SDLC Toolkit for LabVIEW with Transmitter External Clock and NRZI Encoding

RAFA Solutions, LLC

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The SDLC Toolkit for LabVIEW with Transmitter External Clock and NRZI Encoding helps you work with the SDLC data communication protocol.

The SDLC Toolkit for LabVIEW with Transmitter External Clock and NRZI is a software add-on that provides a library containing FPGA VIs for data transmission (TX) and reception (RX). With this add-on, you can integrate the Synchronous Data Link Control (SDLC) data communication protocol in LabVIEW. This add-on supports standard, non-return to zero (NRZ) and NRZ inverted (NRZI) line encoding methods. The add-on also features external transmitter clock support. You can use the included VIs to implement cyclic redundancy check (CRC) calculation, forward error correction, and bit stuffing or unstuffing on the FPGA. Additionally, the SDLC Toolkit for LabVIEW with Transmitter External Clock and NRZI supports a data rate range from 110 baud to 10 Mbaud with a configurable baud rate.

Numéro(s) de référence : 787623-35

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