempt to resize the column widths in the Module tab of a LabVIEW Action step, the panel will error.

Note: This issue is fixed in the TestStand 2016 f2 patch.
613639Error -17001 occurs when editing multiple Sequence Call steps with enumeration parametersWhen you are editing multiple Sequence Call steps to a sequence in a separate sequence file and the called sequence specifies an enumeration parameter, a "Program Error" error window will appear repeatedly.

Note: This issue is fixed in the TestStand 2016 f2 patch.
614061The Sequence Editor Limits panel errors when selecting a custom Numeric Limit Test step based on an earlier version of the Numeric Limit step type from an earlier version of TestStandThe Limits panel incorrectly expects the custom Numeric Limit Test step to contain the Step.Limits.Nominal property.

Note: This issue is fixed in the TestStand 2016 f2 patch.
614194Using the array subscript operator in an expression is slowFor very large arrays, editing or programmatically accessing an array in an expression that uses the array subscript operator can take a significant amount of time. For example: Locals.NewArray = Locals.LargeArray[10..]
614968Closing Property Selector dialog launched from the Property Loader step settings pane displays errorClosing a Property Selector dialog launched from the Step Settings pane displays the following error:
"COM object that has been separated from its underlying RCW cannot be used."

Note:This issue affects the redesigned Property Loader included in TestStand 2016 and does not affect the legacy Property Loader included in TestStand 2014 SP1 and earlier.

Note: This issue is fixed in the TestStand 2016 f2 patch.
615591TestStand steps that reference LabVIEW class hierarchies can take a long time to load when refreshing step settingsTestStand steps that use the Class Member Call to reference large LabVIEW class hierarchies can take a long time to load when refreshing step settings.
615872Passing an enumeration parameter to a VI errors if the parameter is the current element variable of a For Each stepNote: This issue is fixed in the TestStand 2016 f2 patch.
616555Property Loader Properties View error when viewing attributes of container with Combined Sequences ViewThe Properties View errors when you use the Combined Sequences View and expand a non-empty container/array under Attributes.

Note: This issue is fixed in the TestStand 2016 f2 patch.
617216Error occurs when copying and pasting to expression control in Property Selector under Step Settings paneThe error "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" appears when you copy and paste an expression into the Property Selector under the Step Settings pane.

Note: This issue is fixed in the TestStand 2016 f2 patch.
617217Analyzer does not report errors for Property Loader step when invalid input file path is specifiedAnalyzer does not report errors when an invalid input file path is provided and no properties are selected for import in a Property Loader step.
617417After updating a TestStand enumeration data type from LabVIEW, the checkbox "Allow Objects of this Type to be Passed as LabVIEW Clusters" in TestStand gets resetAfter you update a TestStand enumeration data type from an Enum in LabVIEW, the "Allow Objects of this Type to be Passed as LabVIEW Clusters" option will be unchecked for the type in TestStand. You must re-enable this option, even though you had previously enabled it.
618269PropertyObject.Enumerators returns an exception if the sequence file is loaded with SequenceAdapter.GetSequenceFile and the enumeration type is not in the global type list 
619576Values for properties have incorrect values when you execute a LabVIEW step that performs a Property Node CallIf more than six properties are used for a LabVIEW step that performs a Property Node Call, several of the property values are incorrect when you execute the step.
619791Database logging incorrectly swaps the calculated limit values for the EQT comparison for Numeric Limit Test and Multiple Numeric Limit Test results when the nominal value is negative.For example, if your nominal value is -20, your upper and lower thresholds are 10%, the high limit logged is -18 and the low limit logged is -22.

Note: The TestStand 2016 f1 patch updates the default schemas that TestStand 2016 installs, and any custom schemas based on the TestStand 2016 schemas. TestStand corrects the Value to Log expression for the HIGH_LIMIT and LOW_LIMIT columns in the STEP_NUMERICLIMIT2 and PROP_MULTINUMERICLIMIT2 statements.

Note: This issue is fixed in the TestStand 2016 f2 patch.
625390Cannot select TS Object as parameter in a custom step with C/C++ AdapterWhen you try to select a TS Object as a parameter in a custom step, the field remains empty.
625858Type library for the PropertyLoader API is not installed by defaultThe type library for the PropertyLoader API is not being installed with TestStand, so the LabVIEW template for a PropertyLoader plugin cannot use the API.
627950Excel plugin will not import cell value properly if the cell uses formulaIf a cell includes a reference to another cell, the value that gets returned is the referenced cell's ID concatenated with the desired value.
632842TestStand will report a Debug Options Warning when closing the editor after changing certain Property Loader settings.When choosing a Target File setting other than 'Use Current File' in a Property Loader step, TestStand will not properly release the selected file and will report a warning when the editor is closed.
634667"Save as previous" produces sequence files that generate an error when running a subsequence"Save as previous" in TestStand 2016 makes Locals.ResultList properties non-deletable, which prevents sub-sequences from returning results in a version older than 2016.
638332Sequence Editor crashes when loading LabVIEW Module tab if TCP port is already in useSequence Editor crashes when loading LabVIEW Module tab if TCP port specified by Enable Debugging and Tracing option for LabVIEW adapter settings is already in use
644863The TestStand 2016 Property Loader errors when importing arrays of containers that have nested arrays of containers.This only occurs when 'Import All Properties From Source' is selected.

Glossary of Terms


  • Bug ID - When an issue is reported to NI, you may be given this ID or find it on ni.com.  You may also find IDs posted by NI on the discussion forums or in KnowledgeBase articles.
  • Legacy ID – An older issue ID that refers to the same issue.  You may instead find this issue ID in older known issues documents.
  • Description - A few sentences which describe the problem. The brief description given does not necessarily describe the problem in full detail.
  • Workaround - Possible ways to work around the problem.
  • Reported Version - The earliest version in which the issue was reported.
  • Resolved Version - Version in which the issue was resolved or was no longer applicable. "N/A" indicates that the issue has not been resolved.
  • Date Added - The date the issue was added to the document (not the reported date).