Smartphone and Cross-Platform Communication Toolkit

Tools for Smart Minds

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The Smartphone and Cross-Platform Communication Toolkit helps you publish data to multiple mobile devices and platforms.

The Smartphone and Cross-Platform Communication Toolkit (SCCT) is a software add-on for LabVIEW that helps you communicate with smartphones, tablets, and other platforms. With this add-on, you can create open solutions capable of exchanging data with multiple devices simultaneously. The SCCT includes platform support for Windows, Mac, Android, UNIX, iOS, and phone7, while supported languages include LabVIEW, .NET, Java, C, and Visual Basic. The add-on works with any TCP/IP connection and works over local area networks. Additionally, the SCCT features implementation of the observer pattern, authentication of subscribers through an API key, controlling of the state of connections to identify loss of communication, and publishing of GPS coordinates to manage mobile systems. Other product and company names listed are trademarks or trade names of their respective companies.

Numéro(s) de référence : 782013-35

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